Title: Waking Dreams Fandom: Weiss Kreuz, Schuldig/Aya Author: Tempest (rhosyn_du) Recipient: Tanit (daegaer) Rating: PG-13 Summary: What you need isn't always what you want.
Wow, this feels like canon. You showcase how Aya's mentality changes through the years beautifully. And bonus points to you for mentioning Sendai and Side B. Very nice.
Another favorite line on rediscovery of this fic, thanks to livelongnmarry: he'd just always thought that when Aya finally broke, he'd be the one responsible.
What a perfect Schuldig you write, and your Aya suffers so well; the combination chills.
I also appreciate your continuation into Side B. The only problem I have with your Weiss fic is the desire for more...
Comments 15
he'd just always thought that when Aya finally broke, he'd be the one responsible.
What a perfect Schuldig you write, and your Aya suffers so well; the combination chills.
I also appreciate your continuation into Side B. The only problem I have with your Weiss fic is the desire for more...
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