Unexpectations - Chapter 2

Mar 16, 2012 02:22

alrighty! here is chapter 2 of my fanfic!!! please dont forget to comment if you read it!!! even if its just "i read it" you can make me happy ^^ even if you dont like it, let me know and tell me why (NICELY). i want to know how i can improve as a writer!

Title: Unexpectations
Pairing: Yamapi x Original Character (Myrah); Jin x TBA
Characters (for this chapter): Main - Yamapi, Original Character (Myrah); Other - Original Character (Raina)
Summary: Myrah and Raina are waiting for the third person in their group to show up. Yamapi is looking for a girl to pose as his girlfriend, but gets a little hungry and ends up at the same restaurant. He notices the girls and works up the nerve to ask Myrah while standing behind her in line.

Chapter 2

“Hey, beautiful, you’ve got a text message” Raina’s phone informed her. Both girls grinned at the tone. It never got old. Raina grabbed her phone to check the message.

“Oh no.”

“What? What is it?”

“Edwin is going to be a little late. He’s having trouble with a customer, but he said he should be here soon and to go ahead and start eating without him.”

Myrah snorted. “You know if I start eating I’ll be done way before he gets here.”

“Well, if you wouldn’t inhale your food and if you actually appreciate it, then maybe you wouldn’t be done so quickly.”

“I appreciate my food! I just can’t stand to let it sit in my mouth. I don’t mean to eat so fast, it just… um… jumps down my throat. I don’t even get a choice in the matter!” Raina rolled her eyes at the stupidity of Myrah’s statement as she smiled innocently.

“I guess we could wait a little bit but-“

“Oh! Oh! Asian guy! And he looks cute!”


“He just walked in. It’s hard to tell how cute he is, though, behind those ginormous sunglasses!”

“Oh, you know you like them!”

“I like them, but I don’t like that they are preventing me from seeing HIM. Who wears sunglasses inside an airport, anyway?”

“Maybe he just forgot to take them off.”

“Whatever. Anyway, what were you saying?”

“Uhhhh… I forgot.” Both girls laughed. They must have laughed pretty loud because quite a few people turned and looked at them. Normally, Myrah didn’t care, but she noticed the cute guy she had just been checking out was one of the people who looked. She began to feel a little embarrassed when he didn’t take his eyes off of them. There was something familiar, though, about him. But what it was, she couldn’t quite place. Finally, she turned and pretended to search the menu, although she already knew what she would order…


Yamapi had been looking at the menu trying to decide what to order when he heard some very loud laughter. He searched for the source and finally his eyes landed on two girls sitting at a table. He apparently wasn’t the only one distracted by their laughter, because he noticed other people looking at them, too. He began to stare, though, as he couldn’t believe what he saw. These girls looked different from all the others he had seen. Most of the girls were wearing short skirts or tight pants with very revealing tops, but these girls were wearing mid-calf denim skirts and one had on a plain pink t-shirt that wasn’t too tight nor too loose while the other had on a white blouse with green polka dots on it.

These girls looked like the exact ones he had been looking for. They were quite pretty in a very simple way. Both looked fairly cheery and the one in the t-shirt even looked a little flushed bringing a pink to her cheeks that was brought out by her pink shirt. He decided to watch them for a bit, just to be sure they were the type he wanted. It was almost too good to be true that there could possibly be a girl out there that fit his credentials, let alone two!

Yamapi had to turn his back on them in order to order his food, but as soon as he finished, he found a table where he could watch them hopefully unnoticed.


Myrah didn’t know why she couldn’t shake the feeling that someone was watching her. She didn’t want to look around and have Raina start asking questions. If she knew that someone was watching them, she would probably freak out. She hoped Edwin would hurry up and get there. She suddenly didn’t mind him coming. She knew she would feel safer with him there. Raina’s voice shook Myrah out of her thoughts.

“Ok, I’m too hungry to wait any longer. Let’s eat. Do you want me to order and you save the table?”

“No, my legs are cramping up from sitting so long. I need to stretch my legs.” Raina looked happy that she didn’t have to order, and Myrah was sure it had a lot to do with the fact that she tended to be picky and Raina could never quite get her order right. She quickly got Raina’s order and cash then walked to the cash register. Where had this line come from? Oh well, it gave Myrah time to be alone with her thoughts.

There! She felt it again. Someone had to be staring at her. She could feel that person’s eyes on her back. She didn’t know what to do. She fought to stay calm. It’s ok, don’t panic. Nothing is going to happen to you. Edwin will be here soon. He’ll keep you safe she tried to convince herself.


Yamapi wondered why the girl looked as if she had seen a ghost. Something was scaring her, and he couldn’t figure out what. He looked around, but didn’t see any menacing looking person. The only one who was watching her was- then it hit him. HE was scaring her! She must know he’s watching her. He began to get embarrassed as he realized how futile his attempt was to go unnoticed. Now, he knew he had to talk to her just to put her at ease. He put down his burger and slowly rose, praying that she wouldn’t freak out.


“I’m sorry, miss.”

Myrah jumped as she heard a thickly accented voice behind her. She turned around, confused at the apology and stopped short when she saw who it was. The guy she had been checking out! Had he noticed her staring at him earlier? She suddenly felt very shy and embarrassed, but finally found some words to say. “Yes?”

Did she not understand? Did he say the wrong words? He racked his brain, but was certain that the way to say “gomenasai” in English was “I’m sorry”.

“Umm… I… uh… couldn’t help but notice you looked a little shaken.”

She was so embarrassed. Was it really that obvious that this random stranger would notice? But, he sounded so sincere and she was touched at his concern.

“Yes, well-“

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to frighten you.”

“Frighten me? You didn-“ And then it hit her. HE had been the one who was staring at her!

Yamapi wanted to kick himself as he saw the realization spread across her face. She hadn’t known it was him! Well, Pi, you got yourself into this mess, now you better get yourself out! he chastised himself.

“I, uh… just noticed you and… I really didn’t mean to-“

“No, no, it’s fine.” She could hear the concern in his voice and could tell he meant no harm. “Did you just fly in? I noticed your bags.”

“Yeah, actually, I did. I’m here visiting a friend.” He was glad that she was willing to make small talk. This was definitely a good sign.

“Oh, how nice. And where are you from?”

“Japan.” Her heart leaped in her chest. How perfect! No wonder he was so cute!

“May I take your order?” Myrah and Yamapi both looked at the speaker, surprised at the third voice.

“Oh, right. I better do this.” She didn’t want to stop talking to him though.

“No problem, go ahead.”

She searched her mind frantically trying to find something to say in order to keep him in a conversation with her, not knowing he was doing the same. She said the first thing that popped in her head.

“I haven’t got a chance to see your face behind those glasses.” She wished she could take it back the second it came out of her mouth. Of all the stupid things to say. She quickly thought of something to hopefully save it. “I like to see who I’m talking to, you know?” And grinned, she hoped, in a teasing way.

He was glad she said something, because he didn’t want to have to walk back to his seat. That would only make it harder to talk to this girl at all again. “I’ll let you see right after you give your order to this very patient lady.”

Myrah blushed. She had forgotten what she was supposed to be doing AGAIN. She turned to the lady who looked slightly annoyed. Yamapi smiled. This girl looked so pretty when the color rushed to her cheeks. He stepped back as she ordered the food, and wondered why such a slim girl ordered so much. Then he remembered her friend. He couldn’t drag this out for long. Her friend might begin to worry.

She paid the woman behind the counter then smiled at him. “Ok, now take them off please.”

“First, I need you to make a deal with me.” She frowned.

He was such an idiot. He couldn’t believe he was doing it like this, but he was getting desperate.

“Umm… I don’t know if I should be making deals with strangers.” She began to feel uncomfortable. He had seemed like such a nice guy, but now… she didn’t know what to think. What would he ask of her?

“That’s fair. And smart. So, how about I tell you what I need from you first and then you will let me know if you’ll do it or not?”

She could just walk away right now. Raina was right over there at the table. She had her phone. They could easily leave and even make it difficult to follow them in this crowded airport. They could call Edwin, who would come and rescue them in a heartbeat. She knew that’s exactly what she should be doing, but something inside her made her want to stay and listen. I’m going insane she thought as she found herself saying “Ok.”

He sighed and hoped for the best as he just plunged ahead. “Remember I said I was here to visit a friend?” She nodded. “Well, this friend, I sure, will most likely try to hook me up with some girl while I’m here. Not just any girl, though, one that will do everything she can to sleep with me.” She looked a little startled, but he kept going anyway. “All I need is someone who I can trust to NOT jump in bed with me to pretend to be my girlfriend. You look like a good girl, and you seem very nice too.”

She was looking at him with a total blank stare. He couldn’t read it if his life depended on it, and that made him even more nervous. He held his breath while he waited for her answer.

Myrah couldn’t believe what he just said. He wanted her to pretend to be his girlfriend. One of the hottest guys she had ever met, seemed ready to beg HER to be his temporary girlfriend. Sure, it was just because she seemed “safe”, which she was, but she just couldn’t wrap her mind around this.

“So?” She realized that she had been standing there silent for a very long time. Now, she REALLY knew she was crazy because the next word that popped out of her mouth was “Yes.”

He stared at her, his expression unreadable under his sunglasses.

“You’ll do it? You’ll pretend to be my girlfriend? You know this may mean a few kisses and stuff. We will have to do it in order to convince him. Basically, everything save sleeping with each other. You are willing to do all that?”


“Wow.” He sounded both awed and surprised. She was surprised at herself too.

“Ok. So, uh… my name is Myrah…”

“Oh, right. That might be a good thing to know. Oh, and you’ll want me to take off my glasses now, right?” His mind was all muddled up. He couldn’t believe it worked!

“Well, it would be nice. Along with telling me your name?”

“Uh…” It was at that moment that her number was called. As she went to get the food, he looked around frantically to find a place where he could safely take them off. His eyes fell on her friend. He noticed there was an extra seat facing away from everyone in the room. There was still a window, but he may be able to hide from the people there. He would just have to make this quick.

“Let me go take this to my friend over there.” He heard the girl say. What was her name again?

“I’ll go with you.”

She looked at him strangely. “Alright.”

Raina was gawking at them as they approached. Myrah just shrugged, but she knew that look in Raina’s eye. If Myrah didn’t spill soon, Raina would explode. She turned to the man. “Actually, could you just wait here for a second so I can kind of explain things?”

“Um, yeah. Sure.”

Myrah quickly walked over as Raina jumped out of her seat. “What in- how did-???”

“Ok, look. I’ll explain it all more clearly later. Basically, this guy is desperate and he needs someone to pose as his girlfriend.”

“And he asked YOU?! Oh my gosh!! I can’t believe this! Pinch me, am I dreaming?”

Myrah laughed. “I know, I can hardly believe it myself. I’m not sure what he is doing now, though. He wants to come over here. I think he’s gonna finally take off his glasses, but I don’t understand why he has to come over here to do it.”

“Maybe he has a zit?”

“Woooooooooooooooooooow, Raina.”


“Oh never mind, I can’t keep him there forever.” She motioned for him to come. He walked over and smiled at Raina.

“Is it alright if I sit here?”

“Well, uh…” Raina flustered, “we were kind of waiting-“

“No problem, this will be quick, I promise.”

“Well, alright then.”  He sat and seemed to be looking for something, but remained silent.

“Umm… did you lose something?” Myrah asked.

“No, I just- you want me to take off my glasses, but I can’t let anyone else see. I’m looking for something to block my face from that window.” Raina shot Myrah an i-told-you-so look. Myrah just rolled her eyes. And then noticed Raina’s purse. Myrah was always complaining that it was unnecessarily large.

“Here, use her purse!”

“Hey! It’s customary to ASK before offering other people’s things!”

“Great, thanks.” He said as he grabbed it from Myrah’s hands.

“Well, it’s a good thing you picked her. You are like a match made in heaven.”

He seemed to not hear her. Still, Myrah kicked Raina under the table and shot her a killer look.

With one hand he positioned the bag to cover his face and with the other he took off his sunglasses. Both girls gasped.

“That is no pimple,” Raina whispered, to Yamapi’s confusement.

“No,” Myrah agreed, “it isn’t.” She’d know that face anywhere. ”Are you-“

“Tomohisa Yamashita.” He introduced himself. Both of the girls remained frozen, and he began to feel a little uneasy. “Is everything alright?”

“I’m sorry, I think we’re just trying not to scream, “Raina said as Myrah remained speachless.

“You know me?” Yamapi asked, surprised. In answer to his question, Raina pulled out her iPod and pressed play. It was still playing songs from Supergood Superbad. Yamapi looked stunned as “One Girl” sounded from the device. He didn’t know what to say, but didn’t have any time to think about it either because a shadow fell over him and both girls looked up. He quickly slid his sunglasses back on and looked up as well…

fanwork, tomohisa yamashita

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