Can't stop for maddymoonchild

Jul 23, 2015 21:23

For: maddymoonchild
Title: Can’t stop
Pairing(s): Chanyeol/Kai
Rating: NC-17
Length: 4.5k
Summary: Chanyeol’s an alpha who wants a mate. Jongin’s happy to oblige.

Chanyeol wakes up and immediately wishes he were back asleep. It's there, the nagging itch under his skin, and he's not at all prepared. Bemoaning all the laundry he'll have to do in the next few days, he snakes a hand under the blankets and wraps his hand around his hard, swollen cock.

In all the stress and business of midterms, he hadn't checked his calendar. His rut is here, and he doesn't have anyone to help. Resigning himself to the fact that he needs to get through the haze before he can pull himself out of bed, he snakes a hand beneath the covers and under the waistband of his boxers. He gets himself off once, twice, paying close attention to his rapidly forming knot, but even then he's still hard. He groans, pushing himself out of bed, knowing it's the best he can do until he can find a willing partner (or, more likely, find time to dig through the boxes beneath his bed and drag out one of those alpha toys) and properly get off.

Chanyeol drags himself into the bathroom, careful to only use his left hand to touch the doorknob, and gets into the shower, letting the hot water hit his skin with a low groan. After all traces of cum are gone and he smells like a pine forest-practically the only scent available in the alpha aisle-he pulls on shorts, an old band shirt, and walks out into the kitchenette.

Baekhyun, leaning against the counter, takes one look at him and grins. "That time of the month?"

Chanyeol nods miserably and wordlessly reaches over his roommate for the half-full box of cereal and a bowl, pouring the meager amount of milk left atop the frosted flakes. He can feel Baekhyun's eyes on him, but he ignores him in favor of waking himself up.

"Well, I'm about to make it a lot worse," Chanyeol's head shoots up at that and Baekhyun gives him a-pretty insincere-apologetic glance. "Zitao's rut hit yesterday so he's coming over in a little bit. You're going to have to go somewhere else."

Chanyeol eyes his roommate carefully, mouth full of cereal. He swallows slowly and narrows his eyes. He knew having an omega roommate would be no good. They'd gotten along spectacularly well freshman year after finding that they were incompatible, the infamous omega-and-alpha-but-not-fucking pair, been the talk of campus for about a month and had bets placed on how long the relationship would last, but then last year they'd hit a bump. The bump's name was Zitao. Baekhyun had met the shy alpha at a frat party and was instantly smitten. They'd been mated within the month. Sure, Chanyeol was overjoyed for his friend at the time, but that was before he realized what a mated roommate meant. For starters, it meant being kicked out of the apartment for weeks at a time because of overlapping heats and ruts. Sure, Zitao seems like a sweet guy, but Chanyeol has barely gotten to know the guy before Baekhyun's first heat with a mate (every time Baekhyun tried to introduce them the alpha v. alpha shit had kicked in and Chanyeol would protect Baekhyun like a jealous lover. It was for the best that the two didn't meet unless strictly necessary) and he keeps kicking him out of his home.

Chanyeol opens his mouth to ask if maybe they could rally at Zitao's for a change when there's a knock at the door. Baekhyun's lips-is that lip gloss-pull up into a wide smile and he skips towards the door, throwing it open.

"Hey," a heavily accented voice greets the omega, Chanyeol watching as the intruder scoops his roommate into his arms and swings him around in a circle before placing him on the ground, closing the door with his foot. He spies Chanyeol and smiles. "Hi, Chanyeol." Although the greeting is warm, he angles himself in front of Baekhyun, obviously defensive. Chanyeol is another alpha, a threat.

He sighs, returning the greeting with a wave and a small smile. "Sorry, Baekhyun didn't tell me you were coming until a minute ago. Just give me a moment to grab a few things and then I'll be out of your hair." Chanyeol sets the bowl on the counter-there's still cereal in it but he'll make Baekhyun take care of it. It's the least his roommate can do-and leaves the room. In his room, he grabs scattered pieces of a physics project and decides he can spend the day at the library being miserable but productive until he gets the all clear text from Baekhyun. When he steps out of his room, backpack strap over his shoulder, the pair looks up at him in sync.

"Baekhyun just told me," Zitao clears his throat, "well, I can smell it. You're on your rut, too."

Chanyeol bites his lip, bristling, and holds back a sarcastic reply. "Yep."

"And you don't have a mate."

"Also correct," Chanyeol murmurs as he shoots Baekhyun a look. Where is his mate going with this?

"I, um, I know someone who's looking for a mate, he's an omega, freshman, maybe a little-"

Chanyeol can’t help himself, he feels all the exhaustion bleed out of his body at the prospect of a mate. "Really? When can I meet him?"

Baekhyun laughs at his friend's eagerness. "I'll have Zitao give me his number before he leaves. But for now, out with you."

Chanyeol sours and sends Baekhyun one more accusatory stare before leaving, slamming the door behind him. As soon as he's in the hallway, an irritated shiver makes its way down his spine with the knowledge that Zitao's rut will break days before his own. He hugs his arms around himself and starts toward the stairs. Today's going to be a long day.


A mate. The dream. The one thing every single person spends their life searching for. Some will go through dozens of potentials before they find the right one, others may only date once or twice before settling happily with their other half.

For Chanyeol, it is something that is currently unattainable. Yes, he will find his mate, but he also needs to graduate, get a degree, find a job. But, at the same time, he's heard horror stories of people who had achieved all of the above and then lived the remainder of their lives alone, too old and busy to look for a mate. Chanyeol doesn't want that.

So, as he steps into the cafe with just a vague description courtesy of Zitao-who Baekhyun had forgotten to get a number from, Zitao had been obliged to organize a date on his behalf-he vows that he will give this a chance. He will graduate next year with a job, a degree, and his mate. No exceptions. And he will not spend another rut alone.

Ok. Good. Chanyeol nods to himself and whips out his phone to double-check the reminder text Zitao had sent him that morning. The supposed mate candidate is a guy, omega, reasonably tall, and a freshman with dark hair. That's it, no name or what clothes he'll be wearing. Just a vague description coupled with an encouraging smiley face.

But whatever, Chanyeol can do this. It's one of those weird hours during the day when most people have class and it's just a tad too early for lunch, so there should be next to no one in the café, meaning this guy may as well have an arrow above his head. Plus, Chanyeol is an alpha. Excellent tracking and finding skills are in his genes.

He takes a look around. There're only three occupied tables-the rest are free. The closest has an old couple, the table by the window occupied by a middle-aged woman and her book. That leaves only a booth in the back, and Chanyeol straightens up a little. Of course they'd take a table in the back. They'll need privacy if they're going to plan around heats and ruts.

Just in case this isn't the guy, Chanyeol approaches the booth slowly, moving in a wide motion so that he can see the guy before he decided to sit or walk away. He stops right when the guy comes into full view and grins. He takes back everything bad he's ever said about Zitao, because this kid is cute. Dark brown hair sticks up in a messy halo around the guy's downturned face, concentration focused on the array of papers littering the table. And if the kid has this many colored pens and highlighters, and cares this much about studying then there's no way he isn't a freshie-it's barely halfway through the semester. Chanyeol practically guffaws at anything not due the next day.

Chanyeol strides forward and slides into the bench across from the guy and feels an amused smile pull at his lips when he doesn't get a reaction. The kid's really focused on his work, small white ear buds snaking up from an outdated ipod. Chanyeol keeps his face carefully genial as he reaches out and taps the kid's textbook with a finger.

When the guy almost jumps out of his skin, Chanyeol can't hold back the laugh. The movement causes the air to shift and a delectably sweet scent wafts in Chanyeol's direction. Yup. Omega. No question about it.

"Hey," Chanyeol greets when it's clear that this kid is just going to stare at him, dumbfounded (Chanyeol maybe revels in it a little. He loves the attention.) "I'm Chanyeol. I guess you know just about as much as I do?" He gets the same dumb look. "Knew it. So, I'm Chanyeol, alpha by birth, lover by nature and just a general great guy with an equally as great dick," the kid chokes on air, "Now, your turn."

"Um, I'm Jongin?" The kid seems reluctant, eyes darting everywhere.

Chanyeol represses a frown. Did the kid forget? "Well, Jongin, do you still want to go through with this?" Jongin blinks. Chanyeol leans forward, lowering his tone. "I'm not gonna lie, it would be great to have a mate-haven't had one in forever-but if you've changed your mind, then that's fine. I can leave right now if you wanted."

As soon as Jongin hears the word mate, there's an instant change. His back straightens and his eyes widen comically. "Mate?! Um, yes, yeah, that sounds great. Sorry, you said your name was Chanyeol?"

Chanyeol flashes a smile, the confidence from earlier returning with a rush. "Yeah, Park Chanyeol, that's me! Alpha by birth-"

"Lover by nature and a general great guy," Jongin laughs, work completely forgotten. "I remember."

Chanyeol harrumphs. "I think you forgot the most important part." Jongin gives a giggly kind of laugh, cheeks flushing in embarrassment and it's absolutely adorable. Chanyeol's chest puffs out proudly. He made Jongin laugh like that. "So, when's your next heat?"

Jongin's laugh comes to an abrupt end and he stares at Chanyeol, shocked.

Well. Chanyeol berates himself for being such a dumbass. "Wait no-I'm sorry I didn't mean-we don't have to start right away, we can go on dates first or something if you want-"

"No, no, you're right," Jongin interrupts, voice slightly hushed. "I'm just... I don't talk about my..." he trails off, and just the fact that he doesn't want to say it fills Chanyeol with amusement, makes him want to coo at the omega. "Let me look it up."

Jongin pulls out his smartphone and Chanyeol waits patiently, taking the chance to sneak a peek at the kid's textbooks. The book is open on a chapter about cell growth and Chanyeol grins. Biology. Neat.

"I start the Thursday after next," Jongin says, not looking up from the screen. "It's the middle of the day, though. If you have class then we can figure something else out."

Chanyeol waves away the suggestion, beyond pleased because his rut practically overlaps. "No need. I haven't missed class yet this semester, I'm sure I can make up a couple days' worth of work." He can't help the lecherous grin that pulls at his lips. "So, your place or mine?"


Chanyeol shows up at Jongin's door exactly on time. The omega had picked his residence, which Chanyeol totally understands-familiar surroundings is just about the best thing for an omega in heat, other than an alpha knot-and he juggles the plastic bag and tupperware container of food that he'd taken under Baekhyun's suggestion between his hands for a second before giving up and pushing the doorbell with his elbow.

He waits a little anxiously, but it's hardly been three seconds before Jongin's pulling him inside by the front of his shirt, no doubt wrinkling it beyond repair, and slamming the door shut behind him. Chanyeol gasps at the sudden flood of smells (sweet and heady, like freshly blossomed gardenia and a deeper, darker scent that lingers and Chanyeol can't quite place) and stares down into blown eyes.

Then he panics.

For all his bravado at the coffee place those couple weeks ago, Chanyeol has nothing to show for it. He hasn't been with anyone-let alone an omega-in months, and he's honestly a little worried. What if this is Jongin's first time? He can't let the kid down like that. Trying to ignore the needy grip at his front and the dark eyes boring into his own, Chanyeol starts pulling things out of the plastic bag. "Okay, so I was going to get XXL's, but honestly they don't fit me that well so I got these instead. It says that they enhance the knotting?" He laughs weakly, dropping the condoms back into the bag. "Also I got lube because I don't know how much slick you produce and it could hurt otherwise so-"

Jongin shuts him up with a frantic kiss. "I've been waiting-" he breaks off with a low moan, "for hours. Started early." He gives an aborted grind against Chanyeol's leg and whines low in his throat. He swats the tupperware out of Chanyeol's hands, paying it no mind when it falls to the floor, and drags Chanyeol down the hall to his bedroom.

Jongin lets Chanyeol's arm go when the get to the end of his bed, stopping to tug his tank top over his head. Chanyeol can't pull his eyes away. The kid's got a nice body. Like, really nice. He sets the condoms and lube beside the bed and figures he should talk while he still has the ability. "Look, I haven't knotted anyone in a long time so-" He stops short when he turns, eyeing Jongin's naked body with something akin to awe.

"Can't be any worse than an awkward high schooler in a broom closet. Not the best first time," he laughs, voice breathy. "So come on, Park Chanyeol, alpha, show me what you've got."

Chanyeol does.

He strips in record time and doesn't miss a beat before pushing Jongin down onto the bed and ravaging his lithe omega body with bites and licks. He's a lot more muscular and taller than any omega Chanyeol's had the pleasure of sharing a bed with, but it's all the better-more skin to lavish with kisses and lingering touches. Jongin's skin is smooth and covered in sweat, and the whines falling from his lips are high-pitched and unrelenting. Anyone in a neighboring room or in the hall would easily be able to guess what's going on in the room.

Jongin's heat makes him impatient, and it's not long until he's clawing at Chanyeol's back, demanding to be fucked, begging for Chanyeol's knot. Chanyeol, for all his pubescent want to go ahead and give Jongin what he's asking for, knows it's the heat talking. So instead, he crawls between Jongin's splayed legs and takes his cock, hot and heavy, into his hands. Jongin keens at the touch and sucks in a sharp breath when Chanyeol gives the head a bold lick.

Chanyeol takes Jongin into his mouth while staring up, watching as Jongin's breath stutters in his throat and his eyes stay locked on Chanyeol, rolling up when the alpha gives a hard suck. Alternating between sucks and licks, Chanyeol feels Jongin come undone beneath him. He pulls away when Jongin pushes his shoulder in warning, watching as Jongin releases onto himself.

Jongin's pupils shrink slightly, and he throws his arm over his face in embarrassment, the worst of his heat dispelled for now. Chanyeol takes his chance. "Hey, none of that," he chastises lightly, keeping the alpha from his tone. He watches, maybe a bit too entranced, as Jongin reveals his warm brown eyes, immediately looking away and biting his swollen bottom lip. "Jongin, I need you to tell me that this is what you want," Chanyeol practically whispers, tone imploring. "I can't do this unless you let me know that this is ok. That it's not just the heat."

To his surprise, Jongin rolls his eyes. "You just sucked my dick, I can't believe..." he trails off, and then louder, "Of course I want this. I wouldn't have let you in if I didn't, you big stupid alpha." He pulls Chanyeol up, pressing a kiss to the tip of his nose before letting out a low moan. "Oh, it's back. Actually fuck me this time, yeah?"

Chanyeol can't help his answering laugh. "As you wish."

Despite his words, Chanyeol once again takes his time-stroking Jongin back to hardness, although the omega insists that it'll happen on its own-ghosting kisses along Jongin's chest and shoulders and dragging his fingertips along his thighs. He rolls on a condom after Jongin whacks him particularly hard and coats his length liberally with lube.

When he pushes inside, he and Jongin both let out low moans, though Chanyeol quickly muffles the following noises by pressing their lips together. He picks up a rhythm, thrusting in and out of Jongin's needy hole, laughing when Jongin lifts his legs and digs his heels into his back to urge him on-though the noise is muffled by Jongin's lips.

It doesn't take him long until he's losing the rhythm, thrusting in sporadically, movements stilted by his growing knot. Jongin whines and it spurs him on, going harder, faster, Jongin's breath speeding up to match. The omega comes untouched beneath him, panting hard, and it sets Chanyeol off. He buries himself to the hilt in Jongin and comes hard, almost rumbling with pleasure, filling the condom. He looks down at Jongin who's flushed with pleasure, staring right back up at him. Chanyeol grins. "So?"

"Better than high school, at least," Jongin teases, gasping when Chanyeol moves slightly inside him. "Stay still!" He huffs, swatting the alpha's back. "If you do that again, I'll make you wear a condom again for the next round."

Chanyeol blinks. "I was going to anyway."

"You don't need to," Jongin gives a sly grin. "I'm on birth control."

"You-" Chanyeol gasps in fake outrage. "You didn't tell me?"

"You were fussing. It was cute."

Chanyeol huffs, fixing Jongin with a displeased glare before descending, peppering the omega's face with kisses and reveling in his indignant shrieks. "Next time, I won't be so gentle with you," he threatens.

Jongin grins, breathing hard. "Good."


Chanyeol was happy before Jongin. Chanyeol is ecstatic with Jongin. Where before they texted sparingly, about if Chanyeol should bring this or that and instructions to Jongin's place; now they text constantly, about movies and shows, Chanyeol's bed hair, Jongin's excitement over food and some new anime that Chanyeol doesn't understand but happily entertains Jongin. And they meet up. For dinner, movies, pizza, super smash bro tournaments, and cuddling since Jongin's heater broke.

Chanyeol practically radiates happiness wherever he goes.

He runs into Zitao in the middle of the week between classes and immediately greets the man, grinning when Zitao turns and spots him.

Zitao practically runs over, expression extremely guilty. Chanyeol, somehow, doesn't notice. "Chanyeol, look, I'm so sorry. He didn't tell me-"

"Zitao!" Chanyeol interrupts, because he has no idea what the man is talking about. "I just wanted to thank you so much, man."

"Oh... you're welcome?"

"Yeah! In fact, I'm going to be gone this weekend." Jongin's heat is during the weekend so he's invited Chanyeol to stay over the whole time (he claims it's so that someone can cook for him, but the hopeful expression he wore when he asked gave him away). "So you and Baekhyun have the whole apartment to yourselves! Just don't do anything I wouldn't do." He gives the man a saucy wink before turning on his heel. "Thanks again!"

Zitao stares after him, hopelessly confused.


The end of fall finals is marked with a party at Joonmyun's apartment. Chanyeol is going so, of course, Jongin is as well. Chanyeol had all of his at the start of the week, but Jongin hadn't been as lucky. Chanyeol's waiting for Jongin outside of his classroom on the last session of the week when Jongin bursts out of the room and throws his arms around him, his final essay in hand. And even though Jongin's hardly light, Chanyeol doesn't hesitate to pick him up and swing him in a circle.

Jongin doesn't speak until Chanyeol sets him down. "I got an A!"

"I knew you would," Chanyeol says, because it's true; Jongin had been working on the thing for actual weeks. He presses a chaste kiss to the omega's lips and grabs his hand. "We should get going now, though. Did you want to stop back at your apartment first?"

Jongin frowns. "Chanyeol, it's like four in the afternoon."

Chanyeol laughs. "The party started at noon and Joonmyun's mate has probably been dri-celebrating since last night. If anything, we're late."

Jongin screws up his face. "Is this what I have to look forward to next year?" Chanyeol laughs at that and nuzzles him. "Okay, we'll go. But dinner first. I'm craving burritos."

They get the burritos to go and eat at Jongin's apartment. They maybe spend too much time not eating, because it's not until three hours later that they set out for Joonmyun's house. Joonmyun has been a good friend of Chanyeol's since he was a freshman-Joonmyun was his RA-and the beta has stayed in touch, meeting him for lunches in between classes and Joonmyun's internship. He lives in a flashy little apartment on the high-end side of town, because he can, with an omega Chanyeol has yet to meet.

When they get there the party is already in full swing so Chanyeol lets Jongin take his time staring at the building in awe, grinning childishly while staring out the glass wall of the elevator across the city, and stepping lightly over the perfectly maintained carpets.

Chanyeol knocks twice and when he raises his fist to knock a third time, the door opens and he's pulled in. He looks behind him to see Jongin instantly swarmed but a bunch of freshman, and waves him away, smiling reassuringly. They'll find each other later. Somehow.

Chanyeol's tossed between conversations and friends. He knows almost everyone here, so it's not in the least annoying. He only stops to wonder every now and then how Jongin's coping, but the alcohol being passed around works quickly to calm him. Jongin's fine and Chanyeol's having fun. That's all that matters.

He sees Joonmyun briefly and waves in greeting, receiving a wide smile before the smaller man is swept away by his guests. Chanyeol's tossed around a bit more, and then he finds himself talking with Zitao, Baekhyun, and... some other guy. As soon as Baekhyun splits to grab another beer, Chanyeol asks for introductions. Zitao looks instantly uncomfortable despite the shots Chanyeol had seen him choke down.

"This is, um, Sehun," Zitao introduces, not meeting the eyes of Chanyeol or the tall, dark-haired, lanky omega standing across from him. "He was the one you were supposed to meet that one time at the cafe."

Chanyeol freezes, smile falling from his face. What.

Sehun nods. "Yeah, sorry. I'm awful at checking my phone, and the day after I told Taozi that I wanted an alpha to fuck, one sorta fell into my lap. I neglected to tell Tao because, well I'm sure you can guess why." He sends Chanyeol a knowing wink and Zitao grabs and chugs a full cup of beer so that he won't have to talk. "But, funny thing is, I heard the kid down the hall from me found someone. Maybe you know him, Chanyeol."

Chanyeol blinks, tries to process what's going on, and then blinks again. "Nice meeting you," he murmurs, and then turns to go. He finds himself on the balcony not a second later, gulping down lungfuls of fresh air. If Jongin wasn't the one he was supposed to meet at that cafe, then that means Chanyeol went up to a complete stranger and asked him if he wanted to sleep with him. Chanyeol drops his head into his arms and feels like dying.

"Oh thank god, I thought I'd never find you." A solid weight connects into Chanyeol's back. "I think we'd have more luck just jumping from here instead of going back in to get out." The tinkling laugh is what allows Chanyeol to pull himself up, stare Jongin in the eye. "Hey, what's wrong?"

"I'm an idiot," Chanyeol sighs. "That's what's wrong. Me, a big stupid idiot, thought that my friend set me up with you, when you were just some kid trying to get his work done." He stares at Jongin with sad eyes. "You could have told me no."

"I am not a kid." Jongin hisses, and then schools his expression into something more placating. "And yeah, sure I had no idea who you were or what you were talking about, but I'd been looking for someone, too. And you don't give yourself enough credit. If you were a sexually-frustrated omega and some big, confident alpha comes up to you offering to get you through your-honestly excruciating-heats, you'd say yes, too." Jongin sighs, breath tinged with liquor, and ropes his arms around Chanyeol's neck. "And you're so much more than just an alpha, Chanyeol. So maybe I want you as my mate, but I'm not the guy that you were supposed to meet up with. What are you going to do now?"

Chanyeol's head is swimming, and he can only see Jongin. "I don't know," he says, voice garbled, "but I think I'm going to kiss you." He leans down slightly, so that Jongin can meet him head-on, lips pressing together chastely for a moment, and then Jongin is working them open, pushing a tongue between.

When they pull apart, Jongin wrinkles his nose. "Ugh. You taste gross."

Chanyeol laughs, heart heavier than his head, feeling like it's the only thing keeping him from floating away. "I'll have to try again tomorrow."

Jongin nods against his shoulder. "And maybe then you can leave me a nice mark, so that everyone knows that I have a mate."

And, scratch what he thought earlier. Chanyeol's never been as happy as he is in this exact moment.

rating: nc-17, 2015, pairing: kai

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