So, as some of you may be aware, the Master (
sneakymaster) has instituted a new
requirement: all fanfic now must involve him winning against the Doctor in some way.
Never one to disobey the Master (he's scary!), I immediately set out to satisfy this new rule - I even dedicated a whole drabble to it!
So, if this seems a bit silly, don't blame me, blame the Master. Or today's date. *g*
Disclaimer: This is a work of fanfiction; the characters are the property of the BBC and used here without permission. No money was made.
"My neck!" the Doctor said.
"Trivial!" the Master scoffed. "My knees are!"
"Oh, whose aren't? My elbows!"
The Master stamped his foot. "The small of my back!"
That gave the Doctor pause. "What?"
"Yes! Terribly! And my shins! My forehead! Even my shoulder blades!"
"All right!" The Doctor threw up his hands. "You win!"
The Master preened. "Told you!"
"Yep, you were right," the Doctor admitted. "Clearly, you have many more ticklish spots than I."
It wasn't until the Doctor started advancing on him with a devilish gleam in his eyes that the Master spotted the flaw in his plan.