Mar 03, 2007 18:38


I just decided this out of nowhere ^^;

But (if all goes well),

I will be uploading Proposal Daisakusen (Operation Love) on my LJ when it comes out.

That wasn't very surprising, was it? XD
It's a new dorama, of Pipi, 'nuff said? ^^

That is...if no one else beats me to it or something. (laugh) 'Cause I really want to upload this.

Zaa, too bad I don't know how to work polls or else I'd get one up and have you guys do me a favour and vote ^^;

So I'll leave this entry COMMENT-ABLE. Anonymous/non-LJs may reply too, please?
Please reply letting me know:

Comments are now unscreened. I screened it in the first place so that you won't be affected by other comments :)

o1. Do you like this idea? Will you support by downloading/commenting?

o2. Do you want me to upload the bigger the size as possible (meaning the max on MU is 500MB). Would that be easier for you or would you like me to cut it down to smaller sizes (like 250MB each). Or I might end up making it 100MB each since I need the MU pts XD;;
EDIT: I meant with the splitting of the files! Not that I'm gonna make the files any smaller because HQ is FTW :D

o3. What servers do you want me to upload at (possible servers: Megaupload, Sendspace, MediaFire, FileSend, etc).
(note that MF & FILESEND will be at max 100MB each, which might make me upload on other places the same size as well to make it easier. This is a maybe, I'm still unsure.)
Most likely it will definitely be at MU for me. Any other will come slower~

o4. I do not mind if anyone would like to help me upload onto other servers ^^, it would save me the time ^^Y but please don't feel like you're inclined to! Just answer this question if you would like to help :)
If no one offers then I will surely upload them myself too, but it may come a little slower.
Though I must note that I won't upload over more than 2-3 servers ^^' that will surely kill my internet, lol.

I FORGOT TO MENTION! I will be uploading it RAW first (hopefully there'll be softsubs out). Or what I'll do is upload the RAW and wait for softsubs, then post those up after ('cause I for sure know it'll be (soft)subbed, no? 'cause I definitely don't like not knowing what they're saying either XD;)
IF NO SOFTSUBS, then I'll hopefully upload it HARDSUBBED TOO. This is still a maybe~!
NOTE:: I already know that Love Song Productions is going to hardsub this. It was written on their wiki back in Feb :)

What I confuse myself with is if people are willing to wait for it to be hardsubbed or not, or would they prefer me to upload it raw since some cannot wait to see it, no?

Give me your opinion, yes? :)

It all depends on how many reply, na? So please leave me a comment. :)

notice, uploads, drama: proposal daisakusen

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