EPISODE 8 RAWS: 『行かないで』
EPISODE 8 RAWS:『行かないで』"Please, don't go"
2009.8.31........Episode 8....Please, don't go ........ 17.5%
Streaming option:
tudou ::
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veoh Option 1: from youchandesu (1.41GB)
File Name: 090831BuzeerBeat-ep#8-ikanaide.mpg
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015 (upload by yamapi-blue)
Option 2: from nomanymore (538MB) MF/MU/stream
File name: Buzzer Beat ep08 (704x396) XviD.avi
http://nomanymore.blogspot.com/2009/07/2009-drama-buzzer-beat.html*to be used with soft subs*
Option 3: from ourhour (bittersweet_bun) (538MB)
File name: Buzzer Beat ep08 (704x396 XviD 1.2).avi MF/MU/4Share
http://community.livejournal.com/ourhour/202219.html*to be used with soft subs*
Option 4: from d-addicts (538MB/1.28GB)
File name: Buzzer Beat ep08 (704x396/1280x720 XviD 1.2).avi
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014 (upload by yamapi-blue)
*to be used with soft subs*
Option 1: soft subs from Heiwa Fansubs
http://d-addicts.com/forum/viewtopic_76350.htm Screen caps: (yamapi-blue)
Ratings comparisons throughout Japan:
Kanto 15.5__13.5__14.0__14.1__13.5__13.8__13.5__17.5
Kansai 13.2__11.2__13.4__12.7__13.7__14.2__15.3__15.6
Fukuoka 16.9__13.1__12.6__11.6__14.9__17.2__18.1__19.0
Option 1:
Synopsis of this episode @crunchyroll Option 2: Spoiler lines for ep 09: (from glassrose_85)
On the bench riko says to Naoki:
"Why did you lie?"
"I can't stop my feelings."
Utsunomiya says to Naoki:
"Why don't you try thinking about Natasuki again? (to give her a chance_"
Naoki Shouts at Yoyogi:
"apologize...apologize to Natsuki!"
Riko to teary-eyed Naoki:
"Why didn't you come to see/meet me?"
Past Episodes:
Ep. 1 ::
Ep. 2 ::
Ep. 3 ::
Ep. 4 ::
Ep.5 ::
Ep.6 ::
Ep.7 Unrelated bonus photos: The latest Seventeen magazine to be released Sept. 1.
(photo found on XQ with credits to yamapika)