Aang sighed as he tightened the straps on Appa's saddle. He wasn't looking forward to the long ride back to the Fire Nation--not when he and Katara had only just gotten to the village they were in. Sometimes he wondered what it was like to settle down, but he knew his feet wouldn't let him stay anywhere for too long
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She saw Aang already on Appa, twitching nervously. She didn't know the letter bothered him that much. She gave him a weak smile.
"Ready to go?"
Eyeing her pack, he asked, "Need help getting that up here?"
She paused.
"We have to get those two first? I thought for sure we'd have more time alone."
Jumping down, he tossed the bag over one shoulder and took Katara's hand. "Up we go," he whispered, airbending them up.
"We'll have a bit of alone time. Was there something you wanted to talk about?" He couldn't help the blush rising on his cheeks. There were other things they could do besides talk.
The shore scouts had reported a while back that Appa had landed, though it took her longer than she wanted to reply. She hoped she wasn't too late - the last thing she needed was Zuko getting irritated at them for being late.
As she rounded the rockface that encompassed the shoreline, a flash of orange and blue caught her gaze, and she smiled, quickening her pace. If she were to be honest, she would admit she was rather excited to be going; things had grown rather monotonous as of late.
But then her footsteps stuttered to a halt and she stared, unable to keep herself from gaping at the scene before her. Her first thought was, It's a good thing Sokka isn't here, followed by, Ugh, why do I have to be here?Then she smirked; After all, she ( ... )
With beet-red ears, he spun around and saw Suki smirking up at him.
"H-hi, Suki, long time no see."
"Yes thank you Aang, you're a big help." she said, laughing uncomfortably.
"Suki, didn't see you there! How are you?"
Cramming all of her clothes in one sleeping roll was harder than she thought, but Ty Lee managed to put her strength training to use. She braided her hair with one hand and slathered face paint on with other, and though the finished effect wasn't as polished as she would've liked, they were going to spend the whole day a mile in the air; appearances didn't matter much. Hopping down the stairs while lacing up her left boot, she yelled a goodbye over her shoulder to her roommates that was somewhat strangled by the bean roll crammed in her mouth.
After sprinting back for her socks (she knew the sleeping roll felt too light), she made her way down the beach.
And just on time, she thought with a smile.
It was just like she thought - Ty Lee would always catch up, if she had somewhere - or someone - to get to.
It used to be a vice, but now? Suki was glad to have her. She wasn't just a Warrior anymore - she was a friend.
"Yeah, that's her. I guess it's about time to head out, then!"
She carefully inspected the saddle before choosing a spot close to the edge, securing her pack to the side. She then sat cross-legged, one arm looped around the rim of the saddle casually.
"I'm ready when you are."
Grinning (and finally feeling a bit calmer), he took the reigns and shouted, "Yip yip!"
Once they were in the air, the young Avatar turned to look at his friends. "Okay, where are we going next?"
"A-are you sure this thing is safe?"
"Hey Suki, can I ask you a question?"
"Sure, ask away."
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