One Jar of Happiness [1/3]

Feb 23, 2013 23:58

Title: One Jar of Happiness
MyungYeol, slight!WooGyu (if you squint your eye past the greasiness)
Rating: PG-13 (for sexual references, very troubling, yes.)
Special Warnings: Silly humor and a horny Lee Sungyeol
Summary: Myungsoo decides that Sungyeol is an alien; because in his head only aliens have breasts on their knees.
Author's Note: I've been reading a lot of fics lately, and it inspired me to write a manly Sungyeol who likes porn and beer and stuffing himself with americanos. Because I don't like him girly. Besides, he always has weird sexual references and the only one who gets them is Myungsoo. Weirdos - the two of them. Anyhow this fic is basically where Sungyeol is an average teenager man with a dirty mind, and Myungsoo is in denial (most of the time).
Excuse Author's grammar mistakes... I'm not a native english speaker - so they pop up here and there. ;~;
Thank you AnnieMarrizza for the banner - YET AGAIN, lol. stop reading my fics and go study now.


Between performances and stages, there’s a lot of Sungyeol that nobody bothers to see.
Like the tired Sungyeol without any makeup that has large black circles underneath his eyes. Or the Sungyeol that eats snacks underneath his pillow because he’s greedy and eternally hungry and he doesn’t want to share. The Sungyeol that would kill for coffee. The Sungyeol that sometimes sits inside his rack of clothes and gets so frustrated because he can’t chose what to wear that he damns it all to hell.
Nope, that Sungyeol - who’s less glowing, less funny and less graceful, is the Lee Sungyeol only Myungsoo knows (yes, okay, other group members know that too). And for better or for worse, he likes him a lot better without make-up, eternally inside his coffee cup and forever hungry, neurotic and cranky. For no reason at all. Probably because it’s a side of him that he can keep to himself, and not share with a humungous batch of girls that like him because he’s tall or funny or has a mole on his neck.
There’s also a part of Sungyeol which warms up only to him; a warmer, softer side. When he talks in whispers when he’s exhausted, when he slips a hand on his back just because he feels like it, when he leans his head on his shoulder on a ride in the van.
Myungsoo’s palms always get sweaty, and his heart races against his ribcage restlessly. His stomach clenches and sometimes his toes itch and curl up. There’s also this lightness, like tingling in his fingertips; that feel a lot like something magical and beautiful that he cannot explain verbally.
Dongwoo says it happens because Sungyeol gives him constipation.

Woohyun starts the rumor of them dating their stylists because he says they sound like a bunch of sissies who are more interested in flicking each other asses than flicking a girl’s ass.
It’s probably because every time they win an award they start crying (or see each other’s face and start crying) and stand speechless and disbelieving on the stage like a bunch of golems (Myungsoo doesn’t understand why Woohyun makes such a fuss, since he’s usually the one who cries the most, burying his face in Sunggyu’s shirt). Worse part is that they talk more about each other than their so-called ideal types and the girls they would like to date.
For weeks, as the rumor spreads in the studios, their coordination Noonas and Stylists glare daggers at each other. They dim every touch longer than needed and every whispering a clue, as if it’s all some big mystery. They suspect each other, thinking that neither will admit to it unless they corner her.
They all make no comment when asked about it, as instructed, until Sunggyu, cranky from a long day finally says; “We don’t have time to love so quit yapping bullshit.” It’s not the words that make the impact, but how he says it, in a harsh, cruel tone that makes his make-up Noona want to take her words back.
After that, it mostly stops.
“It was a futile attempt anyway.” Sungyeol says in the evening, while taking off his socks; “How can we possibly date someone when the only free time we have is two-three hours in the dorm - which usually are spent on sleeping. Logically it sounds like we found our soul-mates in our pillows.”
Myungsoo snorts from his spot beside the stand.
“Still, though. It’s kind of lonely, isn’t it? When it’s just the seven of us,” Dongwoo mentions from his bed, clad in green alligator pajamas Sunggyu and Woohyun gifted him last year for his birthday. (Woohyun probably just forgot to buy a present and joined in with Sunggyu). “I mean, it’s always kind of been the seven of us against the world, but-”
“Oh come on, Hyung, we’re stuck in each other’s butt so much, sometimes I have a difficulty to determinate which limb is mine and which is Myungsoo’s.”
“That doesn’t mean we can’t find happiness with someone outside of the group.” Dongwoo argues lightly, as if he’s trying to console Sungyeol.
“I’m all in favor to finding happiness with someone, but if we’ll be realistic here for a second, we don’t have time for it. I don’t think you can define it happiness if you see a girl for ten minutes, can’t go with her on a date, or just holds hands with her in public. We all knew what we were signing up for.”
It sounds a lot like a slap on the face, and Dongwoo looks a little miserable when he realizes Sungyeol is right.
Myungsoo sits down on Dongwoo’s bed and rubs his back; “Don’t worry, Hyung, you have everything you need right here in this room.” He says, and then glances at his best friend on the other bed. He looks like his curiosity is piqued. “Sungyeol could make a great girlfriend; he has PMS and gets angry at silly stuff and puts tons of make-up although he doesn’t need any. He’s also funny and bipolar, so that’s like the package of buy-one-get-one-for-free.”
Dongwoo laughs, but Sungyeol makes a face at him and throws a pillow at him. Myungsoo throws it back.
“Kind of sounds like the perfect girl for you, Myungsoo,” Dongwoo says.
“Yeah, if I would make such a good girlfriend, why don’t you date me?” Sungyeol narrows his eyes at him, a clear invitation for a challenge, and Myungsoo never backs down whenever it concerns Sungyeol, only then the guy raises his hands to his chest; “I’d even let you touch my invisible boobies. They’re so soft you’d get an orgasm just from groping them. That’s how much of a good girlfriend I’m going to be.”
Dongwoo bursts into laughing again.
“I might just go ahead and do it,” Myungsoo says, only half jokingly, not really sure why.
“Fine then!”

On one of those tiring days that seem to have no ending, they are allowed to some free time before curfew.
They come back to the dorms still wide eyed from the adrenalin of the stage, and Sungyeol washes his face off all the make-up and makes a bun on top of his head because his hair has grown too long, and argues with Sungjong about the remote control.
When he’s back in the room, in some slack shirt and a pair of boxers, Myungsoo is in the middle of focusing on a new game on his iPad. “I want to eat.”
“There are some noodles in the fridge.”
“There are no noodles in the fridge, and manager-Hyung refuses to order in because we ate bibimbap today.”
Myungsoo looks up from the screen, and notices that he’s sitting beside him, and he looks domestic and relaxed. His shoulders are slumped slightly, and he looks up to him with hopeful eyes.
He sighs, and goes up his closet, to find a secret stash of chips, and gives it to Sungyeol, crushing down on the mattress beside him.
“Yay!” He looks overjoyed, as if it’s the answer to all his problems, although they both know very well he’s going to be hungry in half an hour’s time.
“You should thank me for being such a nice boyfriend.” He says out of the blue, surprising himself when he blurts it out.
Sungyeol looks like he didn’t get the joke, cheeks full of food, and maybe it would’ve been for the best to let it go, but he continues; “You didn’t even let me touch those invisible boobies, and I gave you chips. I should be nominated for the boyfriend of the year.”
He swallows his food, and laughs; “Yeah, you should get a noble prize for that one, if they were giving out noble prizes for good boyfriends.”
“So, how does this work? Am I going to touch your tits or what?”
“On the first date? Dude, you’re such a douche. I’m not that kind of girl.”
“Let’s me just put it out there that you’re not even a girl.”
Sungyeol makes a face, then collects his long legs to himself, and puts them underneath his shirt. “There,” he says and looks down. “Boobies.”
His knees that stick out of his shirt, kind of, do look like boobies, but Myungsoo chooses to snicker and shake his head.
“Don’t be a pussy. Just touch them, you won’t regret it.”
“Are you serious?”
Sungyeol looks annoyed; he grabs his hands and places them on his (fake) tits.
Myungsoo isn’t sure what to make out of it besides how hilarious and weird the situation is.
“Well?” Sungyeol says after a long minute of silence. “Orgasmic, right?”
“They’re kind of hard for tits,” Myungsoo admits.
Sungyeol slaps his hands away. “You just removed yourself from the good boyfriends list, buddy.”
“Are you offended? You do understand they’re not actual boobs, right?”
“You could’ve played along. You have crap imagination.”
“Can I try again? I promise to grope them better this time.”
Sungyeol makes a dramatic sigh, as Myungsoo is tiring him, then nods.
Myungsoo decides to slide his hand up Sungyeol’s leg, but it comes out exceptionally soft until he lands on the knee. It’s not intended, and although they’re playing, he wants to gentle with Sungyeol, because the times they share skinship are rare, and sometimes when he’s tucked under his blanket in his bunk bed, it’s all he ever thinks about.
He gives a tiny squeeze. “Oh wow,” he says, then finally looks up to Sungyeol’s face.
Unexpectedly, the expression on his face is something akin to surprise. It’s not something he saw before, so he’s not sure if he should continue or remove his hands.
Sungyeol swallows thickly, and regains a more controlled expression when he tears his eyes away from Myungsoo’s.
“Look at me, letting you get to second base on the first date.” He shoves his legs out of his shirt and spreads them on the floor.
“Don’t you think our first date is kind of weird…? I mean, it’s in a bed-room.”
Sungyeol nods. “It does seem weird. I must look like such a slut.”
“You don’t.” Myungsoo reassures.
It gets a little quiet after that, so Myungsoo says; “When are we going out on a second date? My schedule is kind of tight, so we have to make plans beforehand.”

He leaves for his show a little earlier than everybody else go to schedule(Dongwoo thankfully wakes up for a morning jog with Sungjong and Hoya and remembers to shake him before he goes), after chattering with Woohyun about some part he has to play on the set.
In the van, when he’s trying to pretend to be awake, he gets a message.
“Didn’t even say goodbye to your boyfriend. I’m so offended right now.” From; Sungyeol
Although his eyes were slipping closed moments ago, he feels slightly awake and giddy all over.
Usually Sungyeol wouldn’t bother, but he went out of his way to send him something before his schedule, and it was more than enough to brighten his morning.
“Oh, so now you’re a boyfriend? I still remember the feeling of your tits in my hands…” To; Sungyeol.
He doesn’t reply, up until they park the car near the studios. When he goes out of the car, still expecting his phone to buzz with life with a crooked half smile on his face, the manager-hyung clutches onto his nape as he leads him through to the studios.
It snaps him back to where he is, and how he should behave and what the fans are expecting, when they stand there, signs raised, curious faces and short uniform skirts, early before they go to school.
He tucks his phone away, keeping a stern, blank look, and covers his eyes with his sunglasses, before getting into the building.
He doesn’t have the time to check his phone, and although at first he pretends he doesn’t want to, sooner or later he just forgets it exists between mispronounced lines and facial expression he’s not used to make. The shooting ends somewhere near evening.
Sungyeol sent only one message, and it was approximately around the time the guys were probably having lunch.
“That sounds so disgusting it’s almost erotic.” From; Sungyeol.

They don’t eat much, and sleeping is a privilege.
Practice, vocal lessons, performance, shooting, photo-sessions. Sungyeol laughs at one of the variety-shows, then becomes a ruthless sportsman for the stills-camera, then his voice is put on a test until he’s frustrated, and after all that, he still has to stretches his long limbs, slapping Sungjong’s chest playfully as the they laugh at something, and move accordingly to the music almost perfectly, making no mistake as if it’s magic. And maybe it is magic, it’s something their bodies are used to, a routine they must do more than eat and sleep.
Myungsoo is tired himself, but it goes unnoticed; his attention is to how Sungyeol watches himself move, hand up, hand left, hand down the thigh, hand back up again, leg, leg, leg. Hand point. He almost mouths it to himself as he goes.
It’s funny, but for some odd reason, all he thinks about is how they’re in sync.

They have a Friday off, and the CEO spoils them with going to some restaurant with Daeryong and Soryong and other trainees. Sungyeol pretends he doesn’t care, and shrugs it off when Woohyun asks him if he’s looking forward to seeing his little brother.
But Myungsoo sees how he’s rushed to get collected, and gets a little nervous before actually going out. He’s probably really excited to see his little brother, and is bummed up when he doesn’t see Daeyeol around the large room.
Figures he couldn’t come. He’s still a student in high-school, and fitting in his training and learning didn’t leave him much time.
Sungyeol spends the first 15 minutes texting his brother about being a lame-ass and staying at home.
“He’s a really good student,” Sungyeol says, as if he has to reason why Daeyeol didn’t come; “He stays up to learn.”
Myungsoo nods, and hides a smile, and turns back to the beer bottle and Sungjong’s gossips and Dongwoo’s loud laughing.
Somewhere in the middle, he turns around, and Sungyeol who was sitting next to him wearing a childish pout is gone, and replaced with a Sungyeol with a huge grin and a lot of hand-movements. Some female trainees sat down next to them, and Sungyeol was over vividly describing them how Myungsoo falls off his bed in the morning, and always trips on the carpet.
He nudges his sides a little when Sungyeol gets to the part where he walked in on Myungsoo peeing and Myungsoo got so surprised that his aim on the toilet got… a little averted.
The girls glance at him and start to giggle between themselves, giving him quick glances before turning to each other.
Sungyeol leans down his ear; “Don’t be jealous, they’re only interested in you. Like always.”
“I’m not jealous.” He says; “Why should I be jealous? I have a secret weapon to turn you on.”
Sungyeol laughs, and his breath smells a little of beer. “A secret weapon? Are you going to let me finally download the full version of angry birds on your iPad? Because that would totally turn me on.”
(Sungyeol is going nowhere near his iPad because last time Myungsoo let him touch it, he downloaded Farm Frenzy and registered under the name; “L.KimLikesDick” and every other second, it’d get a notification with; “L.KimLikesDick, your shipment arrived!” and “Log in for more fun, L.KimLikesDick!”)
Myungsoo clears his throat and slides his hand down Sungyeol’s thigh, and stops on his knee. He squeezes it and says; “I’m touching your boob while everybody are watching.”
Sungyeol abruptly bursts into laughing.

It’s like a game they play.
It doesn’t mean anything.
It’s mostly just to make Dongwoo laugh before bed.
They’re not actually dating.
He’s not sure why they keep it up even if it’s not when Dongwoo isn’t there to listen and to see.
It’s like fooling around about a new topic that doesn’t concern girls in skanky dresses or Woohyun’s greasy mouth.
The only dilemma here is that they’re not sure where to stop. Like how to differ the joke from reality.
It’s more difficult than it looks, because most of the things Myungsoo does or thinks, are… well. Honest.
It’s not like they’re confessing love or anything, but sometimes he throws a; “nice ass” when Sungyeol bends down looking for a sock or a shirt in his rack (his butt just sticks out in the air) and it comes out naturally before he can stop himself. Sungyeol always turns around sharply, face twisted into a frown (something between anger and worry), and the glare is enough to make Myungsoo get back to whatever he was doing before he noticed said ass sticking out (apparently he was checking to see if the bunk-bed was steady).
Other times Sungyeol snaps something like; “I’m a man in a commitment” when asked to comment about SECRET’s new dance, and Myungsoo seeks for his eyes for confirmation, but either he avoids his gaze, either he doesn’t make a big deal out of it. Probably the latter.
Myungsoo doesn’t make a big deal out of it either.
It’s fooling around, and they just need to establish how far they go, and as long as it stays in the boundary of fun, it’s okay.

He comes back with Sunggyu from a variety show pretty late, but despite it, the rest of the guys aren’t home yet, and Myungsoo, still in the expensive clothes he wore for the camera, with the smudged eyeliner, the layers of make-up and the gel in his hair, crushes on Sungyeol’s bed.
Sunggyu comes to call him for dinner. He slaps his cheeks a few times (gently), but Myungsoo pushes his hand away. And Sunggyu, irritated for some odd reason goes back to the living-room.
When the rest of the members come back, they’re noisy and Hoya immediately slams the door of the bathroom after himself. Sungjong whines that he’s hungry. Dongwoo is laughing. Sunggyu is nagging that Woohyun should get off him because he’s tired.
Dongwoo comes to the room to change, a sandwich already hanging from his mouth. He takes pity on Myungsoo and covers him up, but Myungsoo mumbles a; “I’m awake,”
“I know you are,” Dongwoo’s voice sounds a lot like his mother’s when he talks like that, and Dongwoo’s soft hands leave a gentle stroke on his hair before he leaves.
Myungsoo turns to the wall, hugging the pillow to himself and feeling generally lazy. He doesn’t want to get up just yet.
Sungjong yells girlishly when Sungyeol takes the remote control from him. He can hear the two of them having a slapping-each-other’s-hands-like-ten-year-olds and Sungyeol screams when Sungjong bites him. Dongwoo is laughing again. Hoya goes out of the bathroom and flicks Woohyun’s ass with the towel as he takes his turn in the shower.
“Could just act like grown-ups for one second? One second! You put your stinky foot in my food!” Sunggyu sounds even more annoyed.
“Hyung, you’re not a grown-up yourself, your boxers are sticking out and they have Pokémons on them!”
“Did you steal my Pokémon boxers again?!” Sungjong demands.
“Those are my Pokémon boxers; yours are blue and have Squirtle on them! I have Charmander!”
“The fact that you know their names makes you look like such a grownup. We’re all in awe.”
“Shut up! You have digimon pajamas!”
“That’s because Digimon is so much cooler than Pokémon! They actually have some plot going on!”
Myungsoo groans and wishes Dongwoo would’ve closed the door after he left.
He turns and shifts a few times, trying to hide his ears underneath the pillow.
Sungyeol finally comes to the room after fighting with Sunggyu a little more (but you can’t fight with Sunggyu after Woohyun comes out of the bathroom, because he’s just as sharp-tongued as Sungyeol, and will not hesitate to bite back when it concerns his precious leader).
He closes the door.
“Hi, are you awake?”
Myungsoo turns away from the door. He’s somewhat awake.
“Are you really asleep? Where am I going to sleep, then?”
Myungsoo is about to snap that Sungyeol can sleep on the moon for all he cares, but Sungyeol suddenly sits beside him on the bed.
For some odd reason, he freezes, and his eyes refuse to open.
Sungyeol pokes his chest, like how you usually do to check if something’s dead, but then his long fingers just spread on his cotton shirt.
They slide up, above his chest to his collarbone.
Myungsoo can feel Sungyeol’s weight shifting on his hand.
Sungyeol leans down to kiss him.
It’s not a real kiss, just sort of like a soft peck, but Myungsoo’s heart races so fast against his chest, he’s sure that Sungyeol can hear it.
Sungyeol’s lips leave his own just as fast as they came, and although Myungsoo’s eyes are now wide open, he proceeds to get up and find some shirt and leave.
Myungsoo sits up, and puts his hand on his chest which still threatens to burst open, and then presses his fingers to his lips.
They’re still tickling as if touched by magic.

“What was that yesterday?”
Sungyeol is sipping his morning Americano while playing on his Smartphone; minutes before the house comes alive with a parade of half-asleep men (or zombies).
He always wakes up first because he’s a light sleeper and Myungsoo wakes up last because he would rather spend another minute by his pillow than arranging his hair or picking nice shoes for the day. But today was different, because yesterday Myungsoo crawled to his bed and stared at the ceiling until the room became lighter with dawn’s pastel pinks and yellows.
“What was what?” Sungyeol asks, and doesn’t even look up from his phone.
“You kissed me.”
Now he does look up. Myungsoo can almost hear the wheel of his brains screeching to a halt.
“No, I didn’t.” is his smart reply.
“Yes, you did.”
“Dude, you were probably having dirty dreams about me. Don’t sweat it; I know I’m that hot.”
“You kissed me,” He says out loud, then glances behind them at the set of closed doors before continuing slightly more quietly; “When I was sleeping on your bed.”
Sungyeol scoots a little closer, and presses a hand to his forehead. “There’s no fever…” he diagnoses; “But you’re delusional. I’m going to tell Sunggyu you need to rest.” He puts his coffee mug on the counter, before heading to the direction of Sunggyu’s room, but Myungsoo catches his wrist, eyebrows furrowed, and waits for a reply.
Sungyeol is silent for another long moment, and then he narrows his eyes at him. “Is this because of the boyfriend-girlfriend thing?”
“Shouldn’t you be asking yourself that question? It’s you who kissed me.”
He pretends he didn’t even heard what Myungsoo said, and puts a heavy hand on his shoulder; “Because it’s okay to like me. It’s only natural.”
At this point Myungsoo snorts and rolls his eyes. It’s like everything’s a joke to him, and he can’t get serious.
“In fact, I’m willing to go out of my way, because we’re best friends and all, and to play along.”
“Play along with what exactly?”
“With this whole boyfriend-girlfriend thing.”
“And what were you doing beforehand? Do you let every friend of yours touch your boobs?”
“Beforehand I was still slightly resisting to your advances.”
“What advances?”
“Anyhow, let’s just make a ground rule that your hand, or any other parts of your anatomy can’t go anywhere near my ass unless you want them amputated.”
“And what is this interesting conversation so early in the morning?” They both jump when they hear Woohyun’s voice, and proceed to stare at him in horror, as if he appeared out of nowhere.
Woohyun looks like the cat got the canary, as he walks past Sungyeol to the coffee machine.
“We were just discussing a movie we saw,” Sungyeol is quick to answer and Woohyun sighs happily. Then sniffs the air.
“What’s that smell?” He says. “Oh, wait; it’s the smell of pure, golden blackmail material. Wait until Sungjong hears about the parts of Myungsoo’s anatomy that go near your ass, Sungyeol.”
“Sungyeol started it. He let me touch his boobs.”
Sungyeol hits him. “You’re such an asshole.”

He’s not sure what was that all about, and he’s not sure if he should be awkward about it.
He probably should, but Sungyeol seems like nothing happened.
In fact, they don’t even talk about it all day.
It’s probably a joke.
Myungsoo tries to close his eyes and tries to get some rest, angry for getting so wrapped up in Sungyeol’s jokes. But at night, once the lights are closed, his fingers naturally crawl up to his lips.
It’s like they’ve been tainted. He can’t erase it.
His heartbeat quickens with the thought and his breathe needs to catch up with it.

Sungyeol is texting someone on the phone, sweaty, with a towel on his nape.
His hair is damp.
Hoya and Dongwoo are still practicing, because they have some a few extra songs on their routine since they’re going to debut soon.
“Um,” Myungsoo scoots over really slowly. “Can we talk?”
Sungyeol glances at him; “Sure, unless it’s about food. I’m starved and that will make me cranky.”
“Everything makes you cranky.”
“Everything makes you an asshole, and you don’t see me mentioning it.”
Myungsoo furrows his eyebrows and tugs at his sweatpants. “Could you be serious for a second,”
Sungyeol’s shoulders slump, and he pushes some of his sweaty bangs up, and scoots closer on the floor. “Sure.” He rephrases himself; “What’s up?” He even sets his phone back on the bench.
Myungsoo glances around to see that Sungjong is far enough to care.
“About, this, whole thing.” He mentions between them with his finger.
Sungyeol makes a face, and then mentions his own long finger between them. “This whole thing?” he mouths, then realization hits him. “Oh, that you’re having a crush on me?”
Myungsoo snaps; “I’m not-” then tries a different approach, with a calmer tone; “It’s you who has a crush on me.”
Sungyeol gives him that skeptic; ‘oh-really’ look, as if he’s judging him. “I’m going to just put it out there, that even your little brother calls you ‘the parasite on Sungyeol’s back’.”
“What? Leave him out of this, he just reached his rebellious phase, and he needs to let it out on somebody.”
“Look, you know what, stop making such a huge deal out of it, let’s just break up.”
“But we were never in a relationship in first place!” He doesn’t even realize he raises his voice, until the end of the sentence.
“Then what is this?” Sungyeol mentions between them with his finger. “Just some gesture you learned?”
“You kissed me,”
“So what? You wear my underwear. That’s like indirect rubbing crotches.”
Myungsoo feels his cheeks burn from how Sungyeol puts it, like some 15 years old virgin, and wonders why he hadn’t actually figured that fact himself, being a clean freak and all.
“So what?” He argues. “I wear Dongwoo-Hyung’s too.”
“Then you should buy yourself some new underwear, because that’s cheating.”
Myungsoo rubs his face to calm down.
“Okay, fine, you know what; call me when you grow up.” He gets up from the floor, too frustrated to actually talk about this.
“Call me when you stop wearing other people’s undergarments!” Sungyeol yells after Myungsoo.
“Because you’re Mr. Saint who never wore anybody’s underwear!” Woohyun yells half a room away to Sungyeol.
“At least I don’t wear Sunggyu’s on my head when I’m drunk!” Sungyeol retorts.
Sunggyu immediately averts a disappointed gaze to Woohyun.
Woohyun clears his throat.
Hoya thinks it’s funny.

Every joke fight like that with Sungyeol, usually ends with the both of them being angry and not talking and avoiding each other.
Usually it ends only when one of them lets go of their ego. Usually it’s Myungsoo.
But not this time.
Myungsoo keeps his eyes on the television when Sungyeol plops on the floor beside him, with a magazine.
It’s a late Tuesday, and everybody either quitted for the day, either are already asleep; besides the living-room, there’s only a dim light in Sunggyu and Woohyun’s shared room, probably because Woohyun forgot to close the lights.
He’s practically begging to start a talk, because he’s all over the floor, rubbing his belly and eating an apple.
He even flips over a few times and scoots closer to Myungsoo.
Then he sighs dramatically.
Then he stares at him while playing with the leftover of his apple.
Myungsoo keeps his eyes steady on the television, because it’s really hard not to laugh at how pathetically cute his best friend behaves. It also kind of flatters him, in some weird way, as if Sungyeol is courting him.
Sungyeol slaps the magazine noisily on the floor, angry for not getting his attention, and goes to throw the remains of his apple.
When he comes back, he sits so close to Myungsoo that their knees brush, and pointedly glares at him.
“Are you really watching this cooking show or you’re just being an asshole?”
The latter, Myungsoo thinks but doesn’t voices it out. He didn’t even notice it’s a cooking show.
“Kind of feels like you’re being an asshole.”
Extra points for Sungyeol for figuring it out.
“That’s REALLY childish.”
That’s rich, coming from Lee Sungyeol.
“Hey, asshole! Ass-hole! Yah!”
Myungsoo sighs.
“Wow, you’re so annoying I don’t even want to make-up with you anymore.”
“In case you haven’t figured it out yet, I don’t want to make up with you too.” He lets it slip, then hates himself, because he was doing great at his revenge silent treatment.
He glances at Sungyeol, who seems kind of surprised to get finally a respond, then snorts, and looks back on the television, not really sure why he feels a little sheepish.
Probably because it’s means that now they did make-up.
Sungyeol places a sloppy, quick kiss on his cheek all of the sudden.
“What are you…” he trails off, eyebrows furrowed, when he turns to Sungyeol.
Sungyeol kisses him again, and not on the cheek, but straight on his mouth. And it’s nothing like quick or sloppy.
It’s slow, as if he’s taking a long sip of his Americano. And he tastes just like that, of chocolate and coffee.
Myungsoo feels like he’s melting underneath the heat.
He clutches onto Sungyeol’s waists, pressing him closer, to get a better angle.
Sungyeol places both of his hands on each side of his head, before raising a little, until he’s standing on his knees, before he breaks their kiss.
He stays really close, and Myungsoo doesn’t dares to open his eyes, as if it’ll break the magic of the moment, but he’s forced to do it anyway, because Sungyeol crawls on top of him, and kisses him again.
It’s like he’s going to burst open when their lips meet again.
Myungsoo gets more access to Sungyeol’s waist, and he pulls him even closer, until he feels his body clamped to his own.
His heart pounds so loudly, he can hear it over the noise of the television.
Because he can’t stop himself, when Sungyeol breaks the kiss again, Myungsoo continues to peck his mouth a few times before Sungyeol’s hands finally leave his body, leaving a burning trail on him.
Sungyeol bites his lower lip, as if savoring the taste, and Myungsoo has this sudden urge to catch him by the hand, and ravish him some more, swallow him up whole.
But before he can, he kind of runs away and the door of their shared room is slammed.
Myungsoo is sitting there, really turned on, with his heart beats sky-rocketing, and falls back on the floor behind him, as if it’s the only stable thing on his earth.

Okay, so this was supposed to be a oneshot - but it's over 17,000 words long, so it's a threeshot.
Will be posting next week on the same hours!

Hope you liked it so far!


chaptered, comedy, general, myungyeol

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