Title: Drabble: Be Prepared!
canaana &
lindenharpCharacters: Nine/Jack
Rating: Teen (sexual innuendo)
Spoilers: DW: The Doctor Dances
Disclaimer: This is a work of fanfiction; the characters are the property of the BBC and used here without permission. No money was made.
Summary: It's a good motto for ex-Time agents, too.
A/N: Written as a stocking stuffer for
arenee1999 and originally posted
Be Prepared!
A clang. Sparks fly. The lights dim.
"What happened, Doc?"
He pushes buttons. "Phase-mutator crashed. Need to run an adjustment cycle. We're stuck till it's finished."
"In the Vortex?"
"In this room. Silly thing triggered a false alarm and locked us down."
"How long?"
"Four hours at least." He rubs his temples. "Why are you bloody grinning?"
Jack opens a rarely-used compartment and holds up a jar. "Because I hid some banana jam here for just such an occasion." He reaches for his flies. "Fancy a banana lolly?"
The Doctor grins.
In the end, the waiting's not that bad.
The End