(No Subject)

Jun 11, 2021 13:20

Похоже, скоро в ФБ/Ютюбе/Твиттере прекратят банить за упоминание гидроксихлорохина?

New Jersey’s Saint Barnabas Medical Center published the observational study that included 255 patients in medRxiv, stating that Hydroxychloroquine, Azithromycin, and zinc can increase the survival rate by close to 200 percent. This scenario required higher doses administered to severely ill Covid patients who had to be put on ventilators.


Update: нет, пока еще линия партии не вильнула

YouTube has removed one of Senator Ron Johnson where he criticized health agencies for their rejection of hydroxychloroquine and banned him from uploading to the platform for seven days.

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