I don't really have an angry icon, so we shall let Ruud stare at you all mean-like.

Sep 22, 2008 13:56

I'm so sick of seeing people bitch about money. Hi, if you have enough money to travel to another country on a vacation? YOU HAVE MONEY. If you have enough money to buy all sorts of nick knacks, be it books or DVDs or clothes or whatever? YOU HAVE MONEY. Just because you'd rather spend it on other things when you should be saving it for bills and ( Read more... )

ranty mcrantyson, musings of me, real life drama: let me show you it

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Comments 23

dr_funbags September 22 2008, 19:17:01 UTC
Dude - I sympathize, I really do.

Most days I want to smack tiffanieh senseless because she calls me and bitches about how she quit her job and now she's got NO money ... yet tells me all about her parent-paid vacation to Utah, and going clubbing with her friends. It also doesn't help that my BROTHER is the worst, financially irresponsible man to walk the earth. He's short on the rent this month, but his season tickets for the LA Kings begin today - what is wrong with that picture?


yanks_02 September 22 2008, 19:42:20 UTC
Ugh, yes. It's so frustrating!

And I hear you about your brother. My sister has my fucking cell phone number down as a reference to loan companies so guess who they call when she doesn't pay her loan on time and won't answer her bloody phone? Me.


dr_funbags September 22 2008, 20:00:30 UTC
I just want to punch them and tell them to try living in the REAL world for a change.

Oh god. That has to be SO fucking annoying. My brother has bill collectors calling ALL the time and while they don't know who I am, it's annoying to pick up the phone and get THAT. I guess people don't understand the whole "You pay your bills with the money you have first, LEISURE COMES SECOND" mentality.


yanks_02 September 22 2008, 20:02:38 UTC
It's awful. I keep thinking there has to be a way that I can make them stop calling me... Like.. some sort of lawyerly hassling or something. Bah.


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yanks_02 September 22 2008, 19:40:04 UTC
Yes! "Ooooh lookit, I spent $50 on some jeans! But I hate not having any moooooney." GRAWR STFU.


kissedbyadonis September 22 2008, 19:29:01 UTC
I feel ya. My roommate is like that. :/


yanks_02 September 22 2008, 19:39:12 UTC
Ugh, I just *tears hair out*


kissedbyadonis September 22 2008, 19:58:07 UTC
The most annoying part is when she finishes bitching about NO MONIES OMG and then asks if I want to go bowling/to a movie/out for drinks. HA!


yanks_02 September 22 2008, 20:01:53 UTC
Ahhahahahaha! That's classic! My nights out now are "Hey you wanna come over for dinner? I've cooked some pasta."


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yanks_02 September 22 2008, 19:38:51 UTC
Megan, not everything is about you. I was in no way talking about you, but my friend who called and told me that she's heading to Sweden in a couple of months and then in the same conversation talked about how hard it was going to be to pay rent this month. If I was going to say anything about you, I'd tell you to your face, I don't do passive aggressive.


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yanks_02 September 22 2008, 19:54:29 UTC
LOL you should know that much about me. I don't do anon, I don't do passive aggressive, I'm very perfectly blunt (which sometimes gets me in trouble, but I really don't care much.)

I applaud you in getting to travel abroad. I wanted to study in Italy so much while I was in school but I couldn't afford it at all, since I had already taken out the max amount of loans I possibly could just to pay for my tuition as my parents were considered too "middle class" for me to get any sort of governmental help. I also couldn't have done it even if I could have afforded it because they never offered any classes I could take over there lol since all my classes were bios and chems and nothing arts related. :(

But I say travel as much as you can, especially when you are young. Good for you!


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yanks_02 September 22 2008, 20:00:58 UTC
STFU to all those people indeed. In.Deed.


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