Title: Inviolata (Sequentia). Pairing: Gerard Way/Matt Skiba. Rating: R. Summary: Reflections on bus routes and little fireworks. For fanfic100 challenge Square. Disclaimer: Don't own; no disrespect intended.
I don't have a lot to say about this fic because it was just....perfect, pretty much. It made no sense to me in parts but I liked it that way, like a puzzle to figure out later. Matt/Gerard have the strangest chemistry when I think about them in the same space. Strange like this fic makes me feel.
It reminded me of a Rufus Wainwright song. That's high praise, I swear...
Comments 4
It reminded me of a Rufus Wainwright song. That's high praise, I swear...
This is why I started this community, and every time I read something like it, I go "thank God" and then I say "Thank you, author."
Thank you. I was in a Skiba/Gerard drought and you dumped water on me.
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