Summary: The 11th Grand Prix Ganbatta (第11回がんばった大賞) aired on September 15th. This is a "bloopers" or NG (No Good) show of excerpts from the spring and summer drama seasons. Ryo (Last Friends) and Yamapi (Code Blue) both appeared. Go under the cut to view their excerpts: stream and download links. Edited: HQ Code Blue NG and English subs links just added!
Code Blue (Yamapi)
MF MU (21Mb) *new*
English Subs MF MUStream on veohStream on tudou Last Friends (Ryo-chan)
MF MUStream on veohStream on tudou Credits:
Masterpost by: watchful21
Original RAWs from: town009@fourlc/XQ
RAWs downloaded by: neko_lovesyou, inala, watchful21
Uploaders (to filesharing and streaming sites): neko_lovesyou, inala, watchful21
Screencaps by: kenzokenzo
Editing: inala, watchful21, untitled_melody