The consequences

Apr 03, 2020 10:58

So yeah, I think nobody needs the truth because it's too scary.

As I have nothing else to do, I think a lot about "COVID-19", so I guess I'll put out everything I have on my mind right now about this whole situation.

Everything started in China, when Chinese began posting online videos of madness which was presumably going on there; like people dying in the streets, hospitals with prison bars on windows etc, all these horrors.

One should have asked himself already at this point: do I really believe that in totalitarian China, where the government controls every step of its citizens, people are able to freely and openly film and download such horrors, which demonstrate the total incompetence and incapability of the said government?

What a shithead must one be to believe all this bullshit?

But the panic had already begun, and not only in China (who cares about it anyway), but in Europe.

In a few weeks China was quarantined (again, presumably) by its government, and then even more horrifying videos surfaced.

It was February, and panic continued, thanks to European media. Europeans were horrified, they were storming supermarkets and demanding their governments to cut all ties with China and be quarantined.

At first governments across Europe opposed this idea, understanding the dire economic consequences of possible quarantine, but they had to succumb one by one due to this hysteria.

Everything was ended by the end of March.

The economy of Europe was lying in ruins by this point, with millions losing their jobs and income, with markets plummeting, with countries closing their borders, with companies going bancrupt, with uncertainty and even with possibility of food crisis in the upcoming months. Who would have thought just a month ago that Europe may face hunger!

All this took just two-three March weeks, and nobody knows when will all this madness end.

Meanwhile, what happened in China? - Well, nobody can tell. China is a closed totalitarian country without free speech and free journalism. All we know about China is what China wants us to know about itself.

But yeah, they say that they ended their "quarantine" (in which I have no reason be belive, to begin with), although the awful "pandemic" (which officially costed the nation with a billion and a half citizens about 3000 lives) continues, taking every day lives of a few dozens citizens - what an awful number!

But "mobile clinics" were taken apart, and even uploading of "horrifying videos" stopped, because nobody needs them, we've got a plenty of such videos taken in the EU and the USA by the same media which was sawing panic a month ago and continues doing so to the present day.

So, who is the winner of this whole situation?

It is pretty obvious right now. Without a single nuclear bomb, without a single threat China destroyed the West completely. Both in economical and ideological sense. Nobody talks about "the rights of man and citizen" anymore.

The whole idea of democracy collapsed in front of our own eyes in a matter of a few days.

All this thanks to cowards, fake news and corrupt media, which are only interested in money (hence number of views, in our digital age).

And you can't stop them from talking, because we have "free speech" (which China, by the way, doesn't have).

I can not even blame the polititians, because in the democratic society the only thing they have to bother about is their rating, so they basically have to obey the fucking coward hysterical sheeps, which in their turn are manipulated by media which in its turn is paid by Chinese.

And if sheep demand quarantine, if sheep demand their economy to be destroyed, a truly democratic politian has either to obey them or to risk his whole carreer.

Neither Boris Johson nor Donald Trump wanted to impose "quarantine" - they just were forced to, because if they didn't they would have become political corpses.

If this is not the end of Western democracy, then what is?

Western societies, bragging about their freedoms and rights, became easily manipulated flocks of sheep, and they don't even have a right to know who manipulates them due to "free speech".

While it is pretty obvious who does it, сui prodest?

So, what is going to happen next?

The rise of totalitarianism and continuation of curbing of human rights are obvious.

There won't be many dead due to this "pandemic" (because the pandemic itself doesn't exist), so all these harsh measures the sheep were demanding and the governments were imposing will seem totally justified to the sheep.

The leaders of the Western countries may already began their triumph, because although their economies are in ruins and their people are in poverty and on the brink of famine, the sheep are not only happy about that, but are eager to continue licking their leaders' asses.

The entire concept of the free democratic Western world is dead now as well as the concept of the free democratic Western man.

The Western man doesn't want freedom, the Western wants to be quarantined and be stripped off of all the democratic conquests of his ancestors.

Because the Western man is not a man anywmore, he is a hysterical psychotic coward manipulated by the media.

The total collapse of the medical and social systems of the "developed" countries, along with their entire way of life, with their democratic institutions and human rights and freedoms is imminent. Humanity has not seen anything like that throughout its history, most probably because everything what's going on now is only possible in a globalist world built by the beginning of the XXI century.

This is the main result of this non-existent "pandemic".


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