RPG Thoughts

Sep 30, 2007 06:40

Okay, first of all, SCOTLAND WAS SO AWESOME HOLY COW and I'm never taking anight coach for as long as I shall live. But more on that later. :3

Coming back and checking my various Flists, I've realized a few things.

First of all, for the basics, I'm in three RPs:
econtra_rpg, and
template_rpg. Having been gone for two days and coming back to check flists in all three of them, I've come to a few conclusions about them.

First of all, Paixao is one of those games that follows the "Slow and Steady" idea. Basically, there is very little happening that doesn't have to do with the overarching plot, and while it doesn't have a breaknecking posting speed, the posts all further the plot in some way, shape, or form unless you're Zim or the Prinnies, but that's totally a different story XD;. I like it like that, actually - it's an RP that realizes that its players have social lives, and I can do schoolwork, go out, and still be active and mod the RP all at the same time. I't nice. :3

So I have a few tags to do for Paixao, and they all further the plot somehow - Death's going to try to reuinte Ash and Marona (and convince Mohinder and Setzer that yes, there is a ghost there and he's not just talking to thin air), Luxord's making evilly mischievous plans with Larxene, and also messing with Jack. So plotly things, yes.

Template is a breakneck speed RP and it's nuts. I miss two days and there's a huge explosion of plot without me. (Yaaaaaaaay, irony. XD;;;) So my first reaction to seeing three pages worth of flist is to go AAAAAAAAUGH I'M SO BEHIND SOMEBODY HELP ME CATCH UP PLEASE ;;;;;;;; I hate being behind like that, especially with such a small group of people in such a quick RP, but I know people will help me out. (Read: I'm bothering the hell outta Raina and Josie until I get some answers. X3 You knew it was coming, ladies~) Even though I'm worried about the things I normally worry about in a new RP - I won't be able to talk to people, I won't be able to interact because my best character has no canon buddies (should anybody even know her canon), people won't know I'm there despite the fact I'm loud and annoying, all that jazz. I'm glad to say none of those have come true, and with this group of people I doubt they will, and I'm having a great amount of fun there. I want to catch up because I want to continue to have fun. I love it.

Finally, there's Econtra. Econtra is also a breakneck speed RP, but it's very different. I joined it because the premise looked amazing. It's been months since then, and quite frankly, absolutely nothing has been done to develop that premise. In the meantime, there's been mod drama and I don't get along with the mod team and I barely interact with anybody despite my trying and I'm bored and really, y'all have heard this all before in thirty thousand times in thirty thousand different ways in this journal. What's worse is, I think most of those aforementioned fears have come true in this RP.

But I digress.

When I came back to find almost ten pages of flist for Econtra that I'd not seen, my reaction was just "meh." I could really have cared less. Because, unlike Paixao with a slowly developing plot or Template with a crazy plot of doom, Econtra can have dozens of posts in which nothing happens. There's personal interactions with the journals, and there's mun-made plots, but really I was hoping for something more in the area of the actual RP. I remember someone once saying they got bored if they had to try to make their own entertainment, and that's exactly what's going on here. The only plot development I've seen is ooh, there's thunder but no storm. Oh, noes. Whatever shall we do. I've found I really don't care anymore.

So I'm dropping.

And what's worse is, I feel guilty for leaving Cyn in a bit of a lurch, but I feel worse about letting my muse down. Sounds crazy, I know, but things had finally started working out for Rosette (kinda) when I just got dead bored. Sadly enough, in my dropping, I'll not be reusing the muse anywhere. This particular version of Rosette is gone, and it makes me really sad. I'm just...yeah, it sucks.

I'm also sleep deprived. :D;

So, that's the long and short of it. I'm down to two RPs, and I think I'll like it that way better.

More on Scotland later, I promise. (Yes, Kae, I did tour the catacombs, and do I ever have stories to tell.)


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