Fanfic: A Little Problem - Master Post

Apr 24, 2017 21:48

Title: A Little Problem
Author: Yassandra
Fandom: Atlantis
Pairing/characters: Jason/Ariadne, Pythagoras/Icarus, Hercules, Cassandra
Rating: G
Warnings: N/A
Disclaimer: Not mine. BBC and Urban Myth Films own them.
Word count: 25317
Summary: A routine mission away from the Argo goes awry when Hercules makes a mistake and triggers a curse. Now he's left with a little problem - well, two little problems really...

A/N Written for round six of the Small Fandoms Bang, and also for Hurt/Comfort Bingo for the 'de-age' prompt.

Chapter 1 - Tears of a Goddess
Chapter 2 - Something Like a Situation
Chapter 3 - Nobody's Father
Chapter 4 - Paints and Board Games
Chapter 5 - Palea Paphos

cassandra, hercules, pythagoras, icarus, jason, fandom: atlantis, small fandom big bang, ariadne, fanfic

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