Title: Hurt Pairing: Yehyuk Rating: PG Genre: AU, Angst, Romance Length: One-shot, 2,309 words Summary: Hyukjae, when are you going to realise that everything’s not alright, not okay at all, if you do everything alone?
Title: Of deaths, crybabies, and vocabularies. Pairing: Yehyuk Rating: PG Genre: Angst, Au, Fluff (Confusing storyline otl) Length: One-shot, 2,620 words Summary: Thank you, for bringing me back alive. A/n: Dedicated to sujuhigh
Character: Eunhyuk, Donghae, Kibum Rating: PG Genre: General Warning: Un-betaed Summary: Eunhyuk, who is a person who never taken an interest in someone, has fall in love with a guy that rode a bus that will pass by his house which he sees almost everyday.