[One-shot] Come Sunshine

Mar 05, 2010 17:53

Title: Come Sunshine
Pairing: Inoobu
Prompt: #30 from Inoo-thon.
Beta: daisy_took
Genre: Romance, slight angst.
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Inoo is my pretty boy and Yabu is his boyfriend. Together, we’re the awesome threesome!
Summary: 5 times Inoo walked alone in the rain + 1 time Yabu walked with him under an umbrella.
A/N: I don’t even know if what I wrote met the prompt. Sorry Yuki-chan. This was done in snippets and when I was in the plane with a lack of sleep. So if it doesn’t make sense, yeah, you know where it came from. It was supposed to be posted weeks ago but I’m only doing it now. Enjoy!


Inoo’s mother had reminded him that if he went out make sure to take an umbrella along because the weather didn’t look very good. But Inoo was too immersed in his book to pay any attention.

So now he cursed as he came out of the library only to be met with droplets of water falling from the grey sky. Using his books as the only protection, he stepped onto the wet world and walked: soaking and alone.


It was a bright, sunny day to begin with but now it was filled with gloom and rain. Not prepared with an umbrella Inoo marched along the drenched road but halted when he saw a familiar figure in the distance.

He smiled widely and was about to shout out to Yabu; stopping as he saw that the older boy already had a companion: Takaki. Together under a shared umbrella, they laughed and smiled.

Inoo turned on his heel and headed in the opposite direction, feeling lonely and heart-broken through the rain.


The weather was perfect to shoot the raining scene.

“Okay, Inoo-kun. Since it hasn’t rained yet, we will use the artificial rain. You have to walk through it with a saddened and forlorn expression. Got it?”

Inoo nodded as he listened to the director and stood in his position.

“Action!” the director called out.

The scene went on smoothly as Inoo swiftly walked through the pouring water just like how the director wanted.

“And cut! That was perfect! Let’s wrap it up for today, Inoo-kun. Otsukare.”

“Otsukare,” Kei said, bowing and thanking the other crews.

He went into the production building, which was only behind the shooting scene, and packed up his belongings.

Of course it was perfect, it was something he’d experienced countless times and was about to experience again as he passed through the sliding doors of the building and into the downpour that had just begun.


3rd March 2003.
Yabu Kota aged 13.
Inoo Kei aged 12.

It was like any other day. Inoo had invited Yabu to come play with him at the nearby playground. Actually it had become their daily routine; everyday at the same time they would meet up at the said place and if it rained they would walk home together under the same umbrella.

“Yabu! Come and play with me on the swings!”

Although this time, Inoo realized, wasn’t like any other day. Yabu was acting weird and Inoo didn’t like it one bit but he shrugged it off.

“Ne, if you don’t want to play you could at least push me.”

Yabu remained still and after a few seconds he walked away and sat on a nearby bench, his back to Inoo.

“Okay, fine. I’ll play alone” the younger one grumbled.

The swing was Inoo’s favourite thing. He felt calm and free every time he was on it. From time to time he would drift off to his own little world; that’s why it took him a couple of seconds to realize that it had started to rain.

Inoo stopped and stepped off the swing. His eyes fell on the familiar blue umbrella. He couldn’t see Yabu’s figure as it was covered by the object.

“Yabu! Yabu!” Inoo called out, but there was no movement. The older one would usually turn and smile when he responded to Inoo’s calls, but not this time.

The younger one got worried so he jogged towards the bench.


Inoo’s eyes widened in shock at the sight in front of him: Yabu kissing a girl. He stepped back slowly at first but then his pace became faster and he turned and ran through the rain.

That was the first time Inoo walked -ran- through the rain without Yabu beside him and the blue umbrella overhead.

After that event they became distant.


Hey! Say! BEST just finished another photoshoot and they were in their dressing room, packing up their things. They heard the clickety-clacks of raindrops outside and could see it through the window.

Three out of the five (Takaki, Hikaru and Inoo) moaned as they forgot their umbrellas. Daiki had offered to share his with Takaki and the older boy beamed with delight. They left together after mumbles of ‘good works.’

“Yabu, can I share the umbrella with you?” Inoo asked.

“Gomen ne, Inoo. I promised Hikaru already,” he answered with an apologetic smile.

Hikaru, of course. Hikaru always comes first, the younger boy thought.

He smiled, putting on a façade, “Ah. It’s okay then,” and went without a goodbye.

That evening Inoo went through the rain with an empty heart.

Plus One

“Aw, man. Not again,” Inoo complained as he got out of the grocery store, hands full.

It was the fourth time that week that Inoo had met with the rain and it was also the fourth time he had carelessly forgotten his umbrella.

He took a deep breath and prepared himself for the rain to wet him but when he stepped out of the shelter, all he got was the sound of the rain. No drops falling on his head, no drops falling on his skin. He looked up. An umbrella.

“Need some help with those?” He heard a voice say.

Inoo looked to his side. It was Yabu, smiling brightly at him.

“Yabu? What are you doing here?”

“I was just passing by when I saw you here and thought I’d give you a hand,” he replied, smile never leaving his face. Inoo blushed as Yabu took half of the bags from him. “Shall we?”

The young by nodded and off they went. His house was only ten minutes away, but walking beside Yabu, it felt like an eternity. It didn’t help that both of them were quiet. Inoo couldn’t prevent it; his heart was beating so fast and he was at a loss for words.

“Inoo, why are you so quiet?”

Yabu’s voice cut into his thoughts.


“Usually, we have to remind you to breathe because you’re talking so much. Is everything alright?”

Inoo smiled nervously, waving his free hand, “A-ah, it’s nothing. I guess, it’s just that…”

“Just what?”

“It’s been a…while hasn’t it? Since we walked together like this.”

Yabu grew quiet for a moment. “Uhn, it’s been seven years? Since that…”


“Inoo, you know I didn’t mean to-” he was cut off.

“N-no! It’s okay! It was long time ago. It doesn’t matter to me anymore,” he let out a fake laugh.

“If it doesn’t matter…then why are you crying?”

“E-eh?” Inoo touched his face. Yabu was right, there were tears.

They stopped walking and faced each other. The older boy dropped the umbrella along with the grocery bag and cupped Inoo’s face; wiping the tears away with his thumbs.

“Inoo…I’m sorry. I truly didn’t mean to hurt you like that. It was a phase. I was confused about my own feelings. Everything was…a mess.”

“Th-then, what happened to the girl?”

“Nothing really. I didn’t feel anything when we kissed.”

“But what about Hikaru? And Takaki?”

“What about them? They’re my friends,” Yabu said, inching closer.

“W-why now? Why n-not sooner?”

“I didn’t know if you still had the feelings. Not until now.” Closer.


This time it was Yabu who cut him off. “You ask too many questions,” he leaned in and finally closed the distance between them.

Inoo’s eyes widened in shock as Yabu’s lips moved against his. Before he could respond those lips left his.

Did we just kiss? In the rain? Am I being pranked? This isn’t Punk’d is it? Inoo inquired himself as he tried to look around for cameras. After not finding any he collected himself and threw another question. “So you…feel the same way?”

Yabu laughed heartily, pressing their foreheads together, “Yes, Inoo Kei. Yes, I love you with all my heart.”

The younger boy smiled widely, “I love you too, Yabu Kota.”

They pressed their lips together once more and embraced each other.

“We better get to your home quick before one of us gets sick. We’re already soaking wet.”

“I don’t really mind, because this is the best part of all the past walks we had together.”

“And what part is that?”

“When, you and me, become we.”

Yabu chuckled at Inoo’s cheesiness but gave him a peck on the cheek. He picked up the dropped items and once again they were reunited under the great, big, blue umbrella.


Comments, and critics, are loved! :D

Okay, I admit, the last part was a quote from Winnie the Pooh. Here it is:

Pooh - "This is the best part of the day."
Christopher Robin - "What part is that?"
Pooh - "When you, and me, become we."

one shot

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