Title: Destiny Brothers Ep.2
Genre: angst, fluff?
Pairing: Sakuraiba
Rating: pg (will change accordingly)
Word Count: 1223
Summary: Sakurai Sho has a past he wants to but cannot forget, and tries to take revenge. He then meets a man, who causes him to lose track of his original plans.
Sorry I was late, Nino... )
Comments 12
LOTUS is sucking a life out of me too~ ><
but me like it~ XDD
and i vote for NC-17!!!
coz the world need more sakuraiba smut~ XDD
ill try to make the next chapter more understandable~!!><
and i shall try to make it a sakuraiba NC17 fufufu~~~ *gets bricked*
thanks for reading!:)
i really want to read the rest
i really thought no one was interested in this fic >.<
ill try to finish it...school might get in the way though
but ill try my best!!:)
It's so interesting
Seem Aiba still alive, grew up and don't recognize his brother Sho
And maybe a forbidden love will happen ^^
But I can't read chap 3.
Is chap 3 f-locked?
And are you going to continue this fic?
yup chap3 is friendlocked; all my NC fics are friendlocked:P
yes im planning to continue it! School is getting in the way, so im not sure when though...
I'll wait.
By the way, can you add me?
I really want to read your fics ^^
i hope you like the fics!:)
I'd like to read the next chapter so i hope you can add me :)
I'm glad you like the story! Sure, I'll add you:D
thanks for reading!
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