Sep 01, 2014 19:30

Title: Third time lucky
Pairing(s): Chanyeol/Sehun
Rating: NC-17
Warning(s): language
Length: 8.5k
Summary: Chanyeol doesn’t even like the colour pink.
Author's note: I hope this doesn’t disappoint you dear recipient ;n; this is the first time I’ve written chanhun and they’re such a cute pairing and one of my faves, so I hope I did your prompt justice!! thanks to jk and a for reading and helping and motivating and being wonderful ;u;

It’s nearly three in the morning when Chanyeol finally decides his brain has taken in more than it can handle for the day. He closes his textbooks, blinking to readjust his eyes to everything but the bright white pages of writing he’s spent the last four hours looking at. He’s already missed the last bus that drops him practically at his doorstep, so his only options are walking the forty minutes home, or crashing at Baekhyun’s.

He chooses the latter, because Chanyeol knows he will definitely still be up and despite the headache Byun Baekhyun is in the morning, the walk to his apartment only takes two and a bit songs. He shoves his stuff into his backpack and slings it over his shoulder, heading towards the exit.

Chanyeol can feel his eyelids closing and he starts rubbing at them, emitting a silent yawn at the same time. He trips right before the reception desk, stubbing his toe in the carpet and clumsily dropping his book on the counter. He immediately flinches at the sound that breaks through the silence.

“Can I help you?” A loud whisper comes from his left and Chanyeol has to swallow a yelp as he starts. He turns to face the person, and rubs at his eye again to properly look at the young guy staring back at him. He’s seen him before a few times, shelving returned books or helping other students with their checkouts, but he’s never been this close to him. Chanyeol momentarily forgets why he’s at the desk when those deep brown eyes are staring at him from underneath cute and messy bangs (messy that’s halfway in between ‘I just got out of bed’ and ‘I was rolling around in hay for the entire day’). It’s not until those equally cute eyebrows raise and Chanyeol coughs, trying to shake himself out of his daze.

“Oh, I wanted to check out this book,” he says, rapping on the hardcover for emphasis and shooting him a cheesy grin. The kid (and Chanyeol says kid because he looks barely a day out of high school, despite his height) just nods and puts his hand out for Chanyeol’s student ID. He hands it over and watches as he scans the book. He returns the book to Chanyeol without another word, and the latter thanks him with another smile. Chanyeol is already five steps away when he thinks he wants his name. He turns around to ask, only to find the desk empty and the kid nowhere in sight.

Chanyeol glances down at his phone, fluffing his hair with one hand as he looks up at the street signs to make sure he’s heading in the right direction. According to the guy at the subway station, it was less than a five minute walk away, and Chanyeol had already been going in circles for close to ten. It’s when Chanyeol passes the same bright yellow dumpster down a back alley for the third time that he’s fishing out his phone and calling up Jongin.

All he gets is the dull ringing tone, just as expected. He sighs and pockets his phone. Agreeing to come out tonight was such a big mistake.

Chanyeol’s about to give up and head back in the direction he thinks the station is, when two guys pass by and he overhears their conversation about a new ‘special’ club.

Whatever that means.

He assumes it’s the same one he’s supposed to meet Jongin at, and spins on his heel, following behind at a slower pace so as to increase the distance between him and the pair.

He ends up trailing after them around a corner only a block away, and Chanyeol can’t believe he ever missed it. It’s right in between a small coffee shop on the right, and bookstore bordering its left side. There’s a huge neon sign above the entrance reading Cue, the doorway flashing all kinds of obnoxious colours. He doesn’t recall the name Jongin told him, but it’s a safe bet that this is the place, and he flashes his ID at the very intimidating bouncer outside the door, before making his way inside.

The first sight that greets Chanyeol is a pole on stage, and while that’s kind of weird for a club, Chanyeol shrugs it off thinking it could be for some exotic dancers (he’s seen the movies). He decides to search the bar first, knowing that’s where Jongin always starts off the night. He hasn’t spied that familiar dark brown mess of hair yet, so he checks out the menu and wow this place is pretty pricey; just one glance and Chanyeol already knows he can’t afford eighty percent of the drinks. He’s still on student loans, so he goes for the cheapest beer. Holding the bottle by the neck, he walks down the bar counter just to double check.

His search comes up empty-handed, but it’s no real worry to him because he’d rather not go actively looking for him and witness the sight of his best friend grinding up on a stranger. He’s had enough front seat views of Jongin’s hand down the front of someone’s pants, which almost always ends up with Chanyeol finding his own way home and Jongin getting under the sheets with aforementioned stranger.

He seats himself down on an empty stool and takes a sip of the beer, almost coughing it out because Jesus it tastes like crap. It hasn’t even got the brand label on and Chanyeol is willing to bet a month of his rent that it’s diluted-with-dishwater alcohol. He sets it behind him and regrets doughing out the money for it, trying to swallow the crap aftertaste it’s leaving in his mouth.

He doesn’t know why Jongin was raving so much. So far he hasn’t got the best impression that this club is anything short of amazing. He finally decides to scan the rest of the place, looking down on the floor. The bar is set up a few steps higher on a raised platform, and it’s a good spot to perch and check out the crowd, so Chanyeol leans back against the counter and surveys. There’s a lot more stage than space to be honest, with chairs lined around the edges of it as the platform protrudes out in two almost teardrop-like shapes. And now that Chanyeol’s paying attention, he finally spies the two other poles bolted to the black shiny stage floor in the four corners.

An almost siren-like sound interrupts his thoughts, and the music abruptly cuts off, a loud cheer replacing the thumping bass not even two seconds later. Chanyeol’s startled, and he nearly falls off his seat when the guy next to him suddenly stands up, hands cupped around his mouth as he hollers (really loudly) at the stage. Chanyeol follows his gaze and chokes on air when he sees a male walk down the stage, and he has to thump his chest four times to breathe properly again.

Chanyeol blinks at the sight before him, a red piece of material tightly fit around the male’s torso as he steps into the spotlight focused on one of the poles. He swallows and all of a sudden the sound around him is too loud and rowdy. He’s hearing catcalls and sharp whistles from all corners of the room as the male on stage wraps a hand around the pole and starts to dance, moving his body to the sensual music the club is playing.

He’s soon joined by two others at the other poles, wearing the same outfit in yellow and blue, but Chanyeol’s not even sure briefs and tights along with a fucking corset can count as one.

The realization hits Chanyeol embarrassingly late, and he has to swallow hard to come to terms that he’s in a strip club. A gay strip club. Watching a gay strip show. He’s feeling ironically out of place, despite the numerous one dollar bills housed in his wallet and uncomfortable growing feeling that only comes prior to a tent in his pants.

He finds a quieter corner of the club to call Jongin because damn that boy’s got a lot of explaining to do, and is actually surprised when the latter picks up. Chanyeol has to cover his left ear to block out the music and still ongoing cheers from the crowd.

“Where the hell are you?” Jongin asks straightaway.

“At the fucking, uh, club… thing…” Chanyeol stutters, before he hears the faint background music over the call that sounds a lot more dubstep than the music Chanyeol’s currently listening to. “W-wait, what’s the club name again?”



Chanyeol immediately hangs up without another word, shaking his head. He ignores Jongin’s call back, the vibrations dying down after three rings before he turns his phone off.

Chanyeol heads straight for the exit, internally kicking himself because of course he would end up in the wrong damn club. The floor’s gotten a lot fuller, so Chanyeol has to brush past a lot of guys (because face it, they’re all male), barely making it to the doorway before the club plunges into darkness and a loud voice sounds through the speakers, announcing some sort of ‘new and special show’.

For some reason, Chanyeol’s eyes drift over to the stage where the spotlight is now centered on a silver chair, waiting and ready. Someone steps into the light, limbs long and lean and covered in copious amounts of glitter that makes him sparkle with every movement, no matter how slight. He’s dressed just the same as the others, corset and tights on, but then Chanyeol glances at his face and can’t bare to look away, the pink sequins utterly mesmerizing. They start on his temple and grace the right side of his face, shaped in flowing tendrils that curl all the way down to his bare neck, and Chanyeol doesn’t think he’s seen anything hotter.

The male raises a leg swiftly, straddling the chair and arching backwards to flatten his palms on the floor as he raises his hips up. Chanyeol has to fluff the collar of his shirt to get some breeze going against his neck because wow it’s gotten really hot in here. The guy is just so fucking flexible and Chanyeol can feel how dry his mouth is.

It’s somewhere in between the discarding of his corset and ripping of tights when Chanyeol’s jaw drops open and can’t find the energy or care to bother to pick it up. He doesn’t even know how long he’s been watching him, but there’s just something about the male that seems so familiar, and yet he can’t place it. It’s practically impossible for him not to watch as the male sways his hips, all alluring and seductive.

He’s the very definition of a mystery, with an aura of illusion and secrecy. And Chanyeol wants to figure out his puzzle. He has to.

Soon the guy is in the middle of the teardrop, bending over and stretching out his long legs for the crowd to slip bills into the ripped holes of his tights. He’s practically naked by this point, and it’s no question that the majority of the tippers’ fingers are lingering, trying to feel as much skin as possible before their opportunity is gone for the night.

Chanyeol’s still too enthralled by the male to move an inch, and he knows by the time he makes it over to the stage he’ll be gone. Clapping fills the place as he bows very gracefully and sexual, and Chanyeol notices a sly smile curve on his lips before the male is straightening up and stepping backwards into the dark.

Chanyeol returns home less than an hour later, falling asleep to dreams of a sequined stranger and cryptic smiles.

“You went to a strip club?!” Jongin half-guffaws, and Chanyeol gets the mild urge to shove him off his chair.

“I couldn’t find the fucking place, and assumed that was it, okay?” Chanyeol glares, trying to block out Baekhyun’s laughter ringing loud in his left ear. He’s silently hoping he’ll choke on his soda and be rendered mute for the next few days, to be quite honest.

“You didn’t notice the half-naked guys swinging around poles? Or the ambience of gay around? You spend enough time around Jongin that I’d expect your gaydar to be functional enough to tell.”

“You say that as if everyone’s sexuality is just displayed over their head in large flashing letters.” Chanyeol says, muttering out a, “And they didn’t start pole-dancing until after.”

Jongin and Baekhyun collapse into laughter again, before the former abruptly stops and fixes Chanyeol with an Extremely Serious Look.

“Wait, are strip clubs a good place to pick up guys?”

Chanyeol finds himself back at Cue two days later, lying over text to Baekhyun that he’s at the library. There aren’t as many people as before, and he rubs up and down his right arm in effort to quell the nervousness he’s feeling. It’s a bit awkward, possessing the initial intent to actually walk into a strip club, and a wave of paranoia sweeps over him as he gets a few stares. He doesn’t know whether they’re looks of disapproval because Chanyeol’s this Baby-Faced Can’t Even Grow Facial Hair twenty-year-old, but then someone smirks at him and he realizes he’s being checked out. That makes Chanyeol even more anxious, and he scurries out of the stranger’s line of sight, trying to blend in with the crowd that’s already bordering the front of the stage as they wait for the show.

Chanyeol forgoes buying a drink this time round, because he didn’t even make it through half of his beer bottle last time before he felt like blowing chunks. He decides to just stand still, because the spot he’s in is pretty good, and if he stretches out just enough he’ll be able to slide a bill into Pink Sequin Guy’s tights when he’s walking down the stage.

Not that that’s the reason he’s so close and upfront. Not at all.

Chanyeol checks his phone, ignoring the pointless texts from Baekhyun asking him if he’s really studying, and if so, can he borrow his 3DS because he still hasn’t got Hello Kitty a new outfit and it’s been a month since he last played on Chanyeol’s Nintendo. Chanyeol can’t believe he’s friends with a university student who plays things like Hello Kitty Big City Dreams (a game Baekhyun bought out of his own pocket), and he sighs.

There’s only two other messages, one being a reminder from his lab partner about their upcoming practical (to which Chanyeol promptly forgets about), and the second from Jongin, who’s asking him for the address to Cue (or as Jongin puts it, “the Boner Club”). Chanyeol shoots off an apology that he doesn’t recall where the place is, and Jongin replies seconds later with a disappointed face emoji.

Chanyeol’s about to shove his phone back in his pocket when it buzzes again and Jongin’s asking if he wants to catch that new movie sometime later on in the week.

Chanyeol’s glad Jongin’s not pressing the issue of the club, because whilst he gets a real kick of helping him get into someone else’s pants (read: sarcasm), he’d really prefer to leave Jongin in the dark. It was embarrassing enough to have Jongin and Baekhyun laugh at him for not knowing it was a strip club, but for them to find out he’d come back on purpose would be downright humiliating. He already gets enough jabs from the two of them about everything else in his life, and return trips to gay strip clubs does not need to make the list.

He’s ripped out of his thoughts by that same alarm sound, and the music cuts once again to a slower, more sexual song as the first dancer (Chanyeol doesn’t like calling them strippers) comes out. He’s wearing something that resembles a cowboy outfit, leather boots and a matching vest on, and Chanyeol can only describe his choice of bottoms as the tightest pair of booty shorts known to man. Not like it’s a problem, but this opening act isn’t the reason Chanyeol came by, and he stands silent as the crowd starts to whistle.

Chanyeol guesses they’re going for a Wild Wild West theme tonight, when the second and third dancers appear on stage in similar garb, one of them with a cowboy hat on and the other holding a lasso. He starts to rock onto the balls of his feet, nerves getting to him because a quick glance at their faces tells Chanyeol that neither of them are Pink Sequin Guy, and that means he must be up next.

But then the club lights up, the dancers are gone, and a voice sounds out that the show is over for the night. Chanyeol’s eyes widen in confusion.


He scans the club, and the crowd has dispersed, their attention now on dancing and finding someone to go home with for the night. Chanyeol swallows and tries to suppress the feeling of disappointment that’s slowly growing. He heads home straight away, brushing past the guy from before who still looks like he wants to get into Chanyeol’s pants. Out in the fresh air, he makes tracks back to the station, and wonders just why he’s so crestfallen at not seeing someone he doesn’t even know.

Despite the letdown yesterday, Chanyeol ends up going back again the next day. He arrives a little before ten, flashing his ID like always, and he swears the bouncer gives him a knowing smirk. Chanyeol flushes slightly and ducks his head, silently cursing that he’s that recognizable.

He passes by the bar, judging himself for taking this measure of actually buying a drink as he hands over the money. He orders a different beer that’s slightly more expensive, seating himself near the bartender. He doesn’t really know how to catch his attention, but then the guy looks over and Chanyeol quickly averts his gaze, pretending to be interested in the ceiling.

“Need help?” Chanyeol hears, and he slowly turns to look at the bartender.

“I-it’s that obvious?” Chanyeol meekly replies, and the guy chuckles. He’s very tall, and might even have a few inches on Chanyeol himself.

“There’s a sort of, newbie look, to you.”

Whether that’s a good or bad thing, Chanyeol doesn’t know.

“Well, I was wondering if you could tell me, about the, um, show… thing.” He nods his head towards the stage, and another laugh escapes from the bartender’s mouth.

“The strip show?” He clarifies, and Chanyeol nods. “What do you want to know? Are you trying to figure out your sexuality or something?”

“No!” Chanyeol immediately denies. “I-I know I’m gay.” He doesn’t want this guy to think he’s this complete freshie. “I meant, I wanted to know about one of the dancers.”

“What about ‘em?” The bartender wipes down the counter in front of Chanyeol and hands him a coaster for his Even Crappier Than Last Time beer. Chanyeol clears his throat, setting his bottle on the cardboard and leaning his elbows on the counter.

“Um, well there was a special show, the first time I came here,” Chanyeol explains, “and there was this guy at the end, with… uh, pink, um, sequins?” The bartender is looking at Chanyeol all weird, and he’s starting to feel ridiculous asking him about a stranger who paraded down the stage with fucking glittery beads of plastic stuck to his skin.

But a flash of understanding shows in the bartender’s eyes, and he lets out a low whistle.

“Oh, him. He’s not a regular, if that’s what you wanted to know. I don’t know much of the details, and if you want to know more, you’re going to have to ask him yourself. Can’t disclose personal information to you, sorry.”

Chanyeol sighs. He grimly thanks the bartender (“I’m Wufan, by the way,”) and hops off the stool, before he hears Wufan calling for him again.

“Okay, don’t tell the kid I let you know, but he’s sorting some things out with our manager right now. So if I were you, and if I really wanted to see him, I wouldn’t leave just yet.”

Chanyeol’s face lights up, and he flashes him a grin.

“Why don’t you go out on the dancefloor?” Wufan asks a slumped-over Chanyeol, who has been tapping on the wooden counter for the past twenty minutes in anticipation. “He’s not going to just appear. Give it some time.”

Chanyeol buries his face into his folded arms. “I don’t dance.”

“Then go walk around, take a piss, I don’t know - go do something.” Wufan says, and Chanyeol rolls his eyes. He plays the role of pouty child pretty well, and he digs his hands into his pockets as he walks towards the bathrooms.

He splashes some cold water on his face, patting his cheeks dry with a paper towel. He’s getting all nervous again, and Pink Sequin Guy isn’t even in the club. Chanyeol honestly doesn’t even know what’s gotten into him, and he’s already so desperate just to see him again.

The club seems to have gotten fuller over the past few minutes he was in the bathroom, and Chanyeol squeezes past people grinding up on each other on the dancefloor.

He gets back to the bar, and Wufan offers him another drink as Chanyeol sits himself on a stool, shaking his head in reply. Wufan goes off to take an order, and Chanyeol mulls things over, wondering what he’s even going to do once he comes out. He never planned this far ahead to be honest, and thought he’d be able to find out more just by asking around. He doesn’t even realize he’s staring until he blinks and sees someone step into view, tall with a blank look on their face. He freezes, hand around the back of his neck, and watches as Pink Sequin Guy raise a hand in greeting to Wufan as he comes to lean over the counter and bro-shake his hand.

“Wufan, I’m heading out now. See you next Monday, yeah?”

His voice is almost melodic, and up close, despite the crap lighting they’re under, Chanyeol can see the light freckles speckled over his nose. It’s when he looks at his eyes, that soft brown colour, that it hits Chanyeol, and his jaw goes slack.

Pink Sequin Guy finally notices Chanyeol as he turns to face him, and a little gasp escapes from his mouth. There’s a quick flash of surprise in his eyes, but it’s gone just as quick as it came, and he’s averting Chanyeol’s gaze as he shuts his mouth and brushes past him.

Chanyeol stares at Wufan, incredibly confused, before realizing he should go after him, and he spins off the chair, following him through the mass of people.

He catches up to him right outside the club, shouting out a “wait!” as he allows the people entering to pass through the doorway first. Chanyeol’s surprised he actually stops, and he takes in a deep breath as they come face to face.

“I-I know you.” Chanyeol says. Pink Sequin Guy remains silent, and Chanyeol takes that as a sign to continue talking. “You’re that kid from the library; you work at my university.”

Pink Sequin Guy looks taken aback and scoffs. “I’m not a kid.”

“Okay, well not kid, but you look really young.” Chanyeol bends down, peering at him closer. “How old are you?”

“I don’t have to tell you that.”

Chanyeol shrugs because the ki--guy--has a point.

“Do you go to university?”

Pink Sequin Guy folds his arms and fixes Chanyeol with a knowing stare. Chanyeol chuckles, and holds his hands up.

“Okay, okay. Can I at least know your name?” Chanyeol tries, biting on his bottom lip nervously. The guy looks at him up and down, before uncrossing his arms.
“It’s Sehun.”

“Sehun. Hi, nice to meet you.” Chanyeol sticks his hand out and waits for Sehun to shake it. “I’m Chanyeol.” He shoots him a huge grin. “I assume you’re legal, so can I buy you a drink?” He doesn’t want to offend him (or Wufan, but it’s not like he’s going to know) by dissing his workplace’s drinks, so he tilts his head towards the club, before he sees the grimace on Sehun’s face.

“The drinks here are crap. Come on, I know another place,” Sehun replies, and the corners of Chanyeol’s mouth curl up.

Sehun drags him to another club only a few minutes walk away from Cue, and greets the bartender, and they exchange a few, haven’t seen you around for a while’s and been busy with work’s. Chanyeol shifts on the stool next to Sehun, a little awkward because he doesn’t know what to do while he listens to their conversation. But then the bartender’s asking him what he wants to drink, and Chanyeol replies with the generic Coke and Rum Cocktail.

Sehun orders something that sounds like it has a lot of vodka in it, and the bartender leaves to get their drinks. They sit in silence, bass thumping in the background as chatter from people nearby surrounds them.

“So you remember me?” Sehun asks, and Chanyeol starts to relax slightly.

“Of course! When I saw you, um, on stage, I knew you looked familiar.”

“You watched me?” Sehun looks surprised, and Chanyeol meekly nods.

“Oh, yeah… a couple of nights ago.” Chanyeol scratches the back of his head. “Your… um, dancing, was really good.”

“Dancing?” Sehun laughs. “It’s okay, Chanyeol. I’m a stripper. You can say I was stripping.” He chuckles again when Chanyeol just mildly fidgets, nodding his head. It’s when they make eye contact again that Sehun lowers his voice and huskily whispers, “Did you like it?”

Chanyeol goes doe-eyed and is about to open his mouth to splutter unattractively when the bartender comes by with their drinks and he’s saved.

“Okay, how about twenty questions?” Chanyeol proposes, and Sehun taps his index finger on his bottom lip. So far, Chanyeol had no luck with finding out much about Sehun at all, and this was literally his last resort.

“Am I asking you, or you asking me?”

“We’ll ask each other, you get ten and I get ten. And we’ll take turns. Sound fair?” He raises his eyebrows, in hopes of Sehun accepting these terms.

“What makes you think I want to know about you?” Sehun quirks an eyebrow, and Chanyeol stretches his arms up, grinning cockily back at him.

“Because I’m a very interesting specimen of human, I think I might be the only person in the city taller than you, besides Wufan, and I’m tons more attractive than him.” Chanyeol’s confidence has boosted up plenty since his and Sehun’s initial meeting, and he owes it to the alcohol, to be honest.

Sehun stifles a laugh. “Okay, but there’s one rule: no questions to do with my age, or why I have two jobs.”

Chanyeol pretends to think on this; he’s a little disconcerted because it’s the latter condition he’s very curious about, but he accepts anyways.

“You can go first.” He gracefully motions with his hand.

Sehun takes a small swig of his third vodka cocktail thing, swirling the liquid around in the glass. “What instruments do you play?”

“How do you know I play any instrument at all?”

Sehun wiggles his finger. “You can’t ask anything until you answer my question first.” He’s grinning cheekily, and Chanyeol kind of wants to wipe that smirk off Sehun’s face. With his own mouth.

He jokingly glares at Sehun, before counting off on his fingers, “Guitar, piano, drums, and… does the triangle count?”

Sehun lets out a low whistle, before nodding. “Okay, your turn.”

“The question I just asked.”

“Really? You’re going to use one of your turns for that?” Sehun muses, and Chanyeol is a little wary, but nods insistently. “I work at the library, remember? I’ve checked out your textbooks before; I know you study music. It makes sense that you play an instrument of some kind.”

Chanyeol’s mouth forms an O, and he can’t believe he didn’t think of that, but Sehun’s answer provides Chanyeol with more information than he originally wanted.

“Hm, so out of all the students you’ve seen in the library, you remember me?” He’s smirking, and pokes Sehun’s nose when the brunet slightly blushes, before muttering “it’s not your turn to ask a question now”. Chanyeol zips his lips in mock apology.

“How did you end up at Cue?”

“Oh, about that…” Chanyeol nervously chuckles. “I wound up there on accident; I was supposed to meet a friend there, and got lost.” Chanyeol looks at Sehun as he answers, and he swears his face falls a little at the mention of friend. “I thought Cue was the place, until I saw you uh, da--stripping.” Chanyeol clears his throat, and the smile is back on Sehun’s face.

“When do you work at Cue?” He asks, taking a sip of his drink.

“Hey, you’re not allowed to ask me questions about my jobs!” Sehun reminds him.

“Actually, you said I couldn’t ask why you have two jobs, but nothing about their details.” Chanyeol flashes him a wide smile, and Sehun pauses, mouth open. He firmly shuts it once he realizes Chanyeol’s right, and narrows his eyes at him.

“Weekends, and Thursdays,” he answers, before immediately asking his next question.

“Did you like watching me?” Chanyeol chokes on his cocktail, the alcohol going down the wrong pipe and burning more than it should.

“Uh…” He croaks out, massaging his throat with two fingers as he downs more of his drink. There’s no point to lying, considering Sehun probably already knows the answer, so he mumbles out a small “yes”, and Sehun grins.

“Bubble tea or ice cream?” It’s not a question with any real intent, other than to avert the discussion off of the topic of Chanyeol Getting Hard to Sehun, but the brunet’s eyes light up anyways.

“Bubble tea! Definitely. I would love to work in a bubble tea shop, imagine the employee discount!” A laugh bubbles out of Chanyeol’s mouth, and Sehun shrinks slightly, embarrassed at his own display of excitement.

“Dance with me?” He asks, and Chanyeol’s face drops, staring at him in shock.

“Uh, I don’t dance,” he shakes his head, already trying to pull his wrists out of the grip Sehun has on them. The younger pouts, and Chanyeol’s suspected he’s already had enough alcohol for the night.

“Fine. You can just watch me then.” Sehun winks, and flounces off to the dancefloor, standing in a spot that gives Chanyeol a very good and very clear line of sight. This is going to be amusing, Chanyeol thinks, given the amount of vodka in Sehun’s system, but then the brunet starts to sway his hips, and Chanyeol immediately gets a flashback of Sehun on stage, the pink sequins on his bare skin.

The first word that comes to mind upon watching Sehun dance is ‘fuck’, along with some other curses, because he’s practically sinful, and Chanyeol can’t keep his eyes off him. He’s getting that feeling in his stomach again, and he doesn’t know whether he should just sit still and pray that Sehun (or anyone else for that matter) won’t see his bulging crotch, or try to adjust as subtly as he can.

He goes with the latter, pretending to be brushing nonexistent dirt off his pants before standing up and pulling the creases down. He swings one leg over the other as casually as possible, and coughs, quickly looking around to see if anyone noticed his How To Hide a Boner move.

Sehun’s beginning to get more sexual with his dancing, and Chanyeol sees several guys looking at Sehun from the corner of his eye. A tiny flare of jealousy sparks within him, but it dies down straightaway as soon as Sehun catches his own eyes and gives Chanyeol a very suggestive smirk, almost to ask if he’s enjoying the show, and Chanyeol knows this is all for him.

Then a blond guy, taller than Sehun and certainly more muscular than Chanyeol, comes up behind him, placing his hands on Sehun’s hips and grinding up against him. Chanyeol tenses uncomfortably, and watches as Sehun tries to push him away. It’s only when the guy grips Sehun’s wrist and tries to cup his ass again that Chanyeol is up and out of his seat, practically leaping across the room.

He slides in between the two of them, one hand instinctively going behind him to keep Sehun at a distance. He doesn’t say anything, but fixes the blond with a very clear glower, and the guy backs off. Chanyeol waits until he’s slunk back into the rest of the crowd before spinning to face Sehun.

“Are you okay?” Chanyeol fights the urge to bring his hands up to cup Sehun’s face. He blames the alcohol on his sudden confidence, because damn that guy could probably have kicked his ass if he wanted.

“You shouldn’t waste one of your questions like that,” Sehun gives him a wry smile, arms automatically coming up rest on Chanyeol’s shoulders. He leans in, whispering into his ear, “But I’m fine now, thank you for asking.” He drops one of his arms, and Chanyeol feels the younger’s fingers curl around his own as Sehun places Chanyeol’s hand on his waist. “You can touch me, you know.”

Chanyeol stutters, unsure of what to say or even do, but then Sehun’s helping to guide him in time with the music, and he starts swinging his hips slightly, and very awkwardly.

“I told you I don’t dance,” he replies, looking down at his feet to make sure he doesn’t step on Sehun’s. The music is very loud, yet the thudding of his own heart seems volumes louder, and he’s wondering if Sehun can even tell how nervous he is.

“That’s why I’m here,” Sehun’s voice comes as a form of comfort, and Chanyeol can feel his fingers gently tracing the nape of his neck. Sehun’s movements get larger as he rotates his hips, and fuck, Chanyeol’s forgotten how flexible he can get.

Chanyeol concentrates on trying to keep his dick away from touching any part of Sehun, and is praying he doesn’t look as stupid as he feels, when Sehun pulls him out of his thoughts.

“Could you have really taken that guy if he wanted to fight?”

One of Sehun’s hands is in Chanyeol’s hair now, softly playing with the strands atop his head.

“Of course. I’m very strong. He would have nothing on me,” Chanyeol bluffs, and Sehun stifles a chuckle.

“He had a lot of muscle though.”

“Excuse me, have you seen my arms? They may look as weak as straw, but they’re practically bamboo shoots.” Chanyeol winks. His hands are still awkwardly stuck to the side of Sehun’s waist, not daring to move them any further, and he’s trying to be all flowy like Sehun. He thinks he looks more like a robot, movements all square and rigid. He ends up nodding towards the bartender, and “Do you come here often?” slips from his lips, sounding more like a pick-up line than an actual inquiry.

Sehun’s mouth twists slightly, and he thinks for a bit. “Hm, not really. I used to a lot, practically every other day. But now it’s more like a twice-a-month thing.” Sehun pulls himself in closer to Chanyeol, closing the distance between them as he lets their torsos brush against each other.

Chanyeol gulps. He kind of regrets wearing a long-sleeved plaid shirt out, despite the chilly weather, because it’s hot as hell right now. He finally moves his arms, letting them rest on Sehun’s lower back, and it’s really close to his ass but Sehun doesn’t say anything. In fact, Chanyeol thinks he sees a sparkle of approval in the brunet’s eyes, and Sehun only increases his teasing on the back of Chanyeol’s neck, fingertips dancing on his skin.

“Who was that friend you were supposed to meet?” Sehun asks, and Chanyeol looks at him, staring into his brown eyes. He feels like he could really just melt in them.

“One of my best friends, he invited me out to go to this club with hi--” Chanyeol starts, and his eyes widen enormously, interrupted when Sehun grinds against him, because not only is Sehun feeling Chanyeol’s half-hard dick (something Chanyeol would be freaking out over), but Chanyeol’s feeling Sehun’s erection at the same time. He mumbles over the rest of his words, and can’t stop thinking oh holy fuck he’s hard and I’m hard and we’re rubbing our hardnesses on each other in public.

“It’s your turn to ask,” Sehun says, fluttering his eyelashes at Chanyeol, and he spins around, pushing his ass back into Chanyeol’s crotch. One arm comes up to wrap around the back of the Chanyeol’s neck, and he rests the other on top of the hand Chanyeol’s got on his hips. In this new position, Chanyeol knows he’s going to be full-mast extremely soon, especially with all the grinding Sehun is doing.

“W-whose idea was the--shit--pink sequins?” Chanyeol curses himself for stumbling over words, nearly bordering on losing coherency of all thoughts.

Sehun turns his head, letting the tip of his nose graze over Chanyeol’s neck, and Chanyeol sees him lick over his lips when the answer comes in a heated whisper of “Mine.”

It’s when Sehun turns back around and looks up at Chanyeol through hooded eyelashes and a very teasing smirk that Chanyeol feels a shivery tingle run down his spine.

Sehun leans in, and tilts his head ever so subtly, letting his eyelids flutter shut. It is the very presence of Sehun that is so intoxicating to Chanyeol, and especially when he rolls his hips does Chanyeol want to bite down on his skin, marking Sehun as his own. He slides a hand into the back pocket of Sehun’s jeans, a tiny burst of confidence filling him up when Sehun buries his face into Chanyeol’s neck. His warm breath fans over, and it feels like fire on his skin.

Chanyeol wants to get out of there; it’s getting too hot and he needs Sehun. Under him, on top of him, it doesn’t even matter, but Chanyeol can’t leave this now.

“My turn now,” Sehun whispers, and his lips are barely grazing Chanyeol’s.

“Would you like to come home with me tonight?”

Chanyeol doesn’t have time to think about the logistics of how they got to the apartment block, especially not when Sehun’s mouth is on his and hands are eagerly carding through his hair. Chanyeol’s shirt is unbuttoned at the top, and Sehun’s pants are halfway undone, the belt at risk of falling out of one of the loops.

Sehun brings one of his hands down to cup at Chanyeol’s crotch, and a breathy moan escapes the elder’s lips. He sounds wanton and desperate, but Chanyeol can’t find it in himself to care at the moment, not when Sehun is rubbing his palm so deliciously on his hard-on and leaving marks all over his exposed plane of skin.

Chanyeol curls a hand around the back of Sehun’s neck and pulls him up for another bruising kiss, slipping his tongue easily into his already open mouth.

“Bedroom.” He murmurs against Sehun’s lips, more of a demand than a query of its location, and Sehun tightens two fists into Chanyeol’s shirt in response, dragging him to the room, their lips still connected.

They break apart for air, and Sehun quickly shucks off his pants as Chanyeol pulls his shirt over his head. Sehun wraps his arms around Chanyeol’s neck this time, pulling him down to the bed. Chanyeol nearly falls on Sehun, and he adjusts his position on top so he doesn’t squash him, going up on his elbows.

He leans down to kiss Sehun again, his lips feeling so wonderfully soft and luscious against Chanyeol’s. Sehun bucks his hips up in attempt to get any friction on his dick, and a deep exhale leaves his mouth when he rubs up against Chanyeol, his briefs and Chanyeol’s jeans being the only barriers preventing skin on skin.

Chanyeol’s truly amazed he’s here right now, watching Sehun, kissing Sehun, when it was only three days ago that he saw him on stage.

Chanyeol slips his hand under the hem of Sehun’s shirt and lets his fingers dance along his torso, feeling the amazingly soft skin that shivers under his touch. Sehun makes to remove his shirt, throwing it behind Chanyeol to join the other discarded articles of clothing on the floor.

It’s now with the sight of an almost fully-naked Sehun that Chanyeol lets his eyes rake over the flat expanse of Sehun’s stomach, his pale skin standing out beautifully against dark green sheets. Sehun’s not the least bit shy, and he reaches down to palm at his own cock, feeling incredibly hard under Chanyeol’s lustful gaze. His legs are long and just as beautifully unblemished, lean and strong thighs that spread a little wider as Sehun begins to stroke his member through his briefs.

Chanyeol nearly pounces on him, latching his mouth onto his nipple and letting his tongue lick over it. Sehun’s fingers come to his hair again, gripping the strands harshly and moaning out Chanyeol’s name as he brings his left hand up to rub at his other nipple.

They’re cute, Chanyeol thinks, all pink and soft, as his tongue runs over the pert bud. Sehun grinds his crotch against Chanyeol’s again, and it’s with a whisper that Sehun opens his mouth.

“Pl-please, please take this off.” Sehun tugs at the front waistband of Chanyeol’s pants, and Chanyeol figures he’s not one to deny the boy, especially not when Sehun’s sounding extremely needy for him.

He figures it’s time anyways, now that he’s fully hard and almost to the point of aching, so he dutifully pulls both his boxers and pants down, stepping out of them as they pool on the floor, the shape of his cock now visible to Sehun.

The younger’s eyes widen, and Sehun pokes his tongue out just a bit at the sight. Chanyeol doesn’t even have time to spit out a cliche line of “like what you see?” when Sehun’s fingers wrap around his cock and his tongue flicks at the head.

Chanyeol voices his approval in a very shallow intake of breath, almost hissing, as Sehun licks a stripe from base to tip, his tongue flat on the underside of his dick. Sehun’s sitting on the edge of the bed and Chanyeol’s got one leg bent and resting on the mattress, and he doesn’t know if he has enough stability to keep himself up when Sehun suddenly takes him in his mouth and sucks. Hard.

He ends up kneeling on the bed, and Sehun shuffles back on the bed to accommodate, mouth never leaving Chanyeol’s cock as his head bobs up and down, lips forming the perfect O around him.

Chanyeol tries his hardest not to roll his hips into his mouth, but then Sehun’s hands come to the back of his thighs and pull him forward, and fuck, he’s trying to take more of Chanyeol in. He lightly thrusts forward, and Sehun hums in pleasure, causing Chanyeol to nearly collapse forward at the vibrations.

He feels like he could come just from this, the warmth of Sehun’s mouth on him, but Sehun finally pulls away, and there’s a string of saliva from the corner of his mouth to the tip of Chanyeol’s dick. His lips are all red and swollen, and Chanyeol swoops down to kiss them. He can’t help but lick into his mouth when Sehun looks so delectable and beautiful like that.

Chanyeol doesn’t even know when Sehun removes his briefs, because he’s lying on top of him now and Sehun’s rutting up against Chanyeol, and there’s a tiny gasp of surprise that escapes his mouth when he feels their bare cocks touching.

His takes Sehun in his hand, thumbing at the slit and rubbing his precome over the head. He’s got a nicer grip on his cock now that it’s half slicked up, and Sehun digs his nails into Chanyeol’s back, biting down on his bottom lip.

“Can you just, get in me,” Sehun breathes out, and Chanyeol grinds his hips deeply against Sehun’s one last time, finally getting a loud whimper out of the younger as his nails form crescents in Chanyeol’s skin.

Chanyeol reluctantly pulls away and rolls off the bed to search in Sehun’s bedside drawers.

“Where’s your shit?” He asks, pulling them out one by one really quickly because it’s with a dire need that he needs to be inside Sehun.

The younger’s got his eyes shut, and he points to the bathroom weakly, one hand pumping himself as he waits for Chanyeol. “Did you find them? Under the sink.”

“Why the fuck are they all the way in here?” Chanyeol opens the sink cabinet, finally locating the lube and condoms.

“I don’t do this a lot,” Sehun replies once Chanyeol’s back on the bed, planting a very hard kiss onto his mouth. He pulls Sehun towards him and forces his legs to wrap around his own waist, Sehun’s cock curved and throbbing in between. “Now, are you going to Driving Miss Daisy fucking me? Because I kind of need Fast and Furious right now.”

It’s that remark that makes a grin twitch on Chanyeol’s lips, but he doesn’t say anything as he uncaps the bottle and squirts a generous amount of liquid onto his index and middle finger.

Chanyeol presses his digits to Sehun’s entrance, and Sehun hisses at the cool touch, but he curls his fingers around Chanyeol’s arm and it’s with a squeeze that he tells Chanyeol to keep going.

Chanyeol pushes his middle finger in first, going slow and watching the muscles suck around his finger. It’s unbearably tight, and Chanyeol can’t believe he’s getting harder imagining how Sehun’s going to feel around his cock. He works him open, Sehun mewling and biting more onto his bottom lip.

It’s not long after when Chanyeol has three fingers in him, and he’s pulling out because he really can’t wait any fucking longer. He rolls the condom on, giving his member a few more pumps with his lube-slicked hand.

Chanyeol positions himself over Sehun, one hand on his cock as he rubs the tip in between his cheeks, the head brushing against his entrance.

Sehun has to harshly grit out a “fuck me now” before Chanyeol obeys and pushes in, taking his time for Sehun to adjust as he takes the head of him in first. He shuts his eyes tight, and Chanyeol leans down to kiss him, letting their lips mould in order to take Sehun’s mind off of the initial stretch.

He slowly thrusts in further until he’s in to the hilt, and Sehun doesn’t waste time waiting. He ruts up against Chanyeol as best as he can, and the elder gets the message as he increases his pace.

He doesn’t stop kissing Sehun throughout, their lips constantly against one another’s in some way, as Sehun lightly tugs on Chanyeol’s lower lip with his teeth, and Chanyeol licks over Sehun’s teeth. Chanyeol doesn’t let Sehun touch himself when he brings his own hand to wrap around his cock and jerk him to completion.

Sehun comes before Chanyeol, having alternated between pushing down on Chanyeol’s cock and bucking up into his hand to get all the friction he needs. He whimpers out Chanyeol’s name, and it’s not too long after when Chanyeol comes into the condom and biting on Sehun’s shoulder, flashes of pink and glitter in his mind.

He quickly realizes his mistake when he remembers Sehun’s job, and the mark stares up at him.

“Shit, i-is that, I mean… is that okay?” Chanyeol pulls out, rolling the condom off with his non come-stained hand.

Sehun doesn’t reply, and Chanyeol thinks he’s royally screwed up, when he watches him get off the bed, silence filling the room. But then Sehun takes the used condom out of his hand and throws it away, before jumping back on the bed and sitting next to Chanyeol.

He’s so confused, and kind of scared Sehun might slap him across the face, but the brunet instead takes Chanyeol’s hand and sucks his thumb into his mouth, licking off the come.

Heat travels up Chanyeol’s neck and he can’t even deny the fact that his cock twitched at the sight of Sehun licking his own come off of Chanyeol’s fingers.

Sehun’s tongue obediently laps at his digits, and with one final suck he goes onto his knees to press his mouth against Chanyeol’s, and there’s a distinct foreign sweetness when Sehun pushes his tongue into his mouth, letting Chanyeol taste him.

“It’s fine, don’t worry.” He says against his lips. “In fact, I kind of like it.”


“I can put makeup on it, don’t worry. Or glittery sequins,” he smirks.

Chanyeol swallows, and Sehun laughs, noticing his discomfort at the suggestion. He merely reaches over and pats Chanyeol’s cock, murmuring that they should at least eat something before going for another round.

It’s four in the morning when Chanyeol and Sehun fall back on the bed, Chanyeol staring up at the ceiling and Sehun on his side. He has come on his stomach, and his chest is moving up and down without rest, trying to catch his breath.

Chanyeol feels Sehun’s fingers entwine with his own, and it’s an amazing and welcoming comfort, but the question is in his head anyways. He waits until their breathing has slowed down before opening his mouth.

“I still have my last question,” Chanyeol muses, and Sehun uses what energy he has left to flip over and look up at him. “Do you want to see me again?”

He’s asking in an almost shy manner, which is somewhat amusing considering he just had Sehun riding his cock for a good half an hour.

“I’m going to have to teach you to stop wasting questions on things you already know the answer to,” Sehun replies, and Chanyeol promptly shuts up when Sehun rests his arm on his chest and nuzzles his cheek into the crook of Chanyeol’s neck.

rating: nc-17, pairing: sehun, 2014

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