Nine/Ten; rated teen.
Written for the
saying_yes_2010 ficathon. Betaed by
Disclaimer: This is a work of fanfiction; the characters are the property of the BBC and used here without permission. No money was made.
Double-Drabble: Secret Desires
"Are you daft?" He looks at his older self in shock. "You're risking a paradox so you an' I can shag?"
"Awww… it's safe! Quite safe! Really! Probably! This is a self-contained time bubble - once we leave this will all be nicely locked up and you won't even have the memories until you're me." He beams brightly.
"Still, what the hell makes you think I even want to? This is stupid." He turns to leave.
His older self sighs. "All right, then. Though I thought we could do that thing…"
He wheels around. "What… thing?"
The other him grins. "Oh, you know… that thing you'd almost worked up the nerve to ask Koschei for when… everything fell apart."
He gulps. "I never got to…"
"Yep, me neither. That's why I thought if we ever wanted to, it'd have to be with each other." The older him smiles, running his sonic screwdriver over his lips.
He's starting to sweat. He ought to say no. Really. It's a totally moronic-
"Who'd get to be the one to… y'know?" he hears himself ask.
A bright grin. "We could take turns. You go first."
It's every bit as good as he always imagined it.