Studies in Lärkkulla in weeks 8, 9 and 10

Mar 08, 2009 12:56

Три последние недели я занимался финским языком, но пока не чувствую существенного прогресса. Я решил почаще отводить время для культуры и посмотрел недавно три хороших финских фильма.

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studies, photos of me, me, culture, lärkkulla, cinema

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Comments 2

geirtbr March 8 2009, 19:07:30 UTC
"During three days that week the school held a religions seminar in mission work for young people. Once I went to participate in a workshop on cultural diversity, but it was not particularly interesting, since it also dealt with religious issues."

Why do you find cultural diversity less interesting when it deal with religious issues?


ybelov March 8 2009, 20:57:35 UTC
Yes, if it's a meeting where I am supposed to be a believer.

At that meeting the leader talked half of the time about cultural differences and the rest of the time about how to explain the Christian religion to non-believers.

I think I am a bit allergic to religion now. I had too much exposure to it when I worked with missionaries in Moscow and later working in a Camphill village in Sweden.


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