I am back in CA safely! I also need a flipton of lotion because man I forgot how dry Colorado can be, even if it is only for five days. I have a ton of things to talk about, from sleep deprivation to flights to Thanksgiving prayer shenanigans to Kennedy to eleven-year-old ticket stubs to reasons to make sure all the lights in your car are off
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Comments 5
Though, from the ones I've planned next, I have no idea when I'll be writing from his POV again. Lots of Eraqus ahead, I think.
Bitties tend to be ridiculously adorable like that. Aqua always struck me as the type who'd do everything completely by the book when she was little, including wondering just how far she was allowed to wander off.
Yeah, I get a similar impression from her, which is why I think it fits so well. That, and how adorable she is. And Terra's hero complex too!
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