Hold a gun unto my head for ceruleanlight

Jul 22, 2015 22:19

For: ceruleanlight
Title: Hold A Gun Unto My Head
Pairing(s): Chanyeol/D.O
Rating: PG-13
Warning(s): some mild violence, minor death
Length: 2.9k
Summary: Park Chanyeol has never expected Do Kyungsoo.
Author's note: hello ceruleanlight! Thanks for the really wonderful prompts! I would have liked to write all of them but things happen. And I hope you somehow like this because wtfffff oh my god what is this, what did i write? Lmao ♥

Park Chanyeol is undeniably charming. Spanning up to 185 centimeters of toned limbs and ash brown hair slicked up, he is the embodiment of perfection and charisma. Everyone, in one glance, will fall in love with him. But under the façade of megawatt smiles and smoldering gazes is a secret.

Secrets are classified into two types. One, the secret in which you tell somebody and in turn they keep it hidden from the world. And the second type is one that you keep to yourself, zip your mouth and padlock it, toss the key aside.

There are exactly three secrets that Chanyeol keeps. And one thing in common with those secrets is they are all connected to his job. First is that it is his job to be charming, to be the epitome of elegance and excellency. He is a hit man, or rather, working under one and the second secret is that no one should ever know. Both of these classify into the first type of secret.

The very last secret is something more of the second type. His third secret is… You will know.

Do Kyungsoo, 21, is currently a first year in Seoul National University, majoring in Journalism and works part time as a waiter in a nearby café. He has an apartment near the university. Is withdrawned by nature, an introvert and often observes his surroundings. A picture was included in the information sheet, a boy who had wide hazel eyes and heart shaped lips. His hair was cut in a modest way, almost looking polite and prim.

In personal, Do Kyungsoo looked much more younger, his pale and rounded cheeks too adorable and his wide eyes looking very innocent. Chanyeol did not expect him to be.. Appealing in a way. He didn't look awful in the photo, but photos tended to be different from reality.

Now, what in hell would his superiors want with a college boy? In his five years of working under them, he has learned to never ask and it was a common consensus that you were given what you need only, no more and no less. If you ask questions, you kiss the world goodbye.

"Hello, may I take your order?" His voice sounded very polite and very plain. It doesn't betray any emotion at all, not a sliver of happiness or irritation.

Chanyeol orders a cup of coffee and a platter of cheesecake in a voice dripping of sleekness. Kyungsoo doesn't even look flustered as he jots down the orders and doesn't even smile as he tells Chanyeol to wait for a moment.

He follows the leaving brunette with his eyes, analyzing on whatever makes him tick. He has always been known to charm everyone, men and women alike, at any age given.

Charm, seduce, fool, then lead straight into the lion's den. Sometimes, they need more coercion and he doesn't hesitate to show the .45 magnum he hides underneath the driver's seat. It's the only formula he uses, and it's the best one there is because he's getting handsomely paid for it. He's getting the hunch somehow that this won't work for this particular case.

He likes a challenge anyway.

The cheesecake and coffee arrive in dainty pastel plates and cups. Kyungsoo asks him if he has any more orders or requests.

"Can I have your number?" Chanyeol asks, smile as radiant as a sunny day. Kyungsoo stares at him with a blank expression.

"I'm sorry sir but I can't give away personal information."

"Even after the job?"

A flash of irritation flies across Kyungsoo's face for a moment and is soon gone. "Especially after work sir. Do you need anything else?"

Chanyeol tells him no and Kyungsoo leaves with a short bow, eyes never glancing at him even once.

For a week, Chanyeol sat in the same spot and ordered coffee and different cakes from the cafe. For a week, Kyungsoo served him and everyday, he tries to lure him in. Everyday, he can see the irritation build up and the blank canvas for a face starting to be filled with gray colors.

"Hello Kyungsoo. Any suggestions on what cake I should get?" He asks. Chanyeol lowers his sea colored Ray Bans, and struggles to catch Kyungsoo's eye.

"We have triple chocolate cake as our main dessert today." He says simply and gives up trying to avoid eye contact.

"Bring in two slices in separate plates. Also tell your manager that I will pay for the time you will miss."

"Excuse me?" Kyungsoo looks flabbergasted.

"I want you to eat with me."

"But sir, I can't. It's against the cafe's policy." He says, annoyance tingeing his voice.

"Oh I'm sure I can pull a few strings out. Go get the cakes."

Kyungsoo bows stiffly and strides away. Chanyeol can see his clenched fists in a distance. When Kyungsoo comes back, he's holding two plates of chocolate cake. He puts it down on the table.

"Anything else?"

"Please sit down." Kyungsoo sighs and sits down.

"Eat." Chanyeol says, grabbing a fork and cutting a piece from his cake. Kyungsoo grabs the other fork and takes the smallest bite from his share.

"I'm sorry for making you do this. It's because it's been a week and I feel like I'm very attracted to you." Kyungsoo stops eating and glances at him, wary expression on his face.

Chanyeol keeps talking and a few minutes after, Kyungsoo is joking at him although he's still guarded. He won't let any personal information pass through (although Chanyeol doesn't really need it; he's memorized it all from the information sheet) he talks about his past time hobbies and some favorite things. He diverts Chanyeol's personal questions into trivias. Chanyeol is pretty sure that he has never learned more from Kyungsoo than he has ever in school.

Chanyeol should be charming Kyungsoo but in his opinion, the tables have turned.

"I need to go. My manager must be raging at my absence right now. Thank you for the cake Chanyeol sshi." Kyungsoo says after checking his wrist watch. He stands up and clears the table.

"Any time. So does this mean I can get your number?" Chanyeol asks.

Kyungsoo smiles at him, then bows before he leaves.

"Why does it take so hard for you to have him here Chanyeol? Is your charm faltering?" The blond tendrils of his boss' hair shine under the artificial fluorescence of the light bulbs above. Chanyeol stares at the bleach damaged locks instead of his eyes because he has learned to never look your enemy in the eye.

His job is a good paying one but it doesn't mean that he likes it. He hates leading everyone to their death, like some kind of Grim Reaper. He hates his boss the most, a cruel and insufferable bastard deserving of pure hate. Chanyeol has heard and seen many horrible things done by this man, right in front of his eyes and he had the nerve to smile with blood smears on his face.

"No, sir. He is.. A tough target. He doesn't seem to be the type who is easily swayed."

"I am not interested in his personality. I am more interested if you can get him to me. Soon." His boss stands up and Chanyeol quickly looks to the side. His boss is taller than him and if he doesn't divert his attention somewhere else, he may have to look into a pair of dark pools and a massive scar tissue on a chiseled face.

Once, a target tried to fight against his boss, trying to gouge his eyes out. She had not succeeded by any means but had made a big damage on his face. She had made three marks across his cheek, at least five centimeters deep. It had resulted her a fate with a crushed skull and a mangled body but Chanyeol supposes that it had been a satisfying thing for everyone to see a scar on his face.

"Tell me. Can you really do it? Or shall I send Jongin instead?"

"I.." Chanyeol spits out the words, against his judgement. "I will have him by the end of the week."

"As expected. I wish you luck." His smile reminded Chanyeol of sharks.

"Why are you following me?" Kyungsoo asks in that flat voice. Chanyeol had waited for Kyungsoo's shift to end, waiting outside the cafe's entrance. It was a chilly night, Chanyeol sporting a bright yellow scarf.

"Oh I'm just making sure that no one will follow you and then kidnap you for ransom."

He hisses at Chanyeol. "Stop following me!"

"No. Why did you become so cold again?"


"Yes. We were talking last time remember? You told lots of jokes and other things. Now you act like we don't know each other."

Kyungsoo stops in his tracks. "I'm sorry. I tend to push away people. If I offended you, I want to apologize."

"It's okay. Have you eaten? We should eat, I'll treat you out."

"No thank you. I'm just going to reheat my dinner." Kyungsoo fiddles with the ends of his scarf. "Do you wanna eat at my house? You don't have to of course, I mean it's not like I have quality dinner."

Chanyeol smiles. "I want to. If you don't mind."

It was a short walk, almost a block away from the cafe. When Kyungsoo opens the the door, Chanyeol is the first one in.

"This is your house?" Chanyeol takes a step in and looks around.

"Yes." Kyungsoo's eyes look wide and he looked like he was expecting Chanyeol to laugh at him.

The apartment unit is barren of color, all things in monochrome. Even the flowers in the living room table are white. The walls were painted a shade of cream and the couch had a black cover cloth. Kyungsoo didn't have a TV but had a bookshelf, featuring a wide collection of titles, in fiction and non fiction. The walls had no decorations.

"My apartment decor is a bit bland. I wanted to live simple and this isn't a permanent home anyway. I wanted to make it easier to leave. Something like that." Kyungsoo says and shuts the door. He unwinds his scarf and takes off his jacket. Chanyeol follows suit, placing the clothes on the coat rack near the door. They both shuffle into the kitchen, and once again, Chanyeol is scrutinizing the place.

The kitchen is small, a table with only two chairs and a cooking station. It was also devoid of decoration and looked very sterile. Kyungsoo opens the refrigerator to get last night's dinner.

"It's just kimchi fried rice but I hope you like it." He sets the table and they both settle down to eat.

"I'm sorry if I kept pestering you." Chanyeol says, taking a drink from his water. "I was probably annoying and irritating."

"It's okay. I'm not really social and people say thay I'm cold but I never meant to be. I'm just not great at making friends. So I'm sorry too."

The conversation seems easier when they lighten up and share their feelings. Chanyeol asks if Kyungsoo's in college and he answers yes.Chanyeol feels a little bit of guilty since he knows all this already.

"I always wanted to be a reporter. I was never good in public speaking but I can write really well so I can work for newspapers. I want to do something good for the world. I know this sounds chivalrous but yeah I want that to happen."

This was the first time Kyungsoo had ever come so close to a personal topic. In Chanyeol's ears, it had sounded very heartfelt and Chanyeol realizes then why he never wanted to lure Kyungsoo.

Because the world needs more people like him.

"I do not see any reason why Do Kyungsoo is still around and walking." His boss takes a sip of his whiskey. "It's been a week and you promised a week."

Chanyeol is running out of excuses already. For two weeks, he's been protecting Kyungsoo. So he settles to ask for reasons.

"Sir, I know I am not in the position to ask but.." He pauses, breathing in deeply. His fingers feel cold from being clenched too long. "Why do you want to get rid of Kyungsoo?"

His boss' sharp growl sends a shock to Chanyeol, making him take a step backwards. He stands up so fast, he knocks his chair backwards and his glass of whiskey flies off his hands. The glass collapses on the floor, debris, ice and brown liquid scattering everywhere.

"Do not ask me a question again! My intentions are not to be public and you will never intend to do that again or I will end you. Do you understand?" He growls at Chanyeol. Chanyeol nods, not trusting his voice.

"Get out." Chanyeol scrambles to open the doorknob and tries his best to leave as calmly as he can although he feels shaken up. His boss had never looked more like the devil back at the moment.

Jongin jumps a feet when the door suddenly opens.

"Chanyeol." He bows his head, feeling ashamed at being caught red handed. Chanyeol looks at him but doesn't acknowledge him. Chanyeol starts to walk away.

"I heard what you asked him." Jongin continues, following Chanyeol's strides. "And I know what his reason is." Chanyeol does not stop walking.

"Reporters. They are the most hideous scum in this planet. They ask the most questions and require the most precise of answers." Jongin says. "Maybe that is why he hates Kyungsoo so much. He hates all reporters."


He doesn't answer and just nods his head.

He asks himself a question that night before he lays down to bed.

When will there be peace?

Kyungsoo had warmed up to him, inviting Chanyeol to his apartment frequently. He cooked for both of them, and they talked over warm plates of scrumptious food.

"Would you mind if I asked you what your job is?"

Chanyeol stops cutting up the beef and stares at Kyungsoo.

"I work for a company." He says instead.

"Oh." Kyungsoo may have sensed that Chanyeol doesn't want to discuss it farther so he diverts the topic into a lighter one.

Chanyeol's third secret is Do Kyungsoo.

Chanyeol didn't feel so good after he wakes up. There's a low feeling in his stomach threatening to rise, an imminent danger.

He takes his time going to the headquarters, already thinking of possible excuses. When he enters the empty warehouse that they use for headquarters sometimes, he's surprised when he finds a familiar brunette.

"Kyungsoo. What are you doing here?"

"Hey Chanyeol. I don't know, you sent me a text saying that I should meet you here. Which is really weird because I don't remember giving you my number?"

"I don't have your number." Panic is starting to eat at his focus. "Kyungsoo, I think we should really go. I don't have a nice feeling with you being here. I never sent you a text anyway."

Kyungsoo frowns. "What? Then who sent me that message?" There was a shuffling sound coming from around the warehouse, coming close to the sound of footsteps.

"I did." His boss' smile is devilish. "It's so nice of you to finally bring him here Chanyeol."

"Wait what's happening?" Kyungsoo takes a step backward. "Who are you?"

"I'm not surprised that Chanyeol hadn't told you anything. To put it straight, I am the thing of your nightmares." He pulls a silver pistol from his coat pocket and holds it out to Chanyeol.

”It was your choice to delay this, so now shoot him."

"No." He doesn't intend for everything to be like this. A tidal wave has come to destroy him.

"Shoot him or I will shoot him myself."
Kyungsoo's eyes plead at him. Please be the one to do it.

"Chanyeol?" Kyungsoo sounds broken.

He gets the gun from his boss. He holds the gun against Kyungsoo's head. He looks at Kyungsoo. I'm sorry. I need to do this. If you run, he will find you.

"I'm so sorry. Forgive me." He closes his eyes and the tears rush down his cheeks. He can hear the sobbing sounds Kyungsoo makes and can imagine him shivering in fear yet accepting of his fate.

"It's okay Chanyeol. I forgive you."

There are three things in life that Chanyeol will never forget. First is the terrible bang of the gun as he pulls the trigger. Then the feeling of warm liquid splattering against him, warm droplets falling on his face. The last thing is the feeling of being utterly alone.

He's afraid that the sound of the splattering blood and the thud of a lifeless body against the floor will forever resonate in his mind. He's afraid of going to bed knowing that today, he had created a situation that will forever haunt him.

"Chanyeol?" He opens his eyes slowly and Kyungsoo looks terrified of him. Terrified but safe.

"I'm so sorry." He puts down the gun. The blood is quickly pooling on the floor. Chanyeol only realizes he's shaking when he takes a step forward and collapses on his knees.

"Why didn't you shoot me?" Kyungsoo says, wide eyes on the mess.

"I.. Was supposed to. I didn't want to." He takes slow and calming breaths. "He deserves to die. My boss deserves to die."

"I'm not scared of you if that's what your thinking. Or mad. In fact I think that was brave of you." Kyungsoo walks up to him. "How do we clean up this mess?"

"I'll call somebody I know that'll help."

"Okay. Although I have no idea what the hell is happening so you have to tell me."

Chanyeol smiles. "Over a slice of cake?"


When will there be peace?

Here is peace at last.

Final author's note: sooo sorry if it feels and looks rushed! I would have wanted to write a better story but this was what came into my head! Cheers anyway ! """""

rating: pg-13, 2015, pairing: do

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