Ahh *feels proud* I got back to ALL comments and LJs ^o^ (I think?? Right? ^^;;) in just one day. Wow, that's a first I think, rotfl.
I am now up to date with everything again naa~! But...it's gonna get bad again in a few days. (laugh)
I seriously need to sort out the things I'm supposed to do.
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Comments 47
Same, same. I am so horrible when it comes to obsessions..I fangirl a lot, but also drift away from that fandom quite easily as well. So I really want to keep a firm grasp on Pipi & JE. I really don't want to drift away from this world, but somehow have a feeling I might in the future D;
Indeed, it's great to see him all grown up, yet sad at the same time. Ah~ either way, I heart seeing him now and heart watching old clips of him. Memoriesss~
I soo wanna hear Yushi say again how he's still shy to see Pipi. AHHHH~!
Did he say that? lol must go rewatch. xD
I didn't see that j-web yet! He's a good brother ne? Weird to see him talking like that. He's so open to his fans! Talking about how he gets worried, irritated, and everything else, it's like he's not hiding his bad points. Maybe that's why he's so popular, cuz he's so real ne? OMG I love this boy so much!
As far as that other stuff about Yamapi... He's a really genuinely nice guy ne? I think most JE boys are. <3 But as far as school, it must be really hard ne? I mean, I don't think any American celebrities would go to a public university. Most of them don't care about getting an education ne? I totally have so much respect for all the JE boys who go to college. But it must be so hard, cuz you know people will always be looking at you, talking about you, maybe even taking pictures of you, as you're just trying to go to school normally... It's really impressive that they can put up with this ne ( ... )
LOL, my question about those rumors is, how the heck would anyone know if he did cheat or whatever? I mean, wasn't it that chocoscandalous site that started that rumor? They have no way of knowing such things...
I know! Tesshi is like a different person now than he was when NEWS was formed. Amazing~ I just love him so much~ LOL.
Haha, I do. I used to use it a lot a long time ago, back in my Digimon days, LOL. Before I even knew it was Japanese. ^_^'' Then I stopped for a while, then recently I started again, and now I'm using it all the time. It's like an addiction. :P I never say it when I talk out loud though! Unless I'm speaking Japanese. :P
Ah I have no idea if it was Cho Scandalous who started it >_< 'cause if it was them, I don't think over at hadaka.de would post it as well =X Apparently they read a Jap blog =X
and i think its impossible for me to get my hands on all the NEWS perfs ;_; im DYING trying to get back all the 2005 SCs. :X
and pi!! he sounds so grown up <33 yes i know hes an adult already!
GEHHH? i'd faint if i ever see pi live! haha and homg. if i were in class id be busy staring at pi! i'll choose a seat thats next to him behind him <33 hahah he manages to disappear after taking attendance? *imagines pi disappearing with a 'pop'* and awww. I VOW TO WORK IN JE SOMEDAY ( ... )
Aww you've tried the Himitsu website, right? They have all of SC 2005 up ^^Y
LOLLL. I would seriously vow to work in JE someday as well, but too bad that's too big of a dream for me D; unless I do extremely well in business or something and then go to Japan, doing business related things..and maybe help Wrinkle-san planning/managing his comp XDDDD. Wow, big, imaginative dream. hahaha
Wait...darn it, maybe being an accountant would've been better then. D; LoL
Ah yeah..you can read the j-web at . I still read at LS, but while I wait for that I read at this LJ comm. lol I like both transl ( ... )
haha, the fake Pi now, great moment XD
Do you mean the fake nose? XD
what was his nick aagin? something with daite senorita *cuz of his single ne?* gotta reqatch the ep ;D
Freedom is really awesome, ne? XD Her entries are so interesting!(the zopp one was something different lol, behind the scenes things are always intersting 8D) I keep forgetting to comment though x_x I've been going on LJ less and less lol. LOL you two need a pairing name 8DDD
Uwaa I haven't read pi's Jweb for such a long time! I need to catch up with them lol. And all the shige and koyama 8D
Story time: omg the more I read about pi the more I love him D:♥ I really think it's really awesome how he doesn't put on any airs despite being so popular and famous and everything! D:♥ Pi~~~~ wave to me tooo
omg yes I really want them to top the charts *___* But then there's a whole long list of singles being released on the same day!! (though I haven't heard of most of them :'D JE is too sucking up all my time lol) But the songs are so good, I really do hope they do well. Plus those two can sing so well T___T;♥ whereas some groups may not sound as well *cough*especiallywithoutjin*cough* gahhh ( ... )
Ahh yeah, Freedom's LJ is great. I'm glad I got her into LJ (wait, that's runing her, right?? LJ kills. Rotfl jk) ^^Y
Hahaha a name~ that'd be interesting LOL
Lol Ah I agree about Pipi ;]
But yeshhh I agree, they are one of the few duos that can sing so well even though their songs are crack XD so I'm really hoping for them to at least be up near the top, IF NOT #1. Even though I pray so hard for #1 DDDD; they deserve it yo~!!
And yeshh I forgot to cap that! AHHH *bricked*
has been refusing to for a while
*throws skittles at Shion* Neeee, why have you been refusing?? XDDDD
You two can be the Leefree duo 8D or would FreeLee sound better? LOL or Freely~ lmao *shot*
XD Actually what koichi said was "カップルやん" -> "Just like a couple", literally, "couple, yes?" XDD
and tegoshi replied "そのぐらい仲がいいです" -> "We're around that close" XD lit; "our relationfriendship is about as close as that" XD XD XD~~~~~~~~~~ DAISUKI DA YO MASSU AHAHA XD *high*
Refusing because that would make me sound too fangirly D: massuki. BUT EH IT SOUNDS SO NICE D: MASSUKIII <33 MASSUKI DAISUKI XD *shot*
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