SPN Fic: Noah's Ark Angel, PG

Jan 18, 2009 01:02

Title: Noah's Ark Angel
Author: yamapea
For: osmalic
Characters/Pairings: Castiel, Dean, Sam, Ruby, Alastair
Rating: PG
Warnings: Spoilers through 410!
Word Count: 4,603
Summary: Picking up from Episode 410, Castiel enlists the help of Sam and Dean (and against his better judgment, Ruby) to help him stop a flood of biblical proportions.
Notes: Written for spn_j2_xmas! This ( Read more... )

spn, pg

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Comments 13

flamesword January 18 2009, 09:41:53 UTC
XDDDDD yes yes YES I LOVE YOU. ♥ I am so happy right now, this fic is making me just sit here with a big stupid grin on my face, and I hope you know how rare that is. HEEEEEEE. I can't even. I will try to come back later with specifics, but alsdkjfal. coherency. *FAILS* XD<333333333333


yamapod January 20 2009, 03:12:53 UTC
Ahhh so happy! ♥♥♥ This comment made me so happy. :D I really had a lot of fun with this! I was terrified about it, but I really love writing Supernatural sdkjfks <33333 Thank you cutie!


valiant January 18 2009, 09:57:01 UTC
*DEAD OF LOVE* Oh my GOD your character voices are PERFECTION and I LOVE THIS TO BITS.


yamapod January 20 2009, 03:13:22 UTC
Ahh I'm so thrilled!!! Thank you so much. ♥♥♥ *_*


veristic January 18 2009, 15:22:25 UTC
This is amazing, completely different from anything I've read and you have me liking Ruby here, and Ruby and Castiel! Excellent work.


yamapod January 20 2009, 03:15:31 UTC
♥!!! Thank you so much! I'm so pleased that you liked them!


elisera January 18 2009, 15:44:38 UTC

Great voices, funny plot and an angel and a demon traveling together and stopping at McDonald's for fries -- it just doesn't get any better than this. Really, you have so many great lines in this, I can't begin to quote them otherwise the comment would be almost as long as your story!


yamapod January 20 2009, 03:17:50 UTC
:D :D :D yay! Thank you! I had a lot of fun writing this, and bad jokes are my favorite thing in the universe, so I was worried about overloading my dialogue with horrible puns. I'm so glad it worked. ♥


osmalic January 19 2009, 18:31:30 UTC
Hello! I didn't expect such a witty fic, and I love what you did with the prompts! You got all the voices right, I love the myths, the bantering between Dean and Sam, plus you definitely get major points for Ruby and Castiel bickering! Castiel's voice is amazing, and I love Dean's pointed sarcasm. Most of all, I love how you managed Ruby. She's an enigma, but still fun, and I thought you balanced it wonderfully with how she's fitting in with Sam and Dean, but finding her own place. And Bobby!

All-in-all, what a wonderful gift! I loved it!


yamapod January 20 2009, 03:20:45 UTC
Oh yay! Thank you so much for the sweet comment. ♥ I'm so happy that you liked it! You really had the most amazing prompts, and the Castiel/Ruby roadtripping idea is like my favorite thing ever. I had so much fun writing for you. (And I'm sorry this was late!)

Thank you again. ♥♥♥


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