In Obscurum (2/9), an Alice in Wonderland fic

Nov 06, 2010 13:26

“Your Majesty, I need…your attention is required.”

Mirana looked up from her latest batch of Upelkuchen, concerned. Nivens hadn’t sounded this anxious since--no, she would not think of That Day. Forcing aside her worry, she daintily knelt, coming down to eye level with the twitchy rabbit.

“What is it, Nivens?”

He began wringing his paws, another sign of nervousness. “I just received word from one of the guardsman that there is activity in the Royal Gateway,” he rushed to say, the words tumbling out.

Mirana recoiled slightly at his words. “But there has been no contact since my father…” she trailed off, not willing to speak the words aloud.

“I know, your Majesty.” He swallowed thickly. “But, but, she’s asking to speak with you. She says it is of the utmost importance.”

Mirana froze. There was only one person that could cause such fear in the rabbit before her. What could have possibly happened for her to contact Underland? Slowly, she stood up. “Very well, I will speak with her.”

With a nod and a hop, Nivens led the way to the normally unused part of the castle. It was appropriate, she thought as they walked down the ever-darkening hallway, that this area of the castle was not flooded with light.

Though she tried to prepare herself for what was waiting for her at the Gateway, she knew it was pointless.

Mirana waved away the guard that stood in front of the door and turned to face Nivens. “I will speak with her alone.”

He looked at her silently. She could see his struggle. While most of him wanted to flee, he still felt to need to stand by his queen. “I will be fine,” she said, her voice full of confidence.

“Please, your Majesty, be careful. You know what they say about people from over there,” he pleaded.

Her eyes fluttered shut. Yes, despite the fact she had never personally met her, she knew about those on the Other Side. When she opened her eyes, she smiled patiently. “I would never do anything to bring harm to Underland,” she said patiently.

His eyes widened as he took a step back. “I did not--I mean, I wasn’t saying--I--I--I!” Before he could finish his sentence, he passed out.

She looked up at the closest guard. “Would you carry Sir McTwisp to his room please?”

“As you wish, your Highness.”

She did not miss the concerned glance he shot her way when he thought she could not see him. Was everyone so worried about her reaction to her?

There was nothing to worry about, she told herself as she pushed open the thick door. With a determined step, she made her way to the giant looking glass in the center of the room. She should have been prepared for the image looking back at her.

She wasn’t.

In front of her was Iracebeth.

Not the Iracebeth from her Underland, of course. Her sister, along with Stayne was still banished in The Outlands. No. This Iracebeth was from Over There.

She suppressed a shudder as she took in her mirror sister’s appearance. Her hair, now a dull red, resembled a Jubjub bird’s nest. Gone was the bright blue eye shadow Mirana had long associated with Iracebeth; it was replaced with dark trails of mascara running down her cheeks. Her cheeks were hollowed, her eyes bloodshot.


There was no mistaking the desperation in Iracebeth’s voice.

“Yes, Iracebeth, I am here.” Mirana resisted the urge to reach through the looking glass for her.

A single tear ran down her face. “I thought it might be too late. After what he had done--”

Mirana’s eyebrows furrowed. “What are you talking about?”

“Hightopp. He…he--”

“Tarrant? What are you talking about?”

Iracebeth studied Mirana carefully. “You mean she didn’t tell you what was going on?” she asked, the anger pushing past the sadness in her voice. “She told me she was in contact with you that entire time!”

“Iracebeth,” Mirana said calmly, hoping not to be witness to one of her meltdowns. “Who are you talking about? What is going on?”

“That wretched traitor Hightopp murdered Mirana--our Mirana--in her castle last night,” the red queen explained, tears freely falling down her cheeks.

Mirana’s knees weakened. “Why would Tarrant to such a thing?”

“We’ve been in a civil war for years now. The Outlanders have been trying to take over Mamoreal, to stop Mirana. They made several failed attempts, but last night, somehow that mutineer managed to get into the castle and kill her!” replied Iracebeth.

She started pacing. “I know some of the things she did were rather…unethical, but what could I do? She would have turned me into toad warts or something worse.” She frowned at Mirana. “I am frightened that they will come after me next,” explained Iracebeth. “I am left with no choice but to come to you for help.”

Mirana studied her as the other queen wept, broken and desperate. She was very different from the sister that was banished to the furthermost parts of Underland. Pity and compassion flooded her heart. This was a version of her sister that she longed to help. “What do you need?”

“There are rumors that you have a Champion,” Iracebeth said.

Mirana’s eyes fluttered shut. Of course that would be why Iracebeth would contact her. “I do,” she admitted softly.

“Then you could send him--”

“Her,” Mirana absently corrected.

“Her over here and she could assist in protecting me,” Iracebeth continued, her eyes looking at her pleadingly.

“Do you not have a Champion of your own?” Mirana asked half-heartedly. Of course she didn’t; that’s why she had felt the need to end the decades-old silence between the lands.

“After that wretched Hightopp slew my dear King, no one has been brave enough to step forward to become my Champion. Please, Mirana... we are sisters, are we not? Could you not find the kindness to at least lend me your Champion?" Iracebeth pleaded through the looking glass. "Just until the threat of the revolution has passed.”

Mirana shook her head. There was absolutely no way she would send Alice Over There. It was too much for her to ask of her Champion. “I am afraid I cannot do that, Iracebeth. My Champion is in Overland tending to some unfinished business.”

“It is easy enough to call her,” argued Iracebeth desperately. “She could travel through the looking glass.”

Mirana shook her head. “I cannot just send her there. She needs the freedom to make her own decision.”

Iracebeth frowned. “But the Champion’s Oath would extend--”

“No! Her oath will not be used for your advantage,” Mirana interrupted. She considered her options for a second. “I can send a couple of my most trusted subjects over there to help.”

Iracebeth waved her hand, dismissing Mirana’s idea. “You know how powerless a queen is without a Champion. Look what happened to Mirana over here.”

“I am sorry, Iracebeth. It is all I can do.”

She frowned and let out a shaky breath. “I see. Then I am afraid I will have to take matters into my own hands.”


“So what do you think?”

Alice watched as her mother and sister cautiously fingered the intricate paper lanterns that she had brought from China as gifts.

“They certainly look…exotic,” Margaret answered, disgust weaving into her voice.

“I thought they looked exquisite,” Alice shot back.

“They are,” Helen said quickly, interceding. “They are very unique.” She pasted a smile on her face. “Just like you, Alice.”

Though Alice had only returned to London the day before, she was already yearning to leave. It wasn’t that she hadn’t missed her family--she had!--but being with her mother and sister highlighted how different they were from her.

“Have you thought about what you are going to do next?” Margaret asked, taking a sip of her tea.

“Yes, I am considering leaving London again,” Alice answered. She did her best to mask the excitement in her voice, but after so long, she was looking forward to being able to keep the promise she had uttered to Tarrant in Underland years ago.

Her mother sighed, as if she had expected that answer. “You’re not planning on going with the trading company to India, are you? I have heard rumors of the people there,” Helen asked, frowning.

“I have too. That they are wonderfully cultured, but I’m not planning to go there. But this land is no less exotic,” Alice replied, thinking of Underland and all of its wonders.

“But Alice! You are already nearing twenty-four! If you wait much longer…well, let’s just say no man wants to marry a woman past her prime,” Margaret replied.

“Not every woman wants to be married,” Alice countered.

“Will you be traveling as Lord Ascot’s apprentice?” Helen asked, breaking up another argument.

“No. I will be making this journey alone.”

The two elder women gasped simultaneously. “Without an escort?”

“I will be fine,” Alice assured them. “Women from America travel to London without an escort quite often.”

“Women from America are not ladies,” snorted Margaret. “Besides, a voyage at sea would be an excellent time for you and a husband to get to know each other. I heard that Lord Walter’s son is looking to be married soon.”

“He is a close family friend,” Helen murmured. Alice could see her trying to come up with a Plan. “Lady Walter and I had tea just last week. She did ask about you Alice.”

“No thank you,” she said firmly. Images of another pompous young suitor, not unlike Hamish, popped in her mind. She would not be chained to a man like that!

Suddenly, the image of Tarrant, his wild green eyes and gap-toothed smile replaced the unwelcome thought. Now he was a man of intrigue and honor that Alice wouldn’t mind spending time with!

“Come, now, Alice, you cannot be serious about wanting to travel to--what country did you say you were going to go to?” Margaret chided.

“It is no land that you have heard of.”

“That only furthers my point. You cannot possibly want to go to some undocumented land rather than stay here and begin a family,” Helen argued.

Alice looked between her mother and sister, both looking at her with that disapproving look she so-often associated with them. “I think I know what I want to do, Mother,” Alice declared.

The rest of their teatime passed in awkward silence. Finally, when Helen began to gather the service, Alice excused herself from the room. As she pushed open the front doors, she let the cool air wash over her. To her surprise, she found that she missed the briny scent of the ocean, but not as much as the air of Underland.


She knew she needed to find a way to return there without worrying her mother and sister. After sailing around the world and seeing the most unique things, she still found a yearning to return to the only place where she felt like she belonged.

Alice looked wistfully back inside her mother’s home, seeing the two women in the living room, talking softly to each other, to doubt about her. She suppressed a sigh. Perhaps she wouldn’t get a chance to say goodbye to them as she hoped.

Alice accepted that it may never be possible…for they would never understand.


He had been hiding behind the large oak for several hours, waiting for her. He smothered another sneeze--no doubt caused by the unsightly powder that was covering him, necessary for concealing his less-than-snowy-white-fur--as she stepped out of the house.


He pulled out his pocket watch, his hand twitching slightly. If they didn’t hurry, they would be late. And the Queen would not be pleased at all.

For several seconds, he remained there, waiting to see if she would walk further out into the garden. When it became apparent that she was content to stay by the table, he hopped from his hiding place, hoping to catch her attention.

Fortunately, it worked.

“Nivens?” she called softly. “What are you doing here?”

He said nothing, not wanting to waste any more time by talking. Instead, he hopped ahead, hoping she would follow his lead.

And follow she did!

At least the rumors about her had been right, McTwisp thought, her curiosity was strong. He continued through the garden, leading her to the rabbit hole that he came from. With a pointed look, he gestured towards the hole.

To his surprise, she didn’t hop in.

This wasn’t the plan! He had been told that Alice would be willing to return to Underland. He needed her to go with him! The Queen would be most unhappy if he returned without the Champion!

She knelt down to eye-level with him. “I can’t just leave. My mother and my sister…”

He twitched. Oh how he hated when things turned out unexpectedly! He slyly looked around for something he could use to push the apparently unwilling Alice down the hole. Unfortunately, there was so such device.

Finally, inspiration struck. She was a Champion! Surely, she wouldn’t be able to deny the call of the one she was destined to protect! “The Queen needs you,” he finally said.

That worked! Alice stood up with a determined look in her eye. “Did she send you here?”

He nodded and held up his watch. “Yes, and we’re going to be late if we don’t hurry.”

Her look vacillated between him, the hole and the home she came from. “I’ll be right back.”

Then she left, heading back to the house and he was alone again.

Frantic, he started pacing around. He needed her to go with him! He knew every minute that passed was one minute that Hightopp would use to his advantage to try to take over Salazen Grum. When Iracebeth had asked him to fetch Alice, even insisting that he don on this white powder so he would appear as his Underlandian counterpart, he had readily agreed. The only hope Otherland had was placed on this Champion Alice. A little bit of trickery was necessary for the common good!

He relaxed as he heard her footsteps quickly approaching.

“All right, Nivens, I‘m ready,” Alice said, looking resolutely at the rabbit’s hole in front of them.

Without wasting another minute--they were already terribly late!-- he jumped in the hole, hoping she would follow him. He wasn’t disappointed. As he was halfway down the hole, he saw the tumbling Alice coming towards him.

When he made it to the bottom, to his surprise, the door was already open. Was the Queen already waiting for them? He looked up, looking for Alice. She was too far up--or was it down?--the hole for him to see her.

With a twitch and a hop, he went through the door, eager to report to the queen he had brought the Alice.

But, to his dismay, Iracebeth was not waiting for him.

“What are you doing here?” he squeaked.

“You’re not the only ones with spies, Rabbit.”

Then the world went black.

Next Chapter

fic: in obscurum, fic: alice in wonderland, challenge: aiw_big_bang

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