Title: Chocolate Milk, Bread, and Innuendos Rating: PG-15 Focus/Pairing: Daehyun/Youngjae Words: 1500+ Summary: Youngjae's meets a boy, singing on a bench, while getting a midnight snack. ( Read more... )
awww such sweet words, thank you \o/ the innuendos was the best part to write cause what if Daehyun's used some of them before on Youngjae in real life?
“I can do a lot more with my mouth than just sing.”
“We should have sex.”
That was subtle.
This was a lot of fun to read. When Daehyun is talking to Junhong the cashier about buying bread for Youngjae, did that happen months later? Do the daejae couple go there so often that they learned the name of the poor cashier who was there that first night?
ohohohohahahahaha, daehyun you dirty minded person. that certainly escalated quickly ;) love how the cashier/junhong practically knows daejae now :D so cute <3
*breathes deeply* i love this so much. this is just. adorable? wonderful? lovely? yES. daehyun is so... so daehyun, and youngjae is perfect, too. and cashier!junhong. junhong knows what's up~ (o u o) really, truly a fun and short fic to read!
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“I can do a lot more with my mouth than just sing.”
“We should have sex.”
That was subtle.
This was a lot of fun to read. When Daehyun is talking to Junhong the cashier about buying bread for Youngjae, did that happen months later? Do the daejae couple go there so often that they learned the name of the poor cashier who was there that first night?
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