Title: An Overpowering Staleness (5/5)
kae_nine &
wendymr - Thank you, guys! All remaining mistakes are mine.
Rating: Adult (strong language, dark motives)
Spoilers: The Doctor Dances, Human Nature/The Family of Blood
Characters: Nine/Jack/Rose
Disclaimer: This is a work of fanfiction; the characters are the property of the BBC and used here
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Comments 47
It's manifest nonsense, and Rose and Jack see that. He needs to be taken down a peg here, odd as it sounds. He needs to realize he's not perfect--and no one's asking him to be. They love him for who he is, not who he imagines himself to be.
The ending was absolutely beautiful, and what I said last chapter still applies--you earned it. You're always good, but this? It's your best. You should be proud of it.
And yes, Rose and Jack need to get him off his high horse and show him that he himself is wonderful, and lovable, even (or especially) if he's not perfect, and that he needs to accept that rather than demand perfection and thereby dooming himself to failure.
Thank you again for all your wonderful comments! I'm still blushing! :)
Truly appropriate that it is Jack, the other soldier, who's the most help in getting things straightened out.
Very nice.
And yes - Rose has endless compassion, but in this situation, Jack understands more than she does.
Thank you! :)
In short, I completely adored this story. I agree with honorh that this is your best writing to date, and I feel so blessed for having received it. Thank you thank you thank you!!!
Rose's smack definitely helped - and the Doctor totally deserved it. Also the telling-off and Jack's... physical reproach. *g* It's still a work in progress, but they definitely made an impression, and he will try to do it their way from now on - though I'm sure he'll still need occasional reminders and stearn warnings. But hey, the fact that they all need each other is one of the biggest draws of their relationship, right?
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