TegoPi Kiss Index, Kiss #003 Angel Kiss [TEGOPI FANFICTION]

Nov 15, 2009 09:16

Title: Angel Kiss
Rating: PG
Pairing: Tegoshi Yuya/Yamashita Tomohisa
Genre: Fluff

Summary: How to wake up an angel? Someone knows....

A/N: Konbachuwah Minna! Genki?

ah; I am tired. It had been a hectic day *.* Nah I really tried to update the Kiss Index all week but I totally lack inspiration and willpower to actually write >.< please pray with me that it will get better soon XDD

One of Yamashita Tomohisa’s many goals in life was to protect and please that one special person that changed almost everything there was to change - not in a bad way of course, at least most changes had a positive effect on him and those around him.

Yamapi, as he usually was called, was absolutely convinced that their meeting was fated, and this was only one thing in his life he was by all means sure about - there were a lot of other small things he never doubted and one of that little thing - which actually had most impact on everything - he, Tegoshi Yuya, had to be an angel, his angel to be precise.

I was so empty without you; please never make me feel that way again.

There is something; something special about the person you are which affected me from the day we met and over the years mysteriously changed me.

Hear the angels in heaven cry; let me hold you.

With you I’m flying, I am flying.

Every morning when the sun breaks through the pearly-white clouds eliminating the room he would carefully crawl up to his angel to wake him with a sweet and comforting kiss. First he’ll gently touch the few streaks of soft brown and slightly damp hair that had stuck to his forehead over night and softly brush it out of his beautiful face, before he’d caress the smooth skin of his slightly reddened cheek with caution. Most times he would get a very low-keyed and soft gasp from the younger and still sleeping boy - which to him sounded like heaven on earth, like the sound of a thousand angels’ loveliness - if loveliness could be heard as such. With a dreamy look he would gaze down on his sleeping angel for a few minutes, treasuring the quiet time he could enjoy while just admiring the person so close to him and appreciate every second he could spend with him. He then, finally, would slowly bend down to, very gently and delicately, kiss his precious boyfriend’s closed eyelids before carefully osculate his soft and warm lips with his own.

There was only one way to wake up his angel - and that as he called it - was the angel kiss.



Thank you for reading and bearing with my current strange writings ^~^

Comments & criticism welcomed~

until soon; chu ^.^

fanfiction, kiss index, p: tegoshi yuya/yamashita tomohisa, x:fluff

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