This scene came from the final chapter of "Demon Blood", entitled "More than Revenge". I thought it was important to list the exact terms of the Deal that John made with Azazel since they didn't seal it properly back in the previous chapter, but in the end it was cut because the flow of the chapter's narrative just didn't feel quite right with it in place. I felt that this AU was more about Sam and Dean than it was about John, and I wanted their perspective about the things they didn't know more than I wanted to give out answers. So, without further ado, our first deleted scene.
John's death scene
Stepping out of the house to damn his soul to Hell was probably one of the hardest - and easiest - things John had ever done. He didn't want to die, and he surely didn't want to go to Hell, either, but he had sworn to do whatever it took to keep his boys alive, and he meant it.
The only question remaining in his mind was why hadn't Azazel kissed him to seal the Deal back at that warehouse? That was how demons worked, right?
Azazel was leaning against the Impala's trunk, and John had to grit his teeth before he could say something he would most likely regret. "Hiya, John," Azazel greeted brightly, yellow eyes almost glowing in the morning light as he grinned. "You're lookin' well, and I hear your boys are recovering nicely, too."
"We doin' this?" John asked, wanting to get straight to the point.
"Well, sure," Azazel said, pushing away from the Impala and standing up straight. "Only thing is, we didn't go over all the details of this Deal. Didn't seal it either, not that your boys know that, but…" He shrugged and stepped forward. "So, here's how it is. You go to Hell the moment the Deal is made official, and I will not only let your boys live, but I will keep all demons under my control from touching them in any way. Well, at least until it's time for the next stage of my plans," he added after a moment. "And even then, that's only gonna be for transportation purposes."
"What happens if your demons do touch them before that time?" John asked. He had to ask, had to make sure his boys would be safe for as long as possible. "You can't control all of them all of the time, whatever you might think."
"Then I'll kill them," Azazel said simply. "Believe it or not, I don't need that fancy gun Samuel Colt made to do it, John. Of course," he added after a moment, grin widening, "they'll only listen so long as I'm alive. If I somehow manage to get killed myself, then there'll be no one to keep them away from your boys."
John swallowed. He was counting on his boys to kill Azazel, no matter what it took. "Don't any of your followers know your end game?" he asked.
"Do you?" Azazel grinned. "I imagine you discovered that convent out in Maryland."
"I did," John admitted. "Never did speak to that priest you possessed, though."
"Shame," Azazel said. "Not that I expect him to have remembered more than my name or anything…" There was a moment of silence. "You know the truth, right? About Sammy, and all the others?"
"Yeah," John said softly. "I do."
"So, you'll accept my terms?" Azazel asked.
John swallowed hard and nodded. "Yeah, I will." He thought for a moment. "What happens if my boys find a demon and perform an exorcism on it?"
Azazel grinned and shrugged. "Then those demons will go back into the Pit. I can't control what your boys do, Johnny boy. Well, I don't control Sam just yet, but all in good time, right?"
The worst thing about all this was the knowledge that Azazel was far more focused on his son than on any of the other special children out there. Sure, there others out there who were just as good, just as innocent as Sam was in many ways, but the idea that Azazel would press harder on Sam to break that goodness was a hard thing to even think about. He recalled the secret he'd given Dean and prayed that it would be enough.
"I accept your terms," John said after a long moment. "You leave my boys alone and alive, and I'll go to Hell."
"Great!" Azazel said cheerily, stepping forward. "Let's seal the Deal and get you on your way then, shall we?"
John steeled himself and nodded as the yellow-eyed demon moved forward. A moment later, he kissed John long and hard, his dry lips pressed firmly against John's.
The kiss ended, and John felt himself die.
Save Sam, Dean, he thought as he sank to the ground. Save him…
And then the living world was gone and all that was left was fire and bone and blood and fear.
"Demon Blood" AU Masterpost