1/19 19:00-19:56
Tensai! Shimura zoo , NTV Masaki Aiba 動物大好きTOKIO長瀬智也が超巨大サファリパークへ!オランウータンとスケボー対決!?水原希子&赤ちゃんバクがプール初挑戦!さらに、志村園長の新企画がスタート!
1/19 22:00-22:56
Arashi ni Shiyagare NTV This week Anki guest is Nagare co-stars Arashi individually after long time. he gives instruction to 5 “magic formula that Arashi and Tomoya Nagase cultivate their acquaintance.” At rumor section Nagase and Arashi appear to rumors title as “Johnny’s rumor special” ”seems he is mutual affection with Matsujun.” “this seems Sakurai if he pair comedy pair.” “seems he doesn’t want to be alone with Ohno.” what is truth of rumors? “most wildest guy among Johnny’s talent, learn magic formula Tomoya Nagase and Arashi cultivate their acquaintance! ▽”learn about me!” once set turns, Ultra Quiz set appears! how members of Arashi know about Nagase, they answer in quiz style. “what does Nagase wants eat 100 pieces before he dies?” can Arashi answers series of very personal quiz ▽”let’s get sweat together!” once set turns again, athletic festival set appears! both Nagase and Arashi changes to training wear and red-white cap, compete mock cavalry battle! what is result? ▽”eat Monster hamburger!” after getting sweat! extra big hamburger appears to studio. all try to eat.今週のアニキゲストは、長瀬智也。 単独で嵐と共演するのは久々という長瀬が、自ら「長瀬智也と嵐が完全にお近づきになる極意」を5人に伝授する!噂話のコーナーでは、「ジャニーズ噂話スペシャル」と題し、長瀬と嵐のウワサが続々登場! 「松潤と相思相愛らしい」「お笑いコンビを組むなら櫻井らしい」「大野とは2人きりになりたくないらしい」などのウワサの真相とは? 【ジャニーズ1ワイルドな男・ 長瀬智也と嵐が完全にお近づきになる極意学びやがれ!】▽俺のこと知りやがれセットが回転すると、ウルトラクイズのセットが登場! 嵐メンバーが長瀬のことをどれだけ知っているのかクイズ形式で答えていく。「長瀬が死ぬ前に100個食べたいものは?」など、超個人的なクイズの数々に嵐は答えられるのか?
▽一緒に汗かきやがれ再びセットが回転すると、運動会セットが登場! 長瀬、嵐ともにトレーニングウエア&紅白帽に着替え、長瀬&嵐メンバー2人VS.嵐メンバー3人で、騎馬戦対決をすることに! 果たして勝負の行方は? ▽モンスターバーガー回し食いやがれ汗をかいた後は食事!ということで、超巨大バーガーがスタジオに登場! 全員で試食を行う。
1/21 22:54-23:58
News Zero, NTV Sho Sakurai
1/22 21:00-21:56
Last Hope FTV Masaki Aiba ep.2 診察室の
1/23 19:00-19:56 NO.1 Song show, NTV嵐ゆず森高レミオ槇原ユニコーン…
1/23 20:00-20:44 Shonen Club Premium, Kanjani Kohaku report, interview with MC, Arashi
1/24 19:00-19:56
VS Arashi FTV 相葉雅紀らドラマ“ラストホープ”チームと対戦!▽プラスワンゲストは誰!?ほか 多部未華子 小池栄子
1/24 10:00-10:54
Himitsu no Arashi-chan TBS Satoshi Ohno & Kazunari Ninomiya Share House guest: Mari Natsuki ▽嵐シェアハウスに夏木マリが登場▽大野智と二宮和也にトマト鍋を振舞う▽夏木の食事に関するこだわりとは
大野智(嵐) 二宮和也(嵐) 夏木マリ 松山ケンイチ 杉村太蔵 西川史子 八代英輝
1/25 18:00-18:44 Shonen Club Premium, Kanjani Kohaku report, interview with MC, Arashi
Tensai! Shimura zoo , NTV Masaki Aiba ローラが飼う新動物は全身針だらけの危険獣志村園長と捨て犬の旅多部未華子が猿になる
1/26 22:00-22:56
Arashi ni Shiyagare NTV this week Aniki guest is Masanobu Katsumura. 5 o fArashi learns “his shadowy private life” from Kazumura who acts at many drama and stages. at rumour section Katsumura who has 6 years interaction with Matsumoto and over 10 years with Ninomiya. not only rumor about himself. and he throw up about Matsumoto and Ninomiya. “seems Matsumoto is polite when we are 2 of us.” “seems he can’t trust Ninomiya.” what is truth of rumor? “Learn shadowy private life of Katsumura Aniki who is in great demand to dramas and stages!” ▽”shoot the photo that you get curious when you look closely.” Katsumura takes photo that you get curious when you look closely at dog-walking. and Arashi takes photo the thing that you get curious when you look closely limited time of 3 min in the shooting studio. what kind of photos they take? ▽”do Etude that De Niro did” De Nino who Katsumura was longed since his childhood. and Arahsi challenges etude that De Nino did at rehearsal! what kind of development?今週のアニキゲストは、勝村政信。今回は嵐5人が数多くのドラマ、舞台に出演する勝村から「謎に満ちた私生活」を学ぶ!噂話のコーナーでは、松本と6年、二宮と10年以上の付き合いがあるという勝村が、自身のウワサに加え、松本&二宮に関する情報を続々と明かす!「松本は2人きりになると“丁寧”らしい」「二宮の事が信用できないらしい」などのウワサの真相は?「舞台・ドラマに引っ張りだこの勝村アニキの謎に満ちた私生活を学びやがれ!」▽よくよく見ると気になる写真撮りやがれ愛犬の散歩中に“よくよく見ると気になる風景”をカメラに収めているという勝村。そこで嵐も収録スタジオの周辺限定で、3分の制限時間内に“よくよく見ると気になるもの”をカメラで撮影! どんなものが撮れるのか?▽デ・ニーロもやったエチュードしやがれ子供のころからロバート・デ・ニーロに憧れていたという勝村。そこで、デ・ニーロも稽古に取り入れたというエチュードに嵐も挑戦!果たしてどんな展開に?
1/28 22:54-23:58
News Zero, NTV Sho Sakurai
1/29 21:00-21:56
Last Hope FTV Masaki Aiba ep.3 One day Takumi Hatano who was in charge of afternoon medical care was asked to switch her turn by Yukie Hagiwara. as he has no reason to decline he accepted. Maki Tokita, a nurse was favorable about this switching. as Takumi’s medical care takes time for each single patient. when they talked this, Maki lets cart go of her hand, this hits to Toshiaki Komaki. Komaki breaks his finger bone. the patient who came over to Yukiyo is Koji Masuda. Masuda has father who is board member of medical brotherhood and manages a hospital, what you call, junior. he is excellent surgeon. the reason he came over is medical case of injury to a nerve and comminuted fracture of his arm. as this was complex injury, he had already medical care at several hospitals. but this was not cured perfectly. Masuda who want to hold surgeon's knife as quickly as possible again. he place his hope in high tech medical care. but Masuda’s attitude who know medical care was arrogance. he lets Junji Takaji at Yukiyo’s medical care. but he got angry as they are not specialist of orthopedic surgery. and Yukiyo accepted Masuda who wishes reintegration by new operation method for some reason. soon after, conference by members. Yukiyo is unusually aggressive for operation of Masuda . medical examination she doesn’t like by her own request in behalf of Takumi. Yukiyo who try to accept arrogant Masuda, a past event goes through her head その日、午後の診療担当だった診察室の
小牧利明(小日向文世)に直撃。小牧は指を骨折してしまう。 卓巳に代わって診療にあたる雪代の前にやって来た患者は、益田浩二(吹越満)。益田は医師会役員で病院を経営する父を持つ、いわゆる2代目だが、本人は優秀な外科医。今回やって来たのは、腕の神経損傷と粉砕骨折の治療が目的。かなり複雑な怪我のため、すでにいくつかの病院で治療したのだが完治に至らなかった。再び…しかも一刻も早くメスを握りたいと願う益田は、高度先端医療センターに望みを託したのだ。だが、治療法を知る益田の態度は横柄。雪代は診療に
高木淳二(田辺誠一)も立ち会わせたのだが、2人が整形外科の専門医でないと腹を立てる。さらに、新しい術式での再建を望む益田を、なぜか雪代は受け入れる。 早速、メンバーでのカンファレンス。その場でも雪代は、益田の治療にいつになく積極的。大嫌いな診療を自ら望んで卓巳に代わってもらい、横柄な益田を受け入れようとする雪代の脳裏には、過去のある出来事が去来していた。
1/31 19:00-19:56
VS Arashi FTV Urawa reds Team (football team), plus one guest is Drunk Dragon. kicking sniper is held 2 rounds. and at 2nd round use real football ball. 「浦和レッズ」チーム。阿部勇樹、坪井慶介、鈴木啓太、柏木陽介、槙野智章、原口元気。+1:ドランクドラゴン。最終対決のキッキングスナイパーは2回戦行われる事になった上、2回戦目は本物のサッカーボールを使用する事に。 fight team Urawa reds, Drunk Dragon as +1 gues. at Rolling Viking, Tomoaki Akino player evokes laughter “I challenge this with feeling bringing dream not ball.” Sho Sakurai gets fired up “at Kicking Sniper they must get a lot of points, let’s get psyched from start!” 坪井慶介,鈴木啓太ら“チーム浦和レッズ”と対戦▽プラスワンゲストにドランクドラゴン 阿部勇樹ほか“チーム浦和レッズ”と対決。プラスワンゲストはドランクドラゴン。「コロコロバイキング」では槙野智章選手が、「ボールではなく夢を運ぶ気持ちで挑みます」と笑いを誘う。一方、櫻井翔は「『キッキングスナイパー』ではたくさん点を取られちゃうから初めから気合を入れていこう」と意気込む。
1/31 21:56-10:00 soon
Himitsu no Arashi-chan TBS
1/31 10:00-10:54
Himitsu no Arashi-chan TBS Satoshi Ohno & Jun Matsumoto Share House guest: talent mama corps with Megumi Yuko Ogura, Miki Fujimoto Talent mommy corps appears to Arashi share house. they unveil episode during pregnancy and giving birth. get overwhelmed by latest childcare. Talent mom corps with Megumi, Yuko Ogura, Miki Fujimoto and other appears to Arashi share house. Satoshi Ohno and Jun Matsumo ask series of question about what was hard during pregnancy and giving birth. and electric opening baby buggy etc are introduced. Mon corps get overwhelmed by its usefulness. ▽嵐シェアハウスにタレントママ軍団が登場▽妊娠中や出産時のエピソードを披露▽最新育児グッズに感激!ほか「嵐シェアハウス」にMEGUMI、小倉優子、藤本美貴ら“タレントママ軍団”が登場。大野智と松本潤は、妊娠中に大変だったことや出産した際の気持ちなどを質問しまくる。また、“最新育児グッズ”として電動開閉式ベビーカーなどを紹介。ママ軍団はその実用性に「すごーい!」と感激する。Toma Ikuta urgently participate! Johnny’s battle breaks out!! show serious kiss at shocking mission!? Ohno and Matsumoto train father. Last Mission: Toma Ikuta participate! Johnny’s battle of Ohno vs Matsumoto vs Ikuta break out! Arashi share house, Mom corps of Yuko Ogura, Miki Fujimoto and Megumi appears. Arashi is curious about 3’s parental care, father training! and Satoshi-kun of Ohno family becomes off by useful goods?
生田斗真が緊急参戦!大野vs松本vs生田ジャニーズ抗争が勃発!!衝撃のミッションでまさかの本気キス披露!?▽大野&松本パパ修行 大野智(嵐) 松本潤(嵐) 生田斗真 ヨンア 鈴木奈々 松嶋尚美 小倉優子 藤本美貴 MEGUMI
番組内容ラストミッション 生田斗真が参戦!大野vs松本vs生田のジャニーズ抗争が勃発!衝撃のミッションでまさかの本気キス顔披露!? 嵐シェアハウス 小倉優子・藤本美貴・MEGUMIのママ友軍団が登場。3人の子育てトークに嵐も興味津々でパパ修行!さらにママも助かる便利グッズに“おおのさとしくん”がおかしな事に?
2/2 19:00-19:56
Tensai! Shimura zoo , NTV Masaki Aiba ▽栗原類&土屋アンナが動物の赤ちゃんにメロメロ▽動物と話せる女性・ハイジが沖縄へ
2/2 22:00-22:56
Arashi ni Shiyagare NTV learn “magic formula to build body strength get through this year” from Osamu Mukai. introduce method to tone up with bouldering 向井理から“一年を乗り切る体作りの極意”を学ぶ▽ボルダリングで肉体を鍛える方法を紹介平成ノブシコブシ this week Aniki guest is actor Osamu Mukai. he is same age Anki as Sakurai, learn “magic formula to build body strength get through this year” set guest is Heisei Nobushi Kobushi. at opening, chalk bag appears as souvenir. and he says this will be used later… at rumor section. “seems he get angry about anniversary.” “seems he can’t live without pickled plum” rumors about Mukai come up one to another. 【learn magic formula to build body strength get through this year】▽tone up your heart at Angkor Wat. since he id home-stay in Cambodia 2007, he often stays there. once set turns, the set of Angkor Wat and monitor appear! Mukai and Arashi experience virtual wandering watching his recommended route of Angkor Wat ruin.▽ Tune up body by bouldering. the set turns again, the set of bouldering appears! Mukai and Arashi change costume for bouldering, and work our core training under instruction of trainer. later each single challenges the bouldering! they challenge it wearing special shoes and chalk bag that is souvenir of Mukai. who will play it best? .▽ tune up stomach with skirt steak! Mukai who is skirt steak lover. so exquisite skirt steak appears to studio. all eat it.今週のアニキゲストは、俳優・向井理。櫻井と同じ年の“タメアニキ”向井と一緒に「一年を乗り切るカラダ作りの極意」を学ぶ!セットゲストは平成ノブシコブシ。オープニングではお土産としてチョークバッグが登場。やがて今回の企画で使うことになるというが・・・?また、噂話のコーナーでは、「実は記念日に怒っているらしい」「梅干しがないと生きていけないらしい」など向井に関するウワサの数々が飛び出す。【一年を乗り切るカラダ作りの極意学びやがれ!】▽アンコールワットでハートを鍛えやがれ2007年にカンボジアにホームステイして以来、大好きでよく滞在するという向井。そこで、セットが回転するとアンコールワットのセットとモニターが登場! 向井と嵐5人はモニターに流れるアンコール遺跡のオススメルートを見ながら、“バーチャルぶらり”体験する。▽ボルダリングで肉体を鍛えやがれ再びセットが回転すると、ボルダリングのセットが登場! 向井と嵐はボルダリング用の衣装に着替え、まずはトレーナーの指導の元、体幹トレーニングを行う。その後、いよいよ一人ずつボルダリングに挑戦! 専用の靴と向井のお土産のチョークバッグを身につけ挑む。果たして、一番うまくできるのは誰なのか。▽ハラミで胃袋を鍛えやがれ大のハラミ好きだという向井。そこで、絶品ハラミがスタジオに登場! 全員で試食を行う。
2/3 13:00-14:00 Nep-league Special FTV Masaki Aiba participate (repeat)
2/4 22:54-23:58
News Zero, NTV Sho Sakurai
2/5 15:52-16:50
Locked Room FTV repeat Satoshi Ohno ep.1 (repeat)
2/5 21:00-22:04
Last Hope FTV Masaki Aiba ep.4 Takumi Hatano called Jungi Takaji on date to hospital. Takumi explains the condition of a patient Tae Sakazaki. Tae had ischemic cardiomyopathy at an architectural office she manages, sent to emergency medical care center of Teito university. she survived and was sent to cardiac surgery but 70% of cardiac muscle of left ventricle is necrotized. she was diagnosed beyond help, Tae asked second opinion to high tech medical center. Takagi told to Tae and Mahiru Yoshino, her business associate “there’s one method to save you.” he introduces Toshiaki Komaki. Komaki who saw medical note, he starts explains regeneration medicine “non one can cure this except me.” Komaki explains it has success cases and also failure cases. Tae concentrates gleam of hope on Komaki. members participate the conference. Komaku pose a problem for Takimi and others “myocardial regeneration is possible but this is clinicians matter to think about patient's well-being. “ because cultivation of the cells for myocardial regeneration takes over a month, and after grafting it takes another month for reaction. it means 2 month for myocardial regeneration. all that time Takumi and other have to keep Tae’s weak heart. and Tetsuji Naruse and Shigetu Kuramoto appeared that time. Naruse accepted myocardial regeneration, but he sternly warn to succeed success in the treatment to Takumi and others.
2/5 21:54 - 22:00 Thursday is
Himitsu no Arashi-chan TBS
2/6 20:44-21:00 Shone Club Spin Off, BSP Arashi “Wish”
2/6 15:52-16:50
Locked Room FTV repeat Satoshi Ohno ep.2 (repeat)
2/6 23:45-23:50 tomorrow is
Himitsu no Arashi-chan , TBS
2/7 15:52-16:50
Locked Room FTV repeat Satoshi Ohno ep.3 (repeat)
2/7 19:00-19:56
VS Arashi FTV Monday 9 drama team participate! happening at cliff climb of Ayama Goriki and Akira! friends battle of Kaztumi Takahashi vs Ninomiya! strained final scene of Haraichi & Aiba !! Sakurai secret episode about EXILE. 月9ドラマ俳優軍参戦!剛力彩芽&AKIRA壁登りでまさかのハプニング発生!高橋克実VS二宮お友達対決!ハライチ&相葉の緊迫ラスト!櫻井のEXILE(秘)話
2/7 10:00-10:54
Himitsu no Arashi-chan TBS Kazunari Ninomiya & Sho Sakurai Share House guest: different industry such as wrestlers etc. female professional corps appears to Arashi share house. various professional of the world talks about professional test and goal in the future. female professional corps appears to Arashi share house. Yuki Kawabata player of female professional baseball, Ms. Sachio Ishibashi, a professional Shogi player, 7 of various professions gathers. Sho Sakurai and Kazuanari Ninomiya are deeply moved “it’s hardly happens so many professions are gathered.” ask about professional test, and hard matters at each industry, next goal.▽シェアハウスに“女子プロ軍団”登場▽さまざまな世界のプロ7人がプロテストや今後の目標について語るほか「嵐シェアハウス」に「女子プロ軍団」が登場。女子プロ野球の川端友紀選手、プロ棋士・石橋幸緒氏ら、さまざまな世界のプロ7人が大集合する。「こんなに一気にそろうことはないよね」と感激する櫻井翔と二宮和也は、プロテストやそれぞれの世界で大変なこと、今後の目標などを質問する。
2/8 15:52-16:50
Locked Room FTV repeat Satoshi Ohno ep.4 (repeat)
2/9 19:00-20:56
Tensai! Shimura zoo , NTV Masaki Aiba
2/9 22:00-22:56
Arashi ni Shiyagare NTV 炎のストライカー・ゴン中山こと中山雅史が現役引退後バラエティー初登場!まさかの10代からの盟友武田がサプライズ登場…さらに嵐が本気のダイビングヘッドに挑戦!
2/11 15:52-16:50
Locked Room FTV repeat Satoshi Ohno ep.5 (repeat)
2/11 22:54-23:58
News Zero, NTV Sho Sakurai
2/12 15:52-16:50
Locked Room FTV repeat Satoshi Ohno ep.6 (repeat)
2/12 22:00-22:04
Last Hope FTV Masaki Aiba ep.5 When Takumi Hatano prepare tomorrow sweet at his office, he got call to come to critical care center urgently from Ayumi Tachibana. Ayumi called all of team members of high tech medical center. when Takumi and other rush into, at critical care center there are plenty patients, and injured persons are carried into one to another. Ayumi helps critical care center work when she doesn't have work at high tech medical centre. this day big scare fire broke at multitenant building. abundance of injured persons break out. Takumi who cure patients, he finds pregnant woman Chika Yamazaki among patients. Takumi asked advise Yukiyo Hagiwara, he saw the case of Chika is not because of fire accident. he did further examination. then he found Chie fell into Miller's syndrome. abnormity happened to twins body in CHIka’s body is tinged to mother’s body. at corridor of critical care center seethe with patients.
2/12 21:54 - 22:00 Thursday is
Himitsu no Arashi-chan TBS
2/13 23:45-23:50 tomorrow is
Himitsu no Arashi-chan , TBS
2/14 19:00-19:56
VS Arashi FTV Takarazuka Old Girls team lead by Tsubasa Makoto Wataru Kozuki. Slim club as +1 guest. 真琴つばさ,湖月わたる率いる“宝塚OGチーム”と対決▽プラスワンゲストにスリムクラブ 貴城けい
2/14 21:56-22:00 soon
Himitsu no Arashi-chan TBS
2/14 22:00-22:54
Himitsu no Arashi-chan TBS Masaki Aiba Jun Matsumoto idol corps to share house guest. Ikue Sakakibara, Yui Asaka etc disclose secret episode of their idol era. memorial photo book ets. Eri Nitta, Yu Asaka and Rika Ishikawa ▽嵐シェアハウスにアイドル軍団が登場▽榊原郁恵や浅香唯らがアイドル時代の(秘)話を告白▽写真集の思い出ほか
2/15 18:44-19:00 The Shone Club Spin off, BSP Kitto Daijobu
2/17 15:05
NHK song competition 2013 NHK
2/21 10:00-10:54
Himitsu no Arashi-chan TBS share house guest is Yuriko Yoshitaka with Ohmiya
3/1 18:44-19:00 The Shone Club Spin off, BSP Wish
3/20 9:00
NHK song competition 2013 ETV
March 2013 Bridge over tomorrow, trip to search seed of hope, NHK Kazunari Ninomiya & Satoshi Ohno
Family game
August 24h TV 3013, NTV main personality Arashi
every other Tuesday Arashi ni shiyagare
every other Tuesday VS Arashi
every other Wednesday Himitsu no Arashi-chan
12/25 Arashi ni Shiyagare
1/8 Arashi ni Shiyagare
1/15 VS Arashi
1/22 Arashi ni Shiyagare
1/29 VS Arashi
1/30 Himitsu no Arahsi-chan
2/5 Arashi ni Shyagare
2/12 VS Arashi
2/19 Arahsi ni Shiyagare
2/26 VS Arashi
Platinum Data Kazunari Ninomiya Platinum data=individual data and DNA data of whole Japanese citizen that was gathered in strictly secretly. this could be tomorrow. near future Japan. cutting edge DNA investigation that can specify criminals by Platinum data was able to apply. the world of 100% of crime-arrest ratio and 0% of false accusation ratio was coming. Ryuhei Kagura (Kazunari Ninomiya) who a scientific genius, a member for “special mapping lavatory” of police department’s scientific criminal investigation organization. he who has solved many difficult cases was in charge of serial murder incident that important people of DNA investigation were killed. the criminal that DNA investigation system hit by limited testimony was Kagura himself. Kabura who thinks innocent decided runaway. Kagura who used to chaser becomes runaway by his own system. it was Reiji Asama (Eiji Toyokowa), formidable detective of investigation section 1 of police department who chases Kagura. battled-hardened Asama who has pride learnt at investigation site run runaway Kagura completely to ground. he got to know hidden secret of crime suspect Kagura….!! Is Kagura black or white? what you can trust is science or yourself? is this human hope or desperation? this is Platinum data that got key of all. プラチナデータ=極秘裏に集められた全日本国民の究極の個人情報・DNAデータ それは明日かもしれない、近い将来の日本。 【プラチナデータ】から犯人を特定する最先端のDNA捜査が可能になり、検挙率100%、冤罪率0%の社会が訪れようとしていた。神楽(かぐら)龍平(二宮和也)は警察庁の科学捜査機関「特殊解析研究所」に所属する、天才科学者。いくつもの難事件を解決してきた彼は、DNA捜査の重要関係者が殺される連続殺人事件を担当することに。しかし、わずかな証拠からDNA捜査システムが導き出した犯人は、なんと、神楽自身だった――。まったく身に覚えがない神楽は逃亡を決意。“追う者”だった神楽は自ら作り出したシステムによって“追われる者”に。 神楽を追うのは、警視庁捜査一課の辣腕刑事・浅間玲司(豊川悦司)。現場叩き上げとしてのプライドを持つ百戦錬磨の浅間は、逃げる神楽を徹底的に追い詰める。そして、容疑者・神楽に隠された、ある秘密を知る――!
2013 August
Problem Solving is after the Dinner Sho Sakurai
2013 October
Sunny Spot Girl Friend Jun Matsumoto
God's medical note 2 Sho Sakurai
2/19 Ajinomoto Frozen food, thick Gyozo skin. Sho Sakurai
JCB Kazunari Ninomiya
3/1 Naive Satoshi Ohono
3/7 Meiji Crispy Vanilla & Chocolate Jun Matsumoto
3/14 Morinaga
Mary Chocolate Biscuit Satoshi Ohno x Yukie Nakama
3/16 Kirin
Tanrei Green Label 3/25
Oronamin C Wedding version Sho Sakurai
Nisshin Oillio Kazunari Ninomiya
4/10 Pocky trip & Po Kazunari Ninomiya
Nisshin Oillio Kazunari Ninomiya
AFLAC Sho Sakurai
Nisshin Oillio Kazunari Ninomiya
4/20 House food
Vermont Curry Masaki Aiba
Muhi Masaki Aiba
Sumitomo life insurance Masaki Aiba
Tanrei Green Label 6/8
JAL 6/13
Pino Sho Sakurai
Shinken Seminar Sho Sakurai
Oronamin C Sho Sakurai
JCB Kazunari Ninomiya
Shigekikkusu Zerosh Masaki Aiba
FasioJun Matsumoto
Nissan 7/19
Hitachi rice cooker Sho Sakurai Jun Matsumoto
Nissan Serena Masaki Aiba
Hitachi cleaner Kazunari Ninomiya Jun Matsumoto
Naive Satoshi Ohno
Green Label 8/3
Nissan Serena Masaki Aiba Satoshi Ohno
8/25-26 Nissan
Nissan Note Kazunari Ninomiya
Hitachi refrigerator Masaki Aiba Satoshi Ohno
9/15 Ajinomoto Frozen food,
Gyoza boys choir version. Sho Sakurai
Pocky Chocolate Nino devil appearance version Kazunari Ninomiya
Nisshin Oillio Kazunari Ninomiya
10/5 Goon Jun Matsumoto
Shinken Seminar Sho Sakurai
Green Label 10/9 Bake Creamy Satoshi Ohno
Hitachi washing machine Kazunari Ninomiya Satoshi Ohno
Hitachi air conditioner Masaki Aiba Jun Matsumoto
Pocky Chocolate Nino devil park version Kazunari Ninomiya
Mikakuto Menthol drop Masaki AIba
11/03 Nissan Cube Sho Sakurai Satoshi Ohno Jun Matsumoto
11/5 Nissan
Note Sho Sakurai
11/6 Lawson Onigiri-ya Satoshi Ohno
11/15 Jins Sho Sakurai
AFLAC decoration version Sho Sakurai
Shinken Seminar Sho Sakurai
Shinken Seminar Sho Sakurai
12/3 Nissan
Note Jun Matsumoto
12/7 Nissan
12/14 Gree
1/1 Nissan New-year opening sale version
1/7 Nissan new-year first trial drive Kazunari Ninomiya Jun Matsumoto
Pocky Snow Day version Kazunari Ninomiya
1/18 Allegra Satoshi Ohno
2/04 Allegra Satoshi Ohno
12/21 Stella, Arashi
12/21 Orista, serial secret of Arashi,
12/20 Monthly The television, cover: Arashi serial monthly Arashi,
12/20 Monthly TV guide, this month A.ra.shot
12/20 monthly TV fan .
12/20 monthly TV navi, Himitsu no Arashi-chan, this month Ara-shot:
12/22 Can Cam Masaki Aiba
12/22 Lips, interview with Masaki Aiba
12/22 Myojo
12/22 Poplo
12/22 TV guide plus Masaki Aiba
12/26 Miss, cover: Arashi
12/26 Sunday Mainichi cover: Arashi
12/26 Japanese movie magazine, Kazunari Ninomiya starring Platinum data
12/27 Orista cover Arashi
12/28 Freecell cpecial issue, Arashi concert tour.
1/4 TV Pia, cover: Masaki Aiba and Mikako Tabe
1/4 TV Life, cover: Masaki Aiba and Mikako Tabe, serial Arashi ni Shiyagare
1/4 TV Station, serial catch the Arashi
1/4 weekly TV guide, cover: Masaki Aiba
1/4 weekly The Television
1/7 SCawaii Masaki Aiba
1/7 ESSE Masaki Aiba
1/7 Duet, serial Arashi zoom,
1/7 Potato serial Arashi around world.
1/7 Wink up, cover: Masaki Aiba
1/9 TV life Premium Masaki Aiba
1/9 An an, serial A Karte Masaki Aiba,
1/9 weekly the Television, cover: Masaki Aiba serial Masaki Aiba “Last Hope”, Arashi MC Kohaku song fest report.
1/9 weekly TV guide, serial Arashi bin
1/10 Men’s Non no cover: Masaki Aiba
1/10 Casa Brutus, Sho Sakurai, serial trip to learn architecture
1/11 Orista, Kohaku special book, VS Arashi, Masaki Aiba Last Hope
1/12 Baila, Arashi special, if he was my boy friend Masaki Aiba
1/12 TV fan cross cover: Masaki Aiba Arashi concert report
1/15 monthly Songs, concert report Arashi
1/15 Qlap, Masaki Aiba Last Hope
1/16 An an, serial A Karte Masaki Aiba,
1/16 weekly the Television, cover: Masaki Aiba serial Masaki Aiba “Last Hope”, Arashi MC Kohaku song fest report.
1/16 weekly TV guide, serial Arashi bin Jun Matsumoto
1/16 TV Pia, serial Aiba Karte Masaki Aiba x Seiji Tanabe
1/16 TV Life, , serial Arashi ni Shiyagare
1/16 TV Station, serial catch the Arashi
1/18 Orista, serial Secret of Arashi Jun Matsumoto, infiltrate and interview with Masaki Aiba Last Hope
1/21 Cinema Square, cover: Kazunari Ninomiya, front page special “Platinum Data”
1/21 Cinema Cinema, cover and front page secial: Kazunari Ninomiya,
1/22 Fujin Koron, Arashi concert report.
1/23 Myojo, Tokyo dome Arashi concert live report.
1/23 Poplo, Arashi concert, Masaki Aiba
1/23 An an, serial A Karte Masaki Aiba,
1/23 Soda special issue, cover: Kazunari Ninomiya, Arashi concert report
1/23 Vivi Masaki Aiba
1/23 weekly the Television, serial Masaki Aiba “Last Hope”,
1/23 weekly TV guide, serial Arashi bin
1/24 Hanako, serial Himitsu no Arashi-chan, Arashi concert report.
1/24 Monthly The television, cover: Arashi serial monthly Arashi, Arashi concert report.
1/24 Monthly TV guide, this month A.ra.shot
1/24 monthly TV fan .
1/24 monthly TV navi, Himitsu no Arashi-chan, this month Ara-shot:
1/25 Orista, secret of Arashi Masaki Aiba,
1/26 + Act, cover and front page special : Kazunari Ninomiya
1/28 More, serial IT Kazunari Ninomiya Arashi concert report.
1/30 + Act mini, cover: Masaki Aiba
1/30 An an, serial A Karte Masaki Aiba,
1/30 weekly the Television, serial Masaki Aiba “Last Hope”,
1/30 weekly TV guide, serial Arashi bin
1/30 TV Pia, serial Aiba Karte Masaki Aiba
1/30 TV Life, , serial Arashi ni Shiyagare
1/30 TV Station, serial catch the Arashi
1/31 TV navi SMILE Vol.7 cover: Masaki Aiba):
2/1 Japanese movie magzine, cover and front page: Kazunari Ninomiya,
2/1 Eye-Ai cover and front page: Arashi, Ara-fes and Pop-corn tour Tokyo Dome concert.
2/1 Orista, secret of Arashi
2/5 Japanese movie Navi cover: Kazunari Ninomiya
2/6 Da Vinci, Kazunari Ninomiya,
2/6 weekly the Television, serial Masaki Aiba “Last Hope”,
2/6 weekly TV guide, serial Arashi bin
2/6 An an, serial A Karte Masaki Aiba
2/7 Duet, serial Arashi zoom,
2/7 Potato serial Arashi around world.
2/7 Wink up,
2/7 Ane Can Check AniMen: Masaki Aiba
2/7 Saita, love Johnny’s Masaki Aiba
2/7 Orista, secret of Arashi
2/9 T. double cover: Kazunari Ninomiya
2/13 weekly the Television, serial Masaki Aiba“Last Hope”,
2/13 weekly TV guide, serial Arashi bin
2/13 TV Pia, serial Aiba Karte Masaki Aiba
2/13 TV Life, , serial Arashi ni Shiyagare
2/13 TV Station, serial catch the Arashi
2/13 An an, serial A Karte Masaki Aiba
2/14 ASIAN POPS MAGAZINE, Satoshi Ohno, Kazunari Ninomiya starring Platinum Data, music DVD Ara-fes.
2/14TV Guide PERSON cover: Kazunari Ninomiya
2/15 Orista, secret of Arashi
2/18 Pict up cover: Kazunari Ninomiya
2/19 BARFOUT! Kazunari Ninomiya x
2/20 SWITCH Kazunari Ninomiya x Eiji Toyokawa, men living in the movie.
2/21 Flix, cover: Kazunari Ninomiya
02/23 Lips, interview: Kazunari Ninomiya
2/25 Nigata Komachi cover: Kazunari Ninomiya
2/28 CLASSY all about genius Kazunari Ninomiya
2/28 Papyrus Kazunari Ninomiya
3/1 H, cover: Kazunari Ninomiya
3/1 Petit Lemon, cover: Kazunari Ninomiya
3/1 Nicola, cover: Kazunari Ninomiya
03/04 Nikkei Entertainement, cover: Kazunari Ninomiya
3/7 Grazia, Interview:Kazunari Ninomiya
03/07 ESSE Interview:Kazunari Ninomiya
03/07 SCawaii , cover: Kazunari Ninomiya
3/9 MEN'S NON-NO cover: Kazunari Ninomiya
2/22 You are a Pet Jun Matsumoto
3/6 Calling/ Breathless
3/8 Platinum data original sound track
4/3 Lucky Seven Special BD and DVD Jun Matsumoto
This week word
Satoshi no Hitotoki
Enjoy: every 30th
Otonoha update every 15th
Ura Arashi 2012: 11/16: Nino, 11/17: Aiba-chan, 11/18: Jun-kun 11/30 Sho-kun
Ura Ara-fes 2012: 9/24 all
Serials on Magazines & magazines to be checked
every Wed:
TV Guide,
The Television (weekly), Nikkan Monday Johnny's
every other Wed:
TV station , Josei Jisin, TV Pia
every other Thu:
Hanako every Friday Orista
Wink up,
POTATO 20th:
Non-no 2/ Arashi
Myojo, Serial" Arashi ato" , Popolo,
The Television (monthly) "Monthly Arashi"
More "It" Kazunari Ninomiya
Arashi Anniversary
25 Jan Sho Sakurai BD, year 1982
17 May Jun Matsumoto agency entry, year 1996
17 Jun Kazunari Ninomiya BD, year 1983
19 Jun Kazunari Ninomiya agency entry, year 1996;
15 Aug Masaki Aiba agency entry, year 1996
30 Aug Jun Matsumoto BD, year 1983
16 Sep Arashi united in Hawaii, year 1999
16 Oct Satoshi Ohno agency entry, year 1994
22 Oct Sho Sakurai agency entry, year 1995
3 Nov Arashi debut, year 1999
26 Nov Satoshi Ohno BD, year 1980
24 Dec Masaki Aiba BD, year 1982