Drabble: And the Funny Thing Was, No One Ever Noticed...

Jan 24, 2011 22:43

Title: Drabble: And the Funny Thing Was, No One Ever Noticed...
Beta: canaana
Characters: Ten/Jack
Rating: All Ages
Spoilers: DW: The Doctor Dances
Disclaimer: This is a work of fanfiction; the characters are the property of the BBC and used here without permission. No money was made.
Summary: Jack wants something.
A/N: Written as a stocking stuffer for calliopes_pen. With thanks for posting the Fannish Items of Interest. I always enjoy those. :)

And the Funny Thing Was, No One Ever Noticed...
"There's no way you're bringing that onto my TARDIS, Jack!"

"He's strand-"

"Nope. Non. Nyet. Nein. Ss*Rtx'kl!"

"He's got nowhere else to go!"

"It'll get muddy lake water all over the floors! And it won't fit in the pool!"

"His name's Al, and he's been stuck on Earth for over 2000 years!" Jack's voice drops. "I know what that's like."

The Doctor's eyes soften. He sighs. "Oh, all right then. S'ppose we can give him a lift home. But don't blame me if Inverness's tourism industry nosedives when word gets around that there's no longer a monster in Loch Ness!"

fandom: doctor who, fic: drabble, fic

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