Title: [currently untitled]
Fandom: From Eroica with Love
Pairing/Character: Klaus/Dorian
Author: Blinks Midnight
Recipient: Chirucchi
Rating: G
Summary: Shoulda stayed in Bonn. Seriously.
They were just in time to see the same thin man in the same prison jumper as the front-page photograph wrestle a woman from her car and shove her into the street. )
Comments 4
(XD And the ending to the opening segment was so much love!)
rec-list: please let me know if you give it a name. I liked the overall
feeling of the story, the good use of the coffe shop in London where
Malcolm, Bonham and Jones suddenly sees Dorian and Klaus going past. A very nice atmosphere at the coffee shop, nice building up of their moment out and their relationship. Then the lovely humor of Dorian having to drive and the reason why, Klaus not wanting to draw his gun (heeh!) and risk having Dorian touch him (but finally doing so ...) and especially the ease with which Dorian finally does get out of the handcuffs - lovely! Thank you for writing it and sharing it with us.
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