Supernatural Season 10 Teaser Description

Jul 10, 2014 20:55

Please don't read if you don't what to know about season 10!!!


Season 10 begins with Sam’s frantic search for his missing brother, who is gone without a trace. The road to recovering the wayward Dean takes Sam down dark paths, with consequences that will shake the boys to ( Read more... )

supernatural season 10, kripke come back, sam winchester is better then you, carver sucks, fu carver, sam feelings, season 10, bitter sam fan

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Comments 2

jessm78 July 14 2014, 19:44:57 UTC
Honestly hon, I felt the same way you did when I read this. I hate when the boys aren't on the same page and then fandom gets into that Sam vs Dean thing. Ugh I so don't want to see that again! I'm going to try and be hopeful like you, it sounds like Crowley might be making Dean obey him and I really hope that's the case. As for what's leading Sam down dark paths, I hope it's not something really bad. I don't know if I want to see him addicted to demon blood again or anything like that. :/ Remember when he went through the trials? It sounds like he knows how to cure a demon. I wonder if they will try something like that, like try and get Sam to cure Dean (though I hope it wouldn't kill Sam).

I don't care about the angel crap either so I hope that doesn't overshadow anything else. *fingers crossed*


yellowbulma July 15 2014, 18:17:00 UTC
I just don't want Sam once again getting hate but again sadly Sam/Jared get hate no matter what.

Yeah also did you hear? Dean's getting a love interest!? Now I don't mind Dean getting love interest's cause it piss's off the Destiel twat's. (they are going nut's as usual.) Though the timing is a bit messed up, I mean most people are wanting to see DemonDean not some love interest. So though I'll give the girl a chance just hope she's not sticking round or getting killed.


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