Can't get enough of Episode 3, so here are more fanreports.
For an excellent synopsis of episode 3, please visit yamasugee's LJ
Episode 3: Truth and Lies
"Doctor-patient relationships should be built on mutual respect, trust, and cooperation. In keeping with these principles, doctors shall demonstrate absolute honesty with regard to the patient's condition when communicating with the patient and/or representatives of the patient. Doctors should not mislead patients into false or unjustified expectations of favorable results of treatment."
[excerpt from a medical/ethics textbook]
Today's Code Blue episode was really powerful!
It's been a long time since I watched TV and cried.
At 16:00, replays of BUZZER BEAT will be shown.
That's great, ne ~ ☆
Why am I so fond of YAMAPI doramas?
Although I do not like Johnnys, I'll probably still watch (variety) shows if YAMAPI's in it.
Because people can relate to dramas, we easily fall under their spell. (笑)
Particularly so for love dramas.
I will try to help moderate this kind of attitude of my generation.
Why do people seek the truth?
Sometimes lying can be good.
It can be much better than the truth.
Yet we still want to know the truth even if it will hurt us.
Sometimes, the easier solution is to lie.
But doctors cannot afford to lie for it is the doctor's job to say what is and what cannot be.
Doctors have to tell the truth, no matter how cruel or painful it may be.
[all translations by zephkun]