{one shot} Never Again = RyoPi

Jul 28, 2009 18:59

Title: Never again
Author: yamashita_pink
Pairing: RyoPi and some hints of PiN (friendship)
Genre: angst~~~
Rating: G *safe!!!*
Disclaimer: If ever I own Kame or Jin, which will be only in my dreams and imaginations… :))
Summary: No, never again.
beta by: magicaltrinity

A/N: sorry for making this fic so sad...

 “Pi?” a familiar voice echoed throughout my room. I don’t want to look at him. No, never again. “Pi please? Look at me. Le-let me explain everything.” the voice begged. I don’t want to listen to his stupid explanations anymore; I don’t want to open my heart for him again, and just end up getting hurt. I’ve had enough. Somehow, he managed to get into my room hence, he is now sitting beside me on my bed.

Without even bothering to look at him, I said, “Nishikido, you don’t have to pretend that everything on the news about you and that girl being spotted in the hotel is just a rumor. I know you want a girl, I know you’re straight. You don’t have to bother to explain, it’s alright. I understand. You are the Sexy Osaka MAN after all.” After that I let out a fake laugh like those I’ve always used on shows and interviews. This is the first time I called him by his last name, I’m used to calling him Ryo-tan or Ryo-chan.

The silence between us grew awkward and tense. Every minute we spent in silence was like an hour of torture. Instead of making things better, the silence only succeeded in making my heart beat loudly and painfully against my chest. After a couple of minutes I felt the tears from my eyes make their way down my cheeks. I don’t want to cry because of him. I don’t want to waste my tears on him anymore.

“P-please leave.” I managed to say. His presence was only making things even harder for me. Before he left, I felt his strong arms around my waist and his soft lips on my cheek. Somehow, I knew that it was the last and that made things hurt even more.


Today I don’t have work and neither does my best friend, Jin. Can’t this guy stop whining about the fact that his head hurts so badly?! He’s not helping. Not even a little. In fact, he was annoying me.

“PI? Are you listening to my story~~~?!” Jin whined like a baby and putting on his cutest pout. The pout that he knows works on me every time. Whenever he would flash that adorable pout I lose every ounce of self-control I have and I would end up giving in to whatever he wants.

“Pi, what’s wrong? Did something happen?” he asked once he noticed that I wasn’t paying attention to him. Even though I wanted to tell him about everything that happened last night, I couldn’t. I don’t want to get him involved in this, he’s got nothing to do with it in the first place. As long as I can handle the pain, I would much rather keep it to myself. I don’t want to bother Jin with my petty love problems.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when Jin suddenly slapped me on the face. It wasn’t that hard but it wasn’t that light either. “Hey!!! What was that for?!” I asked holding my cheek. It still hurt even though it wasn’t that hard. Come on, my beautiful face was slapped but none other than Bakanishi, my stupid best friend.

“Pi, you’re not paying attention to my story, your mind is far away in Pluto when it’s supposed to be here in Tokyo. You weren’t like this before, I know something’s wrong so, tell me what happened?” Jin asked, concern lacing his voice. That was definitely something because Jin didn’t usually show concern for people other than his Kazu. Did his head hurt THAT much?!

“Tomohisa!!! Your apartment is on fire!” Jin shouted right into my ear just to get my attention.

“Sorry Jin. Nothing happened it’s just that I-I’m not feeling well right now.” I lied, I’d rather lie than to let Jin know that I’m hurting deep inside because of a stupid break-up. I want things to stay like how they are right now, with only Ryo and I knowing about the break-up so that nobody will make a fuss about it. I just wanted to stay quiet about it, hoping that by not talking about it…the pain would just fade away.


It’s been weeks since the break-up and seeing Ryo around still hurts, even if I didn’t want to admit it, I couldn’t move-on. Everything is still fucked up and my brain refuses to accept the fact that Ryo and I were over.

Right now, I’m with NewS in our dressing room, doing random stuff. Massu and Tego are singing random songs that come in to their mind while Shige and Kei are reading some kind of magazine. But someone is missing.

I haven’t seen Ryo ever since the break-up and I’m getting worried. Where could he be? I tried asking some people if they knew where he was but no one knew. I tried calling him but he wouldn’t answer. I wanted to go to his apartment check if he’s okay but every time I’m about to go up to his apartment my legs would start to feel heavy, my heart would start hammering against my chest and I would start feeling like I was suffocating. In the end I would run as fast as I could, away from his apartment and possibly away from the pain. I’m not entirely sure but to me, it seems like I was too scared to see him again.

Suddenly Manager-san stormed into our dressing room. He looked distraught and upset. I have a bad feeling about this, a really bad feeling.

“Eh? Nande? Manager-san? Is there something wrong?” Kei asked with a curious tone.

Manager-san looked so upset I thought he was gonna start crying in front of us. It took some time before he was able to find his voice.

“Ryo, I-it’s about Ryo-kun.” He said, his voice cracking. Once I heard his name, my heart started beating fast, so fast, I felt like it was going to explode. Manager-san continued, “He-he was in a car crash. Though he was just passing by, the car accidentally ran over him. The rescuers tried to save him, but it was too late. Ryo di-di-didn’t make it.”

It took my brain a few minutes to process what our manager just said, but slowly the wheels inside my thick skull started turning and the things that our manager said finally started making sense. “Ry-Ryo? Y-You’re kidding ri-right? Y-you’re lying!” I was in denial. There’s no way he would leave me. Right? He wouldn’t do that to me. Not after everything.

Our manager looked down and said, “I wish I was lying, but there is no way I would lie about this. I wouldn’t joke about something like this.” Things are pretty fucked up in my head already but one thing is for sure, Ryo isn’t dead and it’s impossible. He would NEVER leave me like this. I suddenly lost my temper and snapped, “No, no, NO!!!” After that I ran out of the room. I didn’t know where to go but I let my feet carry me to an unknown destination. Anywhere away from the Jimusho was good enough.

After a few minutes of running I found myself at the place where the car crash happened. People were there surrounding the scene, but that didn’t me from checking for myself whether Ryo was really part of the accident. I made it to the very first row but a policeman was blocking my view so I crossed the police tape and began to search for Ryo. True enough, he was there lying on the stretcher, blood covering his beautiful face. As much as I wanted to go to Ryo, my feet refused to move. I just let myself fall to my knees as I cried my eyes out, letting out all the anguish and pain that I felt.

I was just there for 3 whole minutes until I felt a muscular arm wrap itself around my shoulder. I heard the man say, “Pi, p-please stop c-crying. I don’t want to see you crying.” Even without looking, I could tell that it was Jin’s voice. All I could do was rest my head on his chest and let my tears flow. “Pi, stop it, you have to be strong. Come on!” I know he was trying to sound strong but I can feel his pain. After all, Ryo was also his friend.


2 days passed and I’m still grieving. Yes, I still go to Jimusho and deal with those stupid reporters. Why can’t they just leave our group alone?! Why didn’t they understand that no one was going to answer their meaningless questions?!

After those two days, I’ve been receiving messages saying that I will die next. I didn’t care if they were just empty threats. As a matter of fact, I don’t mind dying. I don’t see the point in living anymore. There was nobody who would insult me with his harsh words then apologize right after, nobody would who wake me up in the morning with sweet kisses, nobody who would make my day seem brighter. Ryo was gone…and things would never be the same. Never again.

A/N: Comments are looove!!! :) ^^

one shot, fanfic

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