Transparence for chocoyeol [1/2]

Jul 28, 2015 21:24

For: chocoyeol
Title: Transparence
Pairing(s): Chanyeol/D.O
Rating: PG-13
Warning(s): no real timeline, some inconsistencies/inaccuracies might also be found
Length: 14.7k
Summary: “In the kingdom of glass everything is transparent, and there is no place to hide a dark heart.” - Vera Nazarian
Author's note: Dear chocoyeol, this was my first time writing ChanSoo and fantasy but I did my best! I know you wanted Explorer!Chanyeol but I twisted your prompt a little, I hope you’ll like it anyway. Huge thanks to my awesome beta, cutie P. <3 And of course to the mods, for organizing this exchange :D

Chanyeol sighed loudly as he walked past the hundredth tree he saw on his journey. He was becoming tired and grumpy, and he was really sick to see trees everywhere. If his calculations were right he should have arrived by now, but there wasn’t any shelter in the vicinity. He wished he had taken his old compass because there was no network working here. He couldn’t even call anyone. He tried not to panic but it was hard not to when he knew nightfall was coming and no one knew he was here.

Chanyeol wasn’t supposed to be here after all. He had wanted to join the astrology club to learn more about stars and the members planned a trip to the mountains to watch them together. Unfortunately, he hadn’t been able to go with them and had been left behind because of his exams. And now he was lost. Alone. In the mountain. With trees.

Suddenly very tired and a little desperate, he sat on the ground and opened his bag to retrieve something to eat. He needed sugar to cheer him up. He drank some juice to renergize himself and put everything back in his bag afterwards-he had to be careful because if he was really lost he needed to keep food to survive.

He then began walking again, maneuvering between trees, and tried to look at the sky to find his way but all he could see were the clouds and birds. Lots of birds. At least he wasn’t the only being living and breathing in the forest, he thought. Being alone wasn’t really a problem for him though, he was used to it. He didn’t have many friends to begin with, if he had friends, he wouldn’t be alone in a forest in the middle of nowhere, right?

Shaking his head to push away his depressing thoughts, he continued to walk, humming to himself. He could entertain himself just fine, he had learnt to, after all. Chanyeol hoped they were having fun watching the stars-without him, his mind supplied unhelpfully. He was honestly sad not to be able to see such a beautiful sight, he had looked forward to coming here, but…maybe he could see the stars at some point if he reached a meadow.

With the night coming, Chanyeol could feel the air becoming colder and more humid, his body shuddering at the temperature difference. It was summer so at least he wouldn’t die of hypothermia but he wasn’t that reassured to be out in the forest at night.

In his peripheral vision, something suddenly caught his eyes. Squinting, he could make out something resembling a hut. He wasn’t sure what it was exactly but as long as it could offer him a shelter for the night he was content with his finding. He quickly made his way to the hut, heaving out a relieved sigh.

At first, Chanyeol went around the hut to examine it, making sure it wasn’t going to collapse onto his head. Once reassured, he decided to take a look inside. The door creaked when he opened it, and Chanyeol cringed at the echo. The sound resonated in the forest and it made him feel antsy. All he could hear was the sound of wood snapping from the wind, and the leaves rustling. Letting out a deep sigh, Chanyeol entered the hut and closed the door behind him softly.

The hut wasn’t large, there wasn’t much in it save for branches climbing the walls and dead leaves lying on the floor. The roof was pierced, and the single piece of furniture in the room was a wooden box with an oil lamp in the middle. It clearly looked like the nature has reclaimed its rights over a site left abandoned.

Chanyeol sat slowly on the box - he didn’t want it to break, and bit his lips. Would he be able to sleep tonight? He didn’t feel comfortable or secure, but he hadn’t much choice than to stay there at the moment. It was his only option. It wasn’t like he would feel better outside the hut anyway, at least he had a roof above his head and four walls to protect him from any eventual danger-Chanyeol didn’t know what could possibly be the danger but as the saying goes it was better to be safe than sorry.

In the end, he put his bag on the floor and ate what little food he had packed. He still couldn’t see the stars, and it was nearly pitch black outside. The oil lamp wouldn’t be of any use for him obviously and his phone’s battery wouldn’t make it through the entire night.

Chanyeol seriously felt like crying. He was lost in the forest, alone, and honestly scared-screw courage and manliness, he was frightened. And to say he had only wanted to see the stars. If only he had been able to go with the club… His exams and his stupidity were to blame, he should have seen this coming, he should have canceled this excursion.

But how could he, when all he thought about since he had known about the trip was the stars? Chanyeol loved stargazing; stars always put a smile onto his face when he felt down, or sad. Their bright lights illuminating the sky gave him hope when he wanted to give up, and he always felt less lonely when they were in sight, shining above his head. As they blanketed the sky, Chanyeol felt their warmth radiating through his body. They mesmerized him, they comforted him.

Chanyeol hadn’t many friends, but at least he had the stars to watch over him.

At some point, he decided to push the box far away from the door, in the corner, and put branches in front of him to hide behind. If he had to stay here, he would make sure he would be safe if someone or something came bothering him.

He waited and waited, trying to keep his eyes open but his eyelids kept fluttering and wanting to fall shut. He hadn’t slept much the last few days-weeks, stressed out by his exams. I am so doomed, he thought tiredly, rubbing his eyes for the umpteenth time.

Shifting to find a better position, his hand suddenly hit something solid, and he jumped a little. An irrational fear quickly seized his body, paralyzing him, and he froze, hearing and feeling his heart beat into his temple, his breathing shallow.

When nothing happened though, he relaxed gradually, his heartbeat slowing down. He searched for the object and took his phone out, the screen lighting up as his eyes fell on a rock. It wasn’t that big or heavy and something was carved onto it, some kind of symbol Chanyeol haven’t seen before. It reminded him of a water drop though.

Squinting a little, he tried to search in his memories for any possible significance but nothing came up. Sighing, he put it back onto the floor, leaving it next to him, and turned off his phone. Some people must have left it here when they left the shelter, yes, that must be it.

Closing his eyes, Chanyeol let his head fall against the wall, curling up on himself. He wasn’t going to sleep, he just wanted to rest for a little bit. In 5 minutes, he would be wide awake and in good form, ready to wait until morning. Yes, definitely, he thought, his head already lolling back against the wall of wood.

Light. Chanyeol woke up to a bright light blinding him. He groaned and frowned, trying to hide from the light but it wasn’t going away. Something poked him in the arm and startled, he jumped and sat up quickly. When his eyes opened, they fell on an unfamiliar face. He blinked, confused, before his eyes adjusted to the sudden light.

A boy was kneeling in front of him, a wide smile adorning his heart shaped lips. Chanyeol looked around, puzzled, but recognized nothing from his surroundings. No hut, no wood, no forest. There was only green grass, and the sound of water. How could it be? He fell asleep in the shelter and he was certain there hadn’t been anything else around. Only trees. Damn trees.

Mustering his courage, Chanyeol looked back at the boy whose big eyes were still staring at him in wonder. He was pale, paler than Chanyeol that was for sure, and had really nice features. His clothing was weird though. He wore a white tunic, stopping mid-thigh and hiding nearly nothing of his naked legs. The boy’s arms were covered at least, and only his collarbone was peeking out from the thin tissue.

Chanyeol stared longer than necessary but he couldn’t help it; he didn’t know where he was and a strange looking boy with weird clothes was kneeling in front of him, not saying a word.

“Who…are you?” Chanyeol finally tried. “Where am I?”

The boy didn’t move, his small hands still at his sides.

Frowning, Chanyeol asked again. “Do you understand me?” The wind blows and the boy’s hair flew into his face but he didn’t do anything to push them away. His smile was still here, but less wide than before as his as his sharp gaze raked over Chanyeol’s features in curiosity.

Chanyeol wanted to reach out and push the hair that hid his face but thought better of it. He didn’t know who the boy was after all, it could be his imagination or a lure for all he knew. Perhaps he was still asleep and dreaming? He relaxed at the thought, this must be a dream. If he wanted to be sure, there was only one solution though: pinching his skin. So he did. And he cried out at the pain because in his absolute certainty that it was dream he had pinched his skin a little too hard.

The boy was startled at his cry and looked concerned, tilting his head to the side. Chanyeol smiled at him nervously and massaged his red skin. Then, the boy surprised him by lifting his hand to touch Chanyeol’s arm, his fingers brushing the pained area. Speechless, Chanyeol let him, entranced by the boy’s candid appearance and warm aura.

The moment was broken when they heard footsteps approaching, another boy coming into view. He froze at the sight of Chanyeol, before running towards the boy still touching Chanyeol’s arm to pull him away, hiding him behind his body.

“Who are you? What are you doing here?” The boy asked menacingly. “What did you do to Kyungsoo?”

Chanyeol hastily got up and held his hands up, stuttering, “My name is Chanyeol, I-I don’t know why I am here either…I fell asleep…then woke up here?” The stranger kept looking at him suspiciously but relaxed his stance. “And I didn’t do anything to your friend, I swear.”

The boy, Kyungsoo, peeked at him and smiled, nodding. The stranger looked from Kyungsoo to Chanyeol a few times before sighing loudly.

“Come with me,” he simply stated, motioning for Chanyeol to follow him.

The latter wanted to know who he was and where they were going but he knew better than to ask. The stranger looked menacing enough and Chanyeol didn’t know what he could do to him if he happened to anger him somehow.

The stranger was taller than Kyungsoo, his voice was deep and he looked muscular under that red tunic he wore. It was the same as Kyungsoo but his arms were bare and the neck was wider too. The stranger’s sun kissed skin was shining under the sunlight, contrasting with Kyungsoo’s pale one.

Chanyeol wondered what their relationship was or why Kyungsoo hadn’t spoken a word yet. Was he mute? Or maybe shy? Perhaps he wasn’t allowed to talk. More thoughts came flooding Chanyeol’s mind as he followed the two boys, but none of them made sense.

When he looked up, his eyes fell onto a big building made a glass, and he stopped in his track. There was glass everywhere, it was transparent too and the sun made the structure shine and sparkle. The sight was beautiful and it left Chanyeol completely in awe. It reminded him of the stars, the glow of the building as radiant as theirs.

Someone came rushing towards them, looking from the stranger to Kyungsoo curiously before noticing Chanyeol. It was another young boy who looked as frail and small as Kyungsoo, but his robe was the same as the stranger.

“Jongin? Who is he?” he asked sweetly, not detaching his eyes from Chanyeol’s figure.

The stranger, Jongin, shrugged. “I don’t know, I found him with Kyungsoo. He doesn’t look dangerous but who knows… I’d rather be safe than sorry.” He mumbled, throwing a death glare in Chanyeol’s direction.

The latter frowned but didn’t say anything, beginning to get anxious. What an odd situation. Where the hell was he? Kyungsoo walked towards him and gripped the hem of his shirt, urging the taller boy to follow him. Jongin looked like he wanted to separate them but decided against it, sighing loudly.

“Hi, I’m Baekhyun! Who are you?” the new guy suddenly asked, walking beside Chanyeol.

“Chanyeol…I’m lost, I guess. I fell asleep and woke up here…next to,” he explained, looking at Kyungsoo’s head.

“Kyungsoo? Oh,” Baekhyun concluded, before grinning widely. “We’ll treat you well here, don’t worry, and we’ll help you. I’m sure you’ll find your way home.”

Chanyeol smiled at him gratefully and ignored Jongin’s groan, letting Kyungsoo guide him. They walked in silence before entering the big glass building. A lot of people turned around to look at them, or most likely at him, whispering between them.

Kyungsoo released him but walked in front of him, throwing him a few glances. Chanyeol took the hint and followed him closely, Baekhyun and Jongin in tow. They took an elevator, made of glass too, and Chanyeol hadn’t the time to get a closer look before he was ushered towards a door. A transparent one, of course.

Everything was made of glass in the building and literally everything could be seen from the outside, and of course everyone. Chanyeol thought it was a bit creepy, like, were the bathrooms transparent too?

Kyungsoo pushed Chanyeol forward to enter the room, staying outside with Baekhyun while Jongin came in with him.

Another man was sitting on his desk, looking up at him with a smile. “Chanyeol, right?”

“How… did you know my name?” Chanyeol stuttered. The man only smiled and made him sit, Jongin standing beside his chair.

“My name is Junmyeon, my duty is to protect the city,” he stated simply, continuing to smile. “Do you know where you are?”

Chanyeol shook his head in reply, confused.

“You’re in the city of El Dorado,” He began, crossing his hands in front of him on his desk. “There are about 300 people living here, in this building.”

“El…Dorado? The city is a building…of glass?” Chanyeol asked cautiously.

“Yes, it is.” Junmyeon nodded, smiling fondly at Chanyeol’s astonishment. “Well, since you’re lost, you’re free to stay here as long as you need to figure out a way to go back home...”

He paused and Chanyeol tilted his head to the side, waiting for him to finish his sentence.

“Unless you want to stay in El Dorado permanently of course,” he offered, avoiding his gaze. “Anyway, we’ll help you whatever your choice is. And since Kyungsoo found you, he’ll be your host.”

“But-” Jongin protested, immediately stopping when Junmyeon lifted his hand.

“Can I ask you…something?” Chanyeol tried nervously, throwing furtive glances towards Jongin.

Junmyeon looked rather happy at his question, his face brightening as he nodded eagerly. “Of course!”

“Is everything transparent here?” He pondered, blinking a few times.

Jongin snorted next to him and Junmyeon’s eyes widened comically. Chanyeol froze, suddenly scared to have said something wrong, or insulting, but Junmyeon only laughed at him, and he relaxed.

“No, not everything is transparent. Kyungsoo will show you around,” Junmyeon ended up saying, waving at him when Chanyeol exited the room.

Kyungsoo must have heard the conversation because he took Chanyeol’s hand in his and pulled him away, leaving Baekhyun and Jongin behind-the latter scowling fiercely, displeased by Junmyeon’s decision. Chanyeol didn’t care, happily following Kyungsoo’s footsteps.

The second time Kyungsoo stopped walking, Chanyeol found himself facing another door, but not a transparent one this time. He looked curiously towards Kyungsoo who smiled gently at him, gesturing for him to enter the room. Slightly hesitant, Chanyeol pushed the door open, tugging Kyungsoo into the room.

It looked like an apartment -which was much larger than his own small student room-with a kitchen corner, a white leather couch next to a huge bibliotheca, another door to the right-perhaps a bathroom?-and there was also a king sized bed in the right corner of the room. It looked simple but cozy, comfortable-a bit like Kyungsoo’s aura.

Chanyeol grinned at the thought, squeezing Kyungsoo’s hand in his. “Is this your home? Am I going to stay with you?” he asked excitedly.

Kyungsoo nodded two times, still smiling, before gently letting go of Chanyeol’s hand to motion for him to look around the room. His host was following him with his eyes as the taller boy explored, biting his lips shyly, his arms behind his back.

He looked adorable and tiny and Chanyeol resisted the urge to cradle him in his arms. He still didn’t know what the mores of this world were after all, and he didn’t want to offend his new friend. The latter offered him to sit when he had looked around, giving him a glass of water and some pastries. Chanyeol tried to eat slowly and elegantly but failed miserably as soon as he ate the first pastry, too hungry to watch his manners, and engulfed everything.

Kyungsoo hid his smile behind his hand, his eyes forming crescent as he laughed silently, and Chanyeol froze mid-bite, feeling self-conscious. His host shook his head to let him know that it was okay though so Chanyeol resumed eating, relaxing a little, even if he felt nervous now that Kyungsoo’s eyes were on him.

“Hey Kyungsoo,” Chanyeol asked suddenly as he sat on the couch, followed by Kyungsoo. “Do you know where my home is?”

Kyungsoo turned his head to watch him and gently touched his arm, squeezing his forearm.

“I mean, I’m fine here but it’s not… my home you know? My life is… there.” He explained a little sadly. “You’re all nice and all, well maybe not Jongin, I think he hates me for some reasons!” His host shook his head violently, frowning in disagreement. “Okay, so he doesn’t hate me,” he added skeptically.

Kyungsoo sighed and gestured for him to wait as he got up to search for a pen and paper. Chanyeol hoped he would be able to read whatever he would write. Until now they understood each other perfectly fine so that meant they spoke the same language but maybe their writing wasn’t the same as his.

It was, and Chanyeol heaved out a sigh of relief, reading Kyungsoo’s little note. Jongin doesn’t hate you, but he’s the guardian of El Dorado so he doesn’t trust strangers.

Chanyeol looked up, confused. “If he’s the guardian, and Junmyeon is the protector… What are you?” He wondered.

Kyungsoo smiled and wrote down something else. I’m the passenger.

“What do you mean? Do you know my world?” he inquired excitedly. “Did you ever go there? Do you know my home?”

Blinking a few times, Kyungsoo’s eyes widen at his enthusiasm which caused him to look sheepish. I know your world, but not your home. I’ve been there a few times but I’ve never stayed long.

“So… you just come and go?” Chanyeol questioned. “But, why?”

Kyungsoo offered him an enigmatic smile instead of replying. Chanyeol pouted but the trick didn’t work on his host, who kept smiling at him pleasantly. Knowing he wouldn’t get an answer, the taller one sighed. “So… if you don’t want to tell me, then tell me why you can’t talk?”

Surprisingly, Kyungsoo replied to this one. I’m the passenger, it could be dangerous if I talked to others about El Dorado. No one can know this place.

Nodding, Chanyeol hummed simply. “Why am I here then? How did I come? Did you bring me here?” he wondered out loud, frowning.

I didn’t, you just found the door by yourself and I welcomed you.

“What do you mean? How did I find it? I only fell asleep in the middle of the forest…?” he mumbled, rubbing his nape in frustration. “I didn’t choose to come here.”

Kyungsoo’s face became sad at his comment and Chanyeol felt bad, regretting immediately his words. It must have been important for Kyungsoo-his presence in the city-it was his duty to welcome people in his world, so hearing Chanyeol complaining about being in El Dorado must be painful for the passenger. Chanyeol needed to be careful, he didn’t want to sound reproachful or ungrateful; it was something magical for someone like him to discover another world after all.

Thousands of people searched-and were still searching-for a way to find El Dorado, but never found it, and here was Chanyeol, a simple student not knowing anything about that mysterious city, who found it by a mere coincidence, somehow miraculously. In a sense, it was more the city which found Chanyeol than the other way around. He wondered why though. What could the reason be?

Kyungsoo stopped replying after that and Chanyeol felt guilty. However, his host kept taking care of him- gave him a change of clothes, cooked for him, and offered him to take the bed. Chanyeol watched helplessly as Kyungsoo went to change into his pajamas in the bathroom before lying on the couch, without looking at him even once.

That night, Chanyeol went to bed with a heavy heart, feeling confused and lost. He wanted to go home. Even if Kyungsoo and the others were treating him well-minus Jongin, he couldn't help but feel homesick and inadequate in this new world. He didn’t belong here; he didn’t even know where he was, who these people were, and why he happened to be here.
Closing his eyes tightly, he gripped the sheet and tried to keep the tears at bay. He had to be strong, he would definitely find a way to go back home. Junmyeon said they would help him too. Perhaps it would be better tomorrow, he thought before finally falling asleep.

The morning after, Chanyeol was surprised to find Kyungsoo sitting beside him on the bed, looking intently at him. When he noticed Chanyeol waking up, he blinked a few times and offered him a small smile, which Chanyeol responded to with one of his own smiles.

"Good morning," he mumbled sleepily. "Did you sleep well?"

Kyungsoo nodded once and pointed at him. "I slept like a baby, thank you for lending me your bed," he said, thankful.

His host smiled and motioned for him to get up. Chanyeol stretched with a groan, his shirt lifting up and giving his host a peek of his pale tummy, and watched curiously as Kyungsoo looked away with a faint blush on his cheeks. Shrugging, Chanyeol was about to ask Kyungsoo what they would do today, but was stopped by a knock on the door. He finally pushed the sheets off him and sat up, looking at the door as Kyungsoo scampered to open it.

Jongin appeared at the doorframe, squinting when he saw Chanyeol on the bed behind the passenger's figure. "Did he behave?" he muttered, frowning.

Kyungsoo hit his chest and must have grimaced-Chanyeol couldn't see his expression from the back-because Jongin pouted. "Okay, okay. I get it."

Chanyeol decided to join them, smiling hesitantly at Jongin. "Uhm, hi?"

"Hi, I wanted to make sure Kyungsoo was okay," Jongin explained, rubbing his nape. "H-How are you?"

"Oh. I'm fine, thank you?" Chanyeol stuttered, surprised by the question. He thought Jongin would ignore him like he did yesterday.

Kyungsoo smiled widely and nodded appreciatively as they exchanged a few words. Finally, his host invited Jongin to eat breakfast with them. It was a bit awkward at first but they made it work somehow, with small talks about their respective everyday life. Chanyeol learnt that Jongin was younger than him and had been elected to be El Dorado's protector at birth.

El Dorado's mores were kind of confusing for Chanyeol but at least he didn't find anything too strange such as sacrifices or the likes. He learnt that their statuses were sealed at birth and that they dedicated their life to the city. Also, their roles were effective until they passed away and nothing could impede it.

Chanyeol tried asking Jongin about his home but the younger knew absolutely nothing about the other world, looking clueless when Chanyeol narrated his tale. Dejected, he stopped talking about it altogether.

Afterwards, Kyungsoo showed him around the city, linking their hands. Chanyeol smiled as he did it, finding it cute that his host went to that extent to take care of him. While looking around, Chanyeol saw numerous people looking towards them strangely, and it was only at the end of the day that he realized that they were the only one having skinship in the entire city.

When he asked about it in the evening, Kyungsoo appeared uncomfortable. "Say, what about skinship here in El Dorado? Is it allowed?"

His host took a pen and hesitated a little before writing. We don't like to show any display of feelings in El Dorado, feelings are meant to be kept hidden behind closed door. That's why all doors aren't transparent, you're allowed to express and show your feelings but only in private.

" can't show your feelings to others? Like, anger, sadness, or even love?" Chanyeol inquired, surprised. "Isn't it hard? How can you befriend people if you can't show your feelings outside your home?"

You can show feelings, but you should be careful not to show too much. We're the city of pureness, we have to maintain a good harmony and equilibrium, that's why we condemn ill feelings or deep emotions. You can invite friends to your home though, and talk about feelings there.

Chanyeol bit his lower lip, deep in thoughts. "Is it a big deal for me to be inside your home then?" He wondered.

Yes and no, yes because only my friends can come inside, and no because i'm the passenger and you're my responsibility.

The word responsibility made Chanyeol's heart ache a little, but he hid it well. He should have known- Kyungsoo was only doing his duty by bringing him to his home and taking care of him. He didn't know why he expected it to be different. Even in El Dorado people had ulterior motives, pure kindness was hard to find.

"What am I then, to you?" he couldn't help but ask, upset.

Kyungsoo's eyes widen and he stared, not writing anything. He seemed to ponder the same thing but the silence stretched and he didn't reply. Chanyeol sighed, sometimes he felt like Kyungsoo was hiding being his mutism when it was convenient for him.

"What about Jongin?" he tried instead.

Jongin is a dear friend of mine. Baekhyun too.

"What about a lover? Do you love someone? How does it work in El Dorado? Can you live with someone you love? Or do you have arranged marriage?" he continued to ask.

You can love whoever you want, but rules don't allow you to fall for someone from another world.

Chanyeol looked up at that, frowning. "Did it happen?"

Kyungsoo nodded and smiled sheepishly.

"To you?" He whispered, looking around them to make sure no one could hear even if they were the privacy of Kyungsoo’s home.

His host laughed silently, hiding his mouth with his hand and shook his head. Then, he gestured for Chanyeol to be silent, putting his index in front of his lips and winking. Chanyeol pouted but did as he was told, staying silent the rest of the night.

Chanyeol needed answers, and if Kyungsoo wasn’t willing to give him them, then he would find someone else who would. The next day, he asked Kyungsoo if he could explore El Dorado on his own. Reluctantly, his host agreed, following him with his eyes from the entrance of his home.

Knowing that Jongin would be of no use, he tried to find Baekhyun. He walked aimlessly for a few minutes, trying to avoid people’s curious eyes on him as he searched for him. He took his time to observe his surroundings and El Dorado’s inhabitants around him, watching in fascination as people spoke to one another from at least a distance of one foot. It was a bit strange but from what Kyungsoo had told him, intimacy and skinship weren’t very proper in El Dorado.

Chanyeol didn’t understand why though, he wasn’t that fond of skinship either-well, more like he had no one to be tactile with-but it was nice to hug someone from time to time, to feel connected to people, to belong. He felt lonely sometimes, so when he could meet his friends or family, he liked to hug and cuddle with them. It helped him recharge, it gave him strength and he needed it.

Kyungsoo had told him they could touch in private so maybe those people weren’t as lonely as he thought but he still found it strange. Why was it looked down upon? What could go wrong with a kiss, a hug, or a brush of skin? Chanyeol didn’t understand.

“What could go wrong? Everything!” Baekhyun answered, scandalized by his remark. “If you kiss someone once, you want more, and you can’t help it. It means desire, lust, passion, and it’s very dangerous!”

“Why is it dangerous? It’s… love.” Chanyeol countered back, frowning incredulously. “Love isn’t always a bad thing, it can be pure too.”

Baekhyun looked at him strangely and snorted, adjusting his tunic. He looked uncomfortable, his gaze shifting from right to left. “Chanyeol, have you ever… fallen in love?”

The taller bit his lips and looked down at the ground. “Not… really?” he mumbled shyly. When he looked up, Baekhyun was staring at him knowingly. “But! I had crushes before!”

Shaking his head, Baekhyun smiled softly. “It’s fine, you’re still young.”

“And you, do you know love?” Chanyeol inquired. “Have you ever been in love?”

“I was, I am,” Baekhyun confessed, lowering his voice. “But I can’t talk about it here, he’s not… he’s not in El Dorado.”

Chanyeol gawped at him, his eyes widening slightly. Could it be? Someone else came in El Dorado before? Someone from his world? The taller chewed on his lip, dying to ask more. He knew Baekhyun wouldn’t answer him though, so there was no use asking. Besides, he didn’t want to endanger his friend if someone happened to hear their conversation.

Even if El Dorado appeared to be some sort of paradise, Chanyeol wasn’t convinced they wouldn’t punish people who broke the rules and sinned. There was still a lot about El Dorado he didn’t know after all. The city was still a mystery to Chanyeol and the people from his world.

Chanyeol was thinking about what he could ask next when someone interrupted then, calling Baekhyun over. The young man sighed, sending Chanyeol an apologetic look. “I need to go, I’m sorry.”

“I understand, it’s fine. Thank you for answering me Baekhyun!” He smiled gratefully, waving at his friend.

Baekhyun smiled back and stopped in his tracks, turning towards Chanyeol. “Don’t ask too many questions okay? Some things are better left unsaid,” he offered in a serious tone. “If you’re confused, look around. There’s plenty ways to find answers.”

The advice seemed much more serious than it appeared to be. Chanyeol could feel his chest tighten, suddenly worried. Baekhyun was right; he needed to be careful. Also, he understood Baekhyun’s cryptic way to help him find the answers he needed and for that he was thankful. Kyungsoo was like this too, guiding Chanyeol as best as he could and bending the rules of the city for him.

Chanyeol had been lucky to meet them.

Kyungsoo looked worried when Chanyeol arrived, but he relaxed immediately when the taller came home.

Where were you?

“I met Baekhyun, we talked about love,” Chanyeol answered simply, sitting next to his host on the couch.

Kyungsoo frowned before writing. Love? What did he tell you?

“He told me he was in love with someone…” Chanyeol hesitated before remembering that Kyungsoo and Baekhyun were close. “Who wasn’t from El Dorado.”

Biting his lip, his host nodded. Don’t tell anyone. He wrote, staring at Chanyeol with pleading eyes.

“I promise I won’t. Is it dangerous for him?” He asked worriedly.

Not really, it’s not dangerous as in someone would kill him or ban him from El Dorado, but people would stop talking to him and wouldn’t trust him anymore.

“This is stupid. Why would they do that? It’s love, you can’t control it,” Chanyeol groaned, annoyed. “I thought intolerance only existed in my world… It looks like stupidity is universal.”

Kyungsoo threw him a sympathetic glance, smiling amusedly. El Dorado isn’t perfect. Such a place doesn’t exist.

Chanyeol chuckled. “Maybe in our dreams?” Kyungsoo nodded once in answer. “Anyway, I wanted to ask… You said you didn’t know why I am here, do you not have any idea?”

Heaving out a sigh, Kyungsoo glared at him. I told you already, I don’t know anything.

“Come on!” Chanyeol pouted. “Kyungsoo, don’t lie!” he whined, catching Kyungsoo’s right wrist. His host widened his eyes at the touch and tried to pull away but Chanyeol didn’t let him, drawing him closer instead. Kyungsoo was nearly sitting on his lap when Chanyeol realized his mistake, jumping away. “I’m sorry!” he spluttered, embarrassed. “I forgot…”

Kyungsoo looked taken aback, frozen as he continued to stare at him. It’s fine. He only wrote, his hand trembling slightly.

“Did I upset you…?” The taller whispered after a heavy silence.


Chanyeol searched for his gaze but his host avoided looking at him, staring into space. He was massaging his wrist where Chanyeol had touched him and the latter felt guilty. Did he hurt him? For a minute he had forgotten he wasn’t with a friend on earth but here in El Dorado with Kyungsoo, his host, the passenger.

He felt like Kyungsoo was treated as some kind of a divinity here, even his clothing were white and refined after all. Chanyeol wasn’t good in history but it reminded him on vestals somehow-though he wouldn’t voice it out because he doubted Kyungsoo would be pleased with the comparison.

His host’s white tunic was bunched up mid-thigh as he sat comfortably on the couch, leaving his legs bare and Chanyeol marveled at the sight of his pale and unblemished skin. He knew Kyungsoo was a man, he didn’t look particularly feminine, but he still seemed delicate and soft next to him.

Chanyeol was not attracted to a lot of people in his life, but if things were different, he would absolutely try to woo Kyungsoo. The passenger was soft-spoken, kind, and attentive; he was also strong and responsible. His smile was beautiful and he would fit perfectly into Chanyeol’s arms with his tiny stature and Chanyeol had to resist the sudden urge to cuddle him all the time.

He didn’t know where those thoughts came from but the more he looked at Kyungsoo, the more he could imagine himself falling for his charms. As if he had read his mind, his host chose this moment to look right back at him. He stared at Chanyeol for a minute, the latter fidgeting as he felt naked under his gaze, and frowned.

Then, before Chanyeol could ask him if something was wrong, he got up and locked himself in the bathroom, leaving a baffled Chanyeol behind.

The taller played with his fingers, waiting for him to come back but fifteen minutes passed and Kyungsoo still hasn’t came out. Worried, he got up, hesitating a minute in front of the door, before knocking once. There was no sound so Chanyeol assumed he could enter, opening the door slowly.

There was a loud noise and Chanyeol startled, blinking a few times as he eyes fell on Kyungsoo’s naked form. His host was frozen, his eyes impossibly wide as he gawped at Chanyeol, his hand still up in the air. The loud noise had been him throwing something against the door to stop Chanyeol from entering.

Mortified, Chanyeol hastily closed his eyes- even if it was way too late because he had seen it all. “I’m sorry! Oh my god, I-I’m so sorry Kyungsoo!” he squeaked, turning bright red, before closing the door in a bang.

Standing still in front of the door, Chanyeol’s hands began to tremble as he panicked. Oh. My. God. He had seen Kyungsoo naked. If his host didn’t kill him in the next five minutes, the people of El Dorado would surely do it. He was so screwed. Why did he have to open that stupid door? He was so dumb.

Chanyeol was walking in circles in the apartment when the bathroom door opened, a clothed Kyungsoo appearing at the door frame. The taller stilled. His host didn’t look mad but he was avoiding Chanyeol’s stare.

“I’m sorry,” Chanyeol repeated in a small voice. “I didn’t mean to… intrude.”

Kyungsoo nodded. They stayed motionless for a minute, neither of the two knowing what to do with the awkward atmosphere.

“Do you want to see me naked too?” Chanyeol finally deadpanned.

Perhaps it was a dumb thing to say but it had the merits to make Kyungsoo smile and Chanyeol was glad. Just like that, the awkwardness disappeared as they laughed together, his host shaking his head and laughing silently behind his hand.

The next person Chanyeol decided to meet was Junmyeon. If someone knew why Chanyeol was here it would surely be him. Kyungsoo didn’t say anything when Chanyeol informed him of his plan, only nodding once and going back to his activity-reading a book at that time. The passenger didn’t leave his home that often, and Chanyeol suspected it had something to do with his role. Perhaps Kyungsoo had to be careful with the people of El Dorado too, in order to keep the secrets of the door between both worlds.

Chanyeol wouldn’t be surprised to learn than Jongin was regularly patrolling close to Kyungsoo’s home for that reason. The guard was always following the passenger like a shadow when he was out after all. He wondered if something had happened before…

Shaking his head to forget about those silly thoughts, he knocked on Junmyeon’s door and waited to be invited in. The latter did with a smile and Chanyeol quickly sat in front of him, nervously biting the inside of his cheeks.

“What can I do for you today?” Junmyeon asked pleasantly.

“I think you know why I am here, in El Dorado,” Chanyeol replied cautiously. “I want to know those reasons.”

The man looked uncomfortable, placing his linked hands on his desk. “I’m not sure this is a good idea…”

Frowning, Chanyeol sighed. “Why? I have the right to know! I don’t even know how I landed here! I just wanted to watch the stars with the astronomy club!” he spluttered, dejected.

Junmyeon hesitated a moment, avoiding his gaze. “You don’t remember anything? You don’t recognize the city or his inhabitants? Don’t you feel… strange here?”

Stunned into silence, Chanyeol pondered about it. Sure, he had felt strange at first because he didn’t know where he was or why he was here and he didn’t know the people here, but he didn’t feel completely out of place either. Even right now, he didn’t feel like running away or desperate to go back home. Living with Kyungsoo was kind of nice too, and he befriended Baekhyun and Jongin in record time.

“No,” he admitted. “I don’t feel strange. Everything is confusing and different from home but… that’s all.”

“What if I told you that… El Dorado was your real home?” Junmyeon tried carefully, waiting for a reaction.

“What do you mean?” Chanyeol tensed and chewed on his bottom lip.

“You could come here because you were born in El Dorado, Chanyeol. You wouldn’t be able to stay that long if you didn’t belong to the city,” Junmyeon explained, offering him a smile. “You’re home, Chanyeol.”

At first, Chanyeol could only stare, stunned into silence at the revelation. Then, when his mind had processed the information, his eyes widened and he exploded.

“What?!” he screamed, standing up. It was very hard for him not to curse at Junmyeon but he just couldn’t risk it here, and especially not at a time like this. “I’m not from here, my parents are on earth! This isn’t possible! Why would you lie to me?”

Junmyeon got up too, holding his hands up in an attempt to appease the younger man. “Please, calm down. I’m not lying, I promise. You were born here, Chanyeol!”

“How can you say this to me?” Chanyeol whispered finally, defeated. He suddenly felt numb, the fight leaving his body as quickly as it came. Something didn’t feel right, that couldn’t be true, right? Junmyeon was surely lying right now, there was no other explanation.

When he looked up at Junmyeon’s face though, the man’s expression was sincere and open. He wasn’t lying. Jongin had told him that no one was authorized to lie in El Dorado after all, so he doubted Junmyeon, the guardian of the city, would transgress the law.

It felt like slap to Chanyeol because it meant that everything was a lie since the beginning: his world, the people around him, his parents, his identity, or the real reason he found himself here, in El Dorado. Nothing made sense anymore. The sensation felt as if the ground was crumbling under his feet. Chanyeol’s world was collapsing in front of his own eyes like a vulgar house of cards and he could do nothing about it but stare blankly.
Chanyeol sat back down, letting himself fall back on the chair, suddenly feeling very tired. “Why?” he mumbled helplessly.

Junmyeon didn’t explain anything more, giving him time to take the hit, leaving him to his sullen thoughts.

Kyungsoo…Did he know too? Chanyeol thought somberly as he dragged himself out of the door and towards Kyungsoo’s home.

Chanyeol walked on autopilot to his host’s home and threw himself face first onto his-Kyungsoo’s-bed. He heard Kyungsoo approaching but didn’t move, choosing to ignore him. He knew it was mean, since Kyungsoo probably wanted him to look at him for them to talk but Chanyeol wasn’t in the mood. He also felt betrayed by the person he thought was his friend and it wasn’t a nice feeling at all.

It didn’t hinder Kyungsoo from sitting next to him or gently touching his shoulder to gain his attention, but Chanyeol still didn’t turn towards him. With more force, Kyungsoo shook his body until Chanyeol slapped his hands away, curling into himself and facing the wall. If the passenger didn’t understood the message then he was an idiot.

Nothing happened for a minute and Chanyeol thought Kyungsoo had given up, feeling strangely sad about it. It was dumb because he didn’t want to talk to Kyungsoo but at the same time he wanted him to stay next to him. Something unusual happened then, Kyungsoo lied on the bed behind him and skittered closer, awkwardly placing his arm around Chanyeol’s waist to hug him.

Chanyeol’s breath hitched and he widened his eyes, frozen on his spot. Kyungsoo was hugging him? He was speechless, his host never looked comfortable with skinship even in his home, sticking to handholding outside to guide Chanyeol. He stayed motionless for a good minute before finally turning around to face his host, being careful not to jostle Kyungsoo. The passenger didn’t move away and only blinked at him, putting his arm back on the mattress between their bodies.

Sighing, Chanyeol bit his lips as he stared at Kyungsoo. “What didn’t you tell me?” he whispered quietly, frowning.

Kyungsoo offered him a questioning look in response and Chanyeol grimaced. “Junmyeon told me I came from El Dorado, he told me the city is my real home. You knew right? That’s why you wouldn’t tell me how and why I was here right?”

His host lowered his gaze and nodded once, his fingers playing with the sheets.

“You should have told me,” Chanyeol ended up saying, disappointed. Kyungsoo didn’t respond, his hand hovering above Chanyeol’s face instead, as if wanting to touch him. He didn’t though and only smiled sadly, drawing his hand back.

Chanyeol’s exhaled and closed his eyes.

That night he dreamt about water, grass, Kyungsoo’s angelic face and a strange raindrop symbol.

rating: pg-13, 2015, pairing: do

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