Your choices are half chance. So are everybody else's.

Jun 06, 2011 16:49

don't waste your time on jealousy. sometimes you're ahead, sometimes you're behind. the race is long, and in the end it's only with yourself;

06.06.11 What this is and what it's used for-welcome to this CR ("character relationships") chart. This is mostly for my own personal use, but if you want to use it to figure out where your character stands with mine, you are welcome. Please be aware I am lazy and update sporadically. If you are here and have dropped, or if you are not here and have just joined (or been in for a while), sorry! I am the laziest person alive. I go through spurts. You're always free to comment and kick my ass.

yosuke hanamura

"Can I sleep on UR floor 2Nite? RMate attempting cold fusion @ my place"

One of the people that Souji met first in Inaba, and his best friend. They have a long-standing relationship from their adventures in the TV world, trying to stop a serial killer from killing the residents of the small town they lived in. Despite being a little immature and harsh once in a while, Souji still values his opinion. They're close enough to tell one another just about anything, and to search for the truth together. Their relationship hasn't really changed in New Moore, and they still consider themselves best friends. They're currently working toward figuring out the mystery and kidnappings of the Dark Hour in New Moore, and what it means to be "released" from the island. Yosuke is loud, but Souji likes his stupid face anyway.


• Magician, maxed

• part of the Inaba Investigation Team

naoto shirogane

"Considering your wide range of abilities and excellent track record with social interactions, I don't forsee you having any difficulties in your new vocation."

Known as the "Detective Prince" in Inaba, Naoto was the last to join the Investigation Team during the events in Inaba. She's aided the Inaba PD in many investigations and has a background in detective practices that have run in her family. Souji respects and values her abilities as a detective and as a person. She's usually the one to draw conclusions about a situation, mulling over the details before discussing them so a proper decision can be made. In many ways, he feels that he has to protect her. Despite her boyish appearance, Souji's stance stays the same, never questioning her about her personal decisions, and supporting her when she needs it.


• Fortune, maxed

• part of the Inaba Investigation Team

kanji tatsumi


The brute strength of the Investigation Team, Souji met Kanji in Inaba with the rest of their friends. An underclassman who frequently skipped school, Kanji had his own personal problems to worry about. With a little guidance from Souji, he seems to be more comfortable in his skin. That is, his skin of knitting and sewing and being damn good at it. Despite some of Kanji's more girlish habits, Souji doesn't judge him for them (if he even cares at all most of the time). He admires Kanji's skills, no matter what they may be.


• Emperor, maxed

• part of the Inaba Investigation Team

chie satonaka

"I mean, the 'Amagi Challenge,' Risette, and the Detective Prince on one side, and King Moron on the other, of course everyone is going to agree on the same answers for them."

One of the first ones to help Yosuke and Souji in their travels into the TV world, she's been close to Souji since his stay in Inaba. She's athletic and spunky, usually dragging him into some kind of exercise or training. Since they've been in New Moore, Chie's bff Yukiko has been "released" by the New Moore government. Willing to take up the torch of supporting Chie and keeping her occupied, Souji strives his best to be a steady presence and a distraction when needed. This varies from training to letting her drunkenly taste the whipped cream on his cheek that Yosuke sprays all over his face during certain wild parties. With the deapture of their friend, it gives him yet another reason to investigate these odd disappearances, and find out what "released" really means.


• Chariot, maxed

• part of the Inaba Investigation Team



The first, well, "creature" that Yosuke and Souji met in the TV world in Inaba. Teddie has been with them as the Investigation Team tried to bring peace to the TV world. Wanting to stay with them, he turned himself human through his own magical girl transformation process. Ever since then, Teddie's been figuring out who and what he is at a steady pace. Even though it feels like they reached the end of their journey, there's still more to find out. Currently, he's helping the Investigation Team and S.E.E.S. track down Midnight Channel victims before they fall to their Shadows.


• Star, maxed

• part of the Inaba Investigation Team

minato arisato


Strange how sometimes Souji feels that he can rest his leaderly shoulders and let Minato take over. The leader of S.E.E.S. back in Iwatodai, Minato may usually be quiet, but he knows how to take care of business. Oddly, he doesn't feel like he needs to make friends with him, and when he's bored and they do spend time together (watching bad TV shows), it's usually while Souji takes care of one of his many at-home-jobs. Minato is reliable and capable, as well as a wildcard holder. Somehow, he feels like he already understands him.


• part of S.E.E.S.

• nextdoor neighbor

ryoji mochizuki


text text


• knowledge about the Dark Hour

hong kong

"just sayin, i got your imaginary creepy objectification popularity poll back bro"

Souji's special administrative roommate. He's still not sure he buys the whole "I'm almost a country but a region" thing, but Hong Kong is un-country-like enough in day-to-day life to be enjoyable company. From the start they were pretty comfortable with one another. Souji helps Hong Kong out with menial activities (like getting his clothing washed proper) and Souji spends time with him. They're personalities are comparable enough to share some pretty dry jokes. Since all of his friends left, Souji puts in some extra effort to make sure that he's okay, even when Yosuke's yelling that it's kind of gay.


• roommate

• once compiled evidence about why the island was trying to get them to shag

• has no friends :(

karkat vantas


If you asked Souji, he'd say "friend," but he's unsure of the word used in Karkat's troll language. Though from what he's experienced, he's pretty sure that "hatefriend" is the right term for it. Souji spends a lot of his time trying to clarify certain human behaviors for Karkat, and listening to the troll's own swear-laced opinions. Reall Karkat, just because he's human doesn't mean he knows (or has a family with) John. There are some things that baffle Souji about him, but he's not sure if it's because of Karkat's personality or because of a certain amount of culture shock on his own part. More specifically, Karkat's self-hating tendencies and insistence on finding a way to make Souji hate him. Despite this, Souji feels like he can trust him.


• Magician

• sometimes they go to movies

john egbert

"if you buy more boxes, we can have a full scale dinonugget war! and then eat the victors. also the losers."

John (who Souji does not have a family with), is one of Karkat's friends. He seems surprisingly laid back for a thirteen year old boy, and kind-hearted enough to want to help those who get kidnapped into the Dark Hour. Even though he's so young, he has a very strong sense of responsibility, and Souji respects his drive. He thinks John is a good person, and there's a part of him that wants to be a good influence for that person. There will be, however, some things about Karkat and John that he will never understand, like Nicholas Cage and dog faces, and their uncanny ability spampost the network within a matter of minutes.


• Sun

• says Souji's life is like something out of his manga(s)

• can fly or something

timothy jackson-wayne

"I'm more aware of it now, and learning my lesson, but I'm still always going to be a secretive person. That's part of me, too."

Sorry Tim, it's easy to be forgotten. Souji worked with Tim at Juanes for a few months before he even knew who he was. It wasn't until Tim got kidnapped into the Dark Hour that it really forced Souji to conduct an investigation. Seeing Tim's Shadow wasn't surprising. He wonders, now, exactly how much Tim and Jason know about him-but never really bothers to ask. Tim seems nice enough, albeit a little awkward in certain social situations. He never really seems to know how to act his age, and instead seems to take on far too much self-inflicted responsibility. From what Jason's said, there could also be some questionable things about him as far as family goes. Souji feels like they could possibly get closer.


• Hermit

• Jason's "brother"

• faced his Shadow during the Dark Hour

stephanie brown

"Oh, don't worry about me, I think I might be able to hold my own."

A girl who knows how to be feminine but still knows how to win a fight. Her quirky sense of humor is a breath of fresh air among people like Tim, Jason and Cass. Souji is impressed her capabilities and fearless attitude, and how much ass she can kick without a Persona. Her ability to stay decently calm in jarring situations also helps. He enjoys her company and her occasional bad jokes (more because they're bad rather then the joke itself), and would like to get to know her a little better. Souji has a feeling that she has her own secrets, especially since she seems to know Tim and Jason.


• Strength

• has former experience with Tim

commander john shepard

"I approve of your initiative, kid. If you can find anything out, I wish you all the best. And I don't do cover-ups. If I find anything out, you'll know it."

Part of the New Moore police department, though Souji gets the (subtle) idea that he was in the armed forces where he comes from. While urging people to go by the book, Shepard also provides some much needed information on the inner workings of New Moore and its PD. He gives Souji a variety of tips, and encourages the Investigation Team in his own way, allowing them to move outside of the PD when it comes to things about the Dark Hour. While Souji respects him and his capabilities, he views him as more of an equal in their quest to find the truth about the island.


• helped in many of the Midnight Channel incidents, once threw a party

amelia pond

"He used to make that face, too. That very lonely, very brave face."



• Empress

• Rory's wife

rory pond

"Well, I certainly hope so. It definitely makes you re-evaluate a lot of things."



• Amy's husband

• faced his Shadow during the Dark Hour

-character relationships

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