Here is a translation of Ueda's most recent Manual, 2010/08/10. The translation was not done by me, but by a friend with minor edits. There is of course no guarantee that the translation is perfect so please allow room for error. Please ask before reposting any part of this other than for personal use ♥
Tatsuya Ueda
Tatsuya Ueda Manual.47 )
Comments 92
Ok so this is like the cutest thing ever, also hello insight into Ueda´s mind like no other!
We talked about dreams. awwwww, also I am jealous of "guitar-kun" then But guitarist-san was really bad with liquor. It was fun :D AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
And the camera, Tat-chan recording, and omg such a short time really to rehears Oo. and Warm people! and just ajksfhckjsdbhvdsjkvbck THANK YOU SO SO SO SO MUCH! To your friend and to you. <3
*edit because ehm I forgot to change my icon and there just simply has to be Ueda for this one!
I'm really really really grateful to my friend for translating and agreeing that it could be shared, seriously T_T I think this is my favourite Manual ever T_T possibly with the exception of the "hentai Kamen Ueda" one
Red hoodie Ueda ftw!!!!
That reminds me I want to make an icon of Makino Koji from those scans you gave me yesterday. . .
Link pleeeeeeeease? *puppy dog eyes* xDDDD
Though I'm not too sure about that camera, regarding his prior experiences with laptops. ;D
Many entries from uepomme is the best and they're so cute! well I think we'll always be biased anyway XP
un, I think our bias won't change XD especially when Uepomme keeps giving us such tasty things to read and listen to and watch and... XD ♥
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