Right, so on Ana's latest post I am slightly ashamed to say that I did participate in all the general Reena slagging that was going on. Sorry Pocahontas! I mean...er...Reena :P
So anyway, when I stumbled across this image, it made me crack up SO badly that I just HAD to share.
So here it is lol, under the cut! It's funny because it's true.
Go Natalie! )
Comments 14
I looove this pic! It's just another sign that they HAVE to be together!
Johnny boy, dump Pocahontas now and get with Natalie! What's wrong with you?!?!?
lol ^_^
I feel guilty now!
I love how everyone calls Reena Pocahantas. I could totally see JRM accidently calling her that.
"Hey Pocahantas... I MEAN REENA"
haha. yeah.. Natalie and JRM should deffinately hookup, her current boyfriend isn't exactly in her league IMO.
Hahaha. I heard the Pocahontas thing on Ana's page and it made me laugh so I put it there. I mean Pocahontas, come on! The similarities are SO there.
I agree Natalie+Jonny would make the perfect match! :D this picture is brillaint!!
Picture here: http://natalie-dormer.org/gallery/displayimage.php?pid=12392&fullsize=1
Its quite a nice article Natalie talks really candidly :)
Obviously Natalie/JRM forever, there the best on screen couple since ummm...ever
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