NaNo Count: 43,302 words total. I am this close, guys, but only to word count - I get the feeling the story's going to go on for a while longer yet. I am perfectly okay with this. :|b
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I wouldn't worry too much about being OOC. It's NaNo, which means you don't have a lot of time to think about characterization in great depth. Consistency is one of the first things to go out the window, believe me. Characters you just invented two seconds ago go out of character three seconds in. It happens. Revision is for later.
Yeah, right now I'm just worried about the word count. I figure I'll dump the finished thing on someone who actually knows the canon and let them parse out characterization once I'm sick of looking at it. |D I'm probably too close to it to really know for sure, so we'll see. Though I have the sneaking suspicion I'm making Terra too smart, which is really sad.
Only if you beta the flying hell out of mine. :| I'm nearly done with the NaNo count but not nearly done with the story itself - it's gotten a lot bigger than I ever expected it would.
I really, really want to know the context of that one. XD
Repeated words and phrases have made up a whole load of my words. That and things like "well" or "really". And if you'd like any help with betaing, I'd be happy to help!
Someone learned to barter and was all sorts of pleased at the results. :Db
Yeah, I rely far too much on "really" and stock two-word phrases like "he replied" and "he shrugged." Writing a ton of conversation all in one go is tough. And I would be more than happy to dump my ~100-page document on you if you want to look it over.
Because I have no patience for adverbs while I'm on a time limit? 8D There are definitely parts that will need rewriting once NaNo is over -for I shall save the adverbs for then.
I'll send it over once I hit both 50k and a good stopping place (and once I run spellcheck, since I'm not that cruel...I think). I'm not expecting you to look over the whole thing all at once either - that would be all sorts of crazy. Also, when you do read it, feel free to mark off entire sections with "JEEZ, TERRA, SHUT UP ALREADY," because man does his inner monologue ever ramble.
Comments 11
Your your line. it's awesome. there's no context needed. it's just awesome.
Don't worry, I can split it into chapters and run spellcheck before I send it your way. |Db
Edit: And I typo while promising to run spellcheck. OF COURSE
Repeated words and phrases have made up a whole load of my words. That and things like "well" or "really". And if you'd like any help with betaing, I'd be happy to help!
Yeah, I rely far too much on "really" and stock two-word phrases like "he replied" and "he shrugged." Writing a ton of conversation all in one go is tough. And I would be more than happy to dump my ~100-page document on you if you want to look it over.
And sure, feel free to send it on over! I can't promise to beta all hundred odd pages in one go, but I can do it in bits.
I'll send it over once I hit both 50k and a good stopping place (and once I run spellcheck, since I'm not that cruel...I think). I'm not expecting you to look over the whole thing all at once either - that would be all sorts of crazy. Also, when you do read it, feel free to mark off entire sections with "JEEZ, TERRA, SHUT UP ALREADY," because man does his inner monologue ever ramble.
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