15minuteficlets - Forgetful - PSoH

May 09, 2007 18:42

Disclaimer: I don’t own Petshop of Horrors and I make no money from this or any other fanfic I write.
Pairing: None
Category: General
Rating: R
Warning: Language
Title: Forgetful
Author: yellowhorde
Notes: This was written for the LiveJournal community, 15minuteficlets. Word #4 - Light

“Wake up, Detective.”

One hand crept out from under the cover and waved him away with an unintelligible grunt. Determined, D strode over to the window and threw open the curtains. Blinding white light streamed in through the dingy panes, falling in bright lines across the rumpled bed.

“Ah, fuck,” Leon groaned, holding up one hand to block the glare.

“You’re going to be late,” D said sternly. “You need to get up.”

Leon pulled himself into a sitting position, wincing at the pain that lanced through his head. His stomach was sour and his mouth tasted like something had taken a shit in it. It wasn’t the worst hangover he had ever had, but it was damned close.

“What are you, my mother?”

“Hardly, though God knows you could use a woman’s touch in this pigsty.” D ignored the bleary eyed glare Leon shot his way and went to the dresser. Without fanfare he sorted through the drawer contents, finding clean socks, underwear and an undershirt. He tossed each in turn in the general direction of the flabbergasted man staring at him from the bed.

Once the basics were covered, he moved toward the closet. Throwing open the doors, he gasped in dismay at its contents. “My goodness, Detective, it looks like a tornado hit in here.”

“Don’t go rummaging through my shit, D,” Leon snarled, pulling the undershirt over his head. “I’ve got a system, you know.”

“Oh, I see… a system.” The sarcasm practically dripped from D’s voice. “Would that be the patented Leon Orcot push-and-shove method? You should write it down and sell it to the Slobs-R-Us fan club. I’m sure you’d make millions.”

“Very funny, D.”

D reached into the furthest depths of the closet and produced a clean shirt and a pair of jeans draped haphazardly on metal hangers. “You better hurry, Detective, you don’t want to miss Chris’ reception.”

“Shit, I forgot that was today!”

D smiled then politely averted his face as Leon wiggled into his jeans. “Fortunately for you, Detective, I did not.”



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