Participant Ads #001 - #021]
All requests should be made in one comment, please. Requests should match the profile as closely as possible - any which do not fit with the ad will be discounted. Please do not make identical requests of multiple authors/artists - make them different as far as you can. [There is no limit to the number of requests you can leave]
If you need to make changes to your request or ask for additional ones, please don't delete your first comment but add a new one with the info in it.
Please make your request in this format:
Request #1 - Author/Artist #??
Request details for one fic/art. These details must specify one pairing or character you wish to be the focus of the fic/art. They should also include a scenario or some other form of prompt.
Alternate pairings that you'd be happy with for this scenario: This is not essential, but if you wish these may be listed here.
Request #2 - Author/Artist #??
Request details for one fic/art. These details must specify one pairing or character you wish to be the focus of the fic/art. They should also include a scenario or some other form of prompt.
Alternate pairings that you'd be happy with for this scenario: This is not essential, but if you wish these may be listed here.
... and so on
Everyone (participants, members, watchers) is welcome to paticipate and leave requests for our authors. But please keep in mind that this is not a fic exchange, fic or art will not be created specifically for you. Requests you submit may be picked or they may simply be used as inspiration for the writers or artists. Length of fic is up to each individual participant. They may be inspired by a request to write a 10,000 word novella, a humorous short fic or a 100 word punch to the gut. Surprise them with your thoughtful or dirtywrong requests (based on their profile). Give them something to talk about!
You can choose to write all requests you receive, a couple, or work on one that grabbed your muse by the hand and refused to let her go. We leave it in your capable hands.
Your submissions are not due until the week of February 14 to February 21, 2010 but feel free to post early if youre finished and would rather not sit on it until next year. You can make your submission to this community your very first fic post of 2010.
All reqeuests will be screened. I will email you all reqeuests received in response to your ads. Please drop me a line @ moduno@livejournal.com if you wish to have additional input from a particular requester.
This request post will be open until 10:00 PM EST, November 7, 2009.