upcoming from 4/11

Mar 31, 2012 15:42


4/11 05:50-8:00  Zip! NTV Masaki Aiba One minute mystery of Holmes a calico cat.

4/11 Pikaru theory 2 hours special, FTV Satoshi Ohno 郷ひろみ天海祐希KARA嵐大野など豪華ゲスト続々!」

4/12 05:50-8:00  Zip! NTV Masaki Aiba One minute mystery of Holmes a calico cat.

4/12 16:24-16:53 Dra bara! new Satrday drama Mystery of Holmes a calico cat complete guide nya, NTV Masaki Aibaドラばらっ!「新土ドラ“三毛猫ホームズの推理”完全ガイドだニャ!」

4/12 19:00-19: 56 VS Arashi FTV fight against Shiritagari team lead by Toshihiro Itoh. Miki Sumiyoshi, Junichi Komoto, Kazutoyo Koyabu, Nyanta, Kazuhiro Watanabe   伊藤利尋率いる“知りたがり!”チームと対決 住吉美紀 河本準一 小籔千豊 にしゃんた 渡辺和洋  Ito announcer participate for the first time with complete wining method of VS Arashi. Junichi Komoto, Koyabu Kazutoyo got excited with new game! Shihori Kanjiya bust into laughter by stable Sakurai and Matsumoto!? unpredicted result with closed game...VS嵐完全攻略法を引っさげて伊藤アナが初参戦!河本準一&小籔千豊も新ゲームに大奮闘!松潤&櫻井の安定感に貫地谷しほりも大爆笑!?大接戦でまさかの結末…

4/12 21:00-23:15 Himitsu no Arashi-chan TBS Mannequin Five special 5 round. Sakurai vs Ninomiya vs Aiba vs Ohno vs Matsumoto! date clothing battle! pick cloth renting whole Yurakusho Hankyu Men’s Tokyo, latest Japan fashion building! this time voting by men is open and new rule “Handicap fro Matsumoto” net voting from 88 countries in the world. total voting number is 420K most numerous. who is most fashionable Arashi that world select!? humiliate penalty game for last place! マネキンファイブ春の特別編・第5弾!▽櫻井vs二宮vs相葉vs大野vs松本!嵐の勝負デート服対決!▽日本最新ファッション館・有楽町・阪急MEN’S TOKYOを貸切って史上最大の服選び!▽今回は初の男性投票解禁&新ルール”松本ハンデ”▽世界88カ国からネット投票!投票総数は過去最高の・・・42万票!▽世界が選ぶ嵐で一番オシャレなのは誰だ!?▽最下位には屈辱の罰ゲームが!Mannequin 5 spring wining date cloth 5 round. rent Japanese latest men’s fashion building in mature city, Yurakucyo. coordination within 3 hours from scratch. order is determinate by general people’s voting. this time first voting by men is opened for the first time. last place of Arashi mannequin’s wrapping trailer goes tours of 8 cities.春の勝負デート服マネキンファイブ特別編第5弾!▽大人の街有楽町で日本最新のメンズファッション館を貸し切る▽3時間以内にゼロから全身コーディネート▽一般投票で順位を決定!今回は初の男性投票を解禁!!▽最下位の嵐マネキンはラッピングトレーラー8大都市ツアーを決行

大人気“マネキンファイブ特別編”の第5弾▽東京・有楽町にある日本最新のメンズファッション館を貸し切って“春の勝負デート服”をテーマに対決▽女性だけでなく男性からも受け付ける一般投票 嵐 「マネキンファイブ特別編」の第5弾をおくる。 東京・有楽町の日本最新のメンズファッション館を貸し切りにし、「春の勝負デート服」をテーマに嵐のメンバーがコーディネート。赤坂TBSに誰がコーディネートしたものかを伏せて展示し、来場した客やインターネットなどから投票をしてもらう。また、今まで投票は女性限定だったが、今回から男性の投票も解禁される。最下位になり、罰ゲームを受けるのは誰か。

4/13 16:20-16:30 Anadoki, NTV this time we feature new Saturday drama Mystery of Holmes, a calico cat that starts on 4/14.

4/13 05:50-08:00 Zip,  NTV Masaki Aiba

4/13 08:00-10:25 Sukkiri, NTV Masaki Aiba

4/13 10:25-11:25 Pon! , NTV Masaki Aiba

4/13 11:55-13:55 Hirunandesu, NTV Masaki Aiba

4/13 13:55-15:55 Miyaneya , NTV Masaki Aiba

4/13 16:53-19:00 News every. NTV Masaki Aiba

4/13 24:58-25:08 London Heat NTV Sho Sakurai

4/13 26:03-26:13 prefetch in late night Mystery of Holmes a calico cat (1)  NTV Masaki Aiba 深夜に先取り!「三毛猫ホームズの推理 - 国内ドラマ赤川次郎原作「三毛猫ホームズ」シリーズ。あらゆる弱点を持ったダメ刑事が、天才的な推理力を持った三毛猫の力を借りて難事件を解決。謎が連鎖する体感型ミステリー!

4/14 05:30-08:00 Zoom in Saturday, NTV Masaki Aiba

4/14 14:30-17:00 only tonight Saturday Aiba-chan, NTV Masaki Aiba

4/1419:00-19:56 Tensai! Shimura zoo NTV Masaki Aiba  
Daigo infiltrate drama shooting site!? He as directed by Shimura curator to bring very cute compliment thing to drama's leading role. he heads to Ikuta studio. actually there's friend guest actor is there, he visite shoting site with extremely nervous… what Daido see was…. Aiba-kun!  friends guest apeparance actress is that person…!? right the site Daigo visited is the site of new Saturday drama Mystery of Holmes a calico cat. Daigo let Aiba-chan interact with extra cute animal babies!!! but compliment thing Daigo prepare has another one !  urgent project! Aiba-kun does Masaki.com at drama shooting site!?  Daigo also does "Daigo.net" with him!? and who is friend actress is? ○DAIGOがドラマ撮影現場に潜入!?志村園長から、“ドラマの主演俳優にとびっきりカワイイ差し入れを届けるように”と指令を受け、撮影現場である生田スタジオに向かったDAIGO。なんでも、友情出演中の女優もいるという…。ど緊張の中、撮影現場を訪れたDAIGOの目に映ったのは、、、なんと、相葉くん!更に、友情出演中の女優とは、なんとアノ人で…!?そう、DAIGOが訪れたのは、新・土曜ドラマ「三毛猫ホームズの推理」の撮影現場!主演俳優とは、我らが相葉くん!!!DAIGOは早速、相葉くんを癒すため、超かわいい赤ちゃん動物の差し入れとふれあってもらう事に!!!でも、DAIGOが用意していた差し入れは、他にもあって…!?緊急企画!相葉くんがドラマの撮影現場で“マサキ.com(ドットコム)”!?DAIGOも一緒に、“ダイゴ.net(ドットネット)”をやっちゃう!?そして、友情出演中の女優っていったい…!?

4/14 19:56-20:54 The best class you want to take in the world, NTV Masaki Aiba

4/14 21:00-22:24 Mystery of Holmes a calico cat NTV Masaki Aiba “I’m not good for a detective” dud detective, Yoshiro Katayama mourns so. and submits resignation letters like every day. he has every week point as human, gynophobia, acrophobia and phasmophobia. he became an detective by family rule “one detective for one family” will of his father who did good detective, he spent days no hope of getting anywhere. One day, he wen to women college for investigation ordered by Kurihara section head. looking around him, girl, girl, and girl! Katayama who is gynophobia feels faint by tragedy. he met a mystery calico cat there…. Katayama who investigate corrupt public morals of college, requested by academic dean Morisaki. he whips to his body that nearly faint, starts surveillance of women's dormitory from cafeteria. small fire trouble happened at dormitory! he dashes off, and starts fire fighting with students. he strike together with a student and he blacks out… he wakes up in woman dormitory. he falls out hurryingly back to cafeteria, but it was already locked. next day he went to police station, shocking truth was told to Katayama, Morizaki academic dean was killed at cafeteria where Katayama kept guard. and it was locked from inside this is perfect closed room homicide. and while Katayama was not here all of chair and table were gone from the room. Katayama doesn’t know how to handle many mystery. that time a calico cat appears, and tries to tell him something  ]「俺は刑事になんて向いていない…

4/14 22:24-23:18 Arashi ni Shiyagare NTV 3rd year special. only for tonight "Arashi episode that even Arashi doesn't know" solve mystery of Arashi that Arashi members don't know, mystery of Aiba's holiday that members don't know. what is detail schedule of Sakurai 3周年突入記念!!今夜限りの超SP放送…「嵐も知らない嵐伝」嵐同士も知らない嵐のの謎を解け…メンバーも知らない相葉の休日の謎…櫻井の細かすぎるスケジュールとは?expose Arashi's real face that even Arashi doesn't know. Masaki Aiba is a lier!? Sho Sakurai's celebrity life. Aiba does forced request.▽“嵐も知らない嵐の素顔”を暴く▽相葉雅紀は嘘つき!?▽櫻井翔のセレブ生活▽相葉が“ムチャぶり”を実行

4/16 21:00-22:09 Locked room FTV Satoshi Ohno Kei Enomoto who works at Tokyo Sogo security is requested by Junko Aoto came to closed room incident site with senior lawyer of Junko, Tsuyoshi Serizawa. it was the mountain retreat where dead body of Ohishi, president of funeral company. Police judged as his mountain retreat was closed room and suffer cancer. but a friend of Ohishi, Maruyama and his judicial scrivener, Kusakabe become suspicious, asked investigation to Serizawa. Kkusakabe guided Enomoto and others, and explained circumstance to find dead body. that day Kusakabe went to the mountain retreat with nephew of Ohishi, a senior managing director of funeral company. when they look inside from window, human figure was seen.when they go in breaking window. Ohishi was dead holding his knees against a backdrop of door. dead body is decomposing and maggot-infested. heavy table in front of his legs. this table is fixed by heavy sofa. and and white cloth was covered at door from ceiling to floor. dead body was sitting there. while Junko listen explanation of Kusakabe. Serizawa guess it was suicide and seeks the approval of Enomoto. Enomoto was sitting same position of dead body between door and table. later, Junko visited  Enomoto to Tokyo Sogo security with Serizawa. Enomoto who was in gloomy room written “store room for equipement”  he showed model to restage mountain retreat, Enomoto who memorize it only single visit, he says to validate the evidence if Ohoishi did suicide or not….             東京総合セキュリティに勤める榎本径(大野智)は、弁護士・青砥純子(戸田恵梨香)に頼まれ、純子の先輩弁護士・芹沢豪(佐藤浩市)とともに密室事件の現場にやってきた。そこは、葬儀会社の社長・大石の遺体が見つかった山荘だった。警察は、山荘が密室だったこと、大石が末期のがんを患っていたことから自殺と断定。しかし、大石の友人・円山と司法書士・日下部(堀部圭亮)は疑念を抱き、芹沢に調査を依頼したのだ。榎本らを山荘に案内した日下部は、遺体を発見した日の状況を説明し始めた。その日、日下部は、大石の甥で葬儀会社の専務・池端(風間杜夫)と山荘に赴いた。窓から部屋を覗くと人影が見えたため、窓を破って室内に入ると、大石が部屋のドアを背にして体育座りのような姿勢で死んでいた。遺体は腐敗が進みウジがわいていたという。脚の前には重厚なテーブルが置かれ、そのテーブルはどっしりとしたソファで固定、また、ドアには天井から床まで白幕が張られ、遺体はそこに座っていた。  純子が日下部の説明を聞くなか、芹沢は大石は自殺だろう、と榎本に同意を求める。と、榎本はドアとテーブルの間に遺体と同じ姿勢で座っていた。  後日、純子は、芹沢を連れ、東京総合セキュリティに榎本を訪ねた。「備品倉庫室」と書かれた薄暗い倉庫にいた榎本は、ふたりに山荘を完璧に再現した模型を見せた。一度の入室ですべてを記憶したという榎本は、大石が自殺かどうか、検証すると言い…。

4/16 23:24-24:28 News Zero, NTV Sho Sakurai t

4/19 19:00-19: 56 VS Arashi FTV

4/19 21:00-22:06 Papa is an idol, TBS Sho Sakruai Satoshi Ohno

4/19 22:06-23:00 Himitsu no Arashi-chan TBS

4/2119:00-19:56 Tensai! Shimura zoo NTV Masaki Aiba

4/14 21:00-21:54 Mystery of Holmes a calico cat NTV Masaki Aiba “ep.2

4/14 22:00-22:54 Arashi ni Shiyagare NTV

4/23 21:00-22:54 Locked room FTV Satoshi Ohno ep.2

4/23 22:54-23:58 News Zero, NTV Sho Sakurai

4/26 19:00-19: 56 VS Arashi FTV

4/26 22:06-23:00 Himitsu no Arashi-chan TBS

4/26 21:00-23:24 Friday Cinma, NTV Gantz, Kazunari Ninomiya

4/2819:00-19:56 Tensai! Shimura zoo NTV Masaki Aiba 

4/28 21:00-21:54 Mystery of Holmes a calico cat NTV Masaki Aiba ep.3

4/28 22:00-22:54 Arashi ni Shiyagare NTV

4/28 21:00-22:54 Locked room FTV Satoshi Ohno ep.3

4/23 22:54-23:58 News Zero, NTV Sho Sakurai

August 24 hours TV, NTV

every other Tuesday Arashi ni shiyagare 
every other Tuesday VS Arashi 
every other Wednesday Himitsu no Arashi-chan 
4/3 Arashi ni Shiyagare
4/10 VS Arashi
4/17 Arashi ni Shiyagare
4/24 VS Arashi

2013 Platinum Data Kazunari Ninomiya

4/20 AFLAC Sho Sakurai
5/10 Muhi, Masaki Aiba
5/20 pino Sho Sakurai
5/24 Aijinomoto Frozen food, shrimp fry version Sho Sakurai
6/4 Nissin Oillio Kazunari Ninomiya
6/11 JAL
6/16 Hitachi healthy chef, Satoshi Ohno, Kazunari Ninomiya, Jun Matsumoto
6/16 Nissin Oillio Kazunari Ninomiya
6/17 The legend of Zelda Ocarina of time Kazunari Ninomiya and Jun Matstumoto
6/25 Hitachi healthy chef, Satoshi Ohno, Masaki Aiba
6/27 AU
7/1 Vermont Curry Masaki Aiba
7/1 Oronomin C Sho Sakurai
7/4 AU
7/4 Tongari Corn Curry Flavor,
7/11 AU
7/15 AFLAC Sho Sakurai x Aoi Miyazaki
7/16 Fasio mascara make up artist goes on trip version Jun Matsumoto
7/22 Tanrei Green Label Jun Matsumoto Satoshi Ohno Kazunari Ninomiya
7/23 Hitachi vacuum Sho Sakurai x Kazunari Ninomiya 
8/4 JCB Kazunari Ninomiya
9/3 JAL
9/13 Velmont Curry Masaki Aiba
9/16 Kirin It's time! Let's select yummy Japanese food
9/20 Pocky Kazunari Ninomiya 
9/21Tanrei Green Label Masaki Aiba Jun Matsumoto Satoshi Ohno Kazunari Ninomiya
9/28 Aijinomoto Frozen food, humburg version Sho Sakurai
9/29 Hitachi too fresh horse mackerel Masaki Aiba Jun Matsumoto
9/29 Hot Pepper beauty Jun Matsumoto
10/1 au you can choose future
10/1 AFLAC Kimiko-san versions Sho Sakurai
10/1 Oronamin C JAXA version Sho Sakurai
10/1 Meiji Chocolate Jun Matsumoto 
10/18 Mary Chocolate Biscuit Satoshi Ohno x Yukie Nakama 
10/18 Mario 3D CM Kazunari Ninomiya
11/3 KFC hot pie Jun Matsumoto
11/07 Mikakuto menthol drop Masaki Aiba
11/10 Benesse Junior high school course Sho Sakurai 
11/12 Hitachi Appliance Celing LED lighting and UFO Kazunari Ninomiya Satoshi Ohno
11/17 Mario Kart
11/17 Kaibutsu-kun x 7 eleven Satoshi Ohno
11/18 Hitachi Appliance Shirokkuma-kun comfortable electric saving Kazunari Ninomiya Masaki Aiba
11/18 au you can choose future
12/5 Mario 3D CM Kazunari Ninomiya
1/1 Kirin Tanrei Green Label
1/1 House food Vermont Curry Masaki Aiba 
1/1Facio Jun Matsumoto
1/25 Mikakuto menthol drop Masaki Aiba
2/15 Benesse Junior high school course Sho Sakurai
2/19 Ajinomoto Frozen food, thick Gyozo skin. Sho Sakurai
2/20 JCB Kazunari Ninomiya
3/1 Naive Satoshi Ohono
3/7 Meiji Crispy Vanilla & Chocolate Jun Matsumoto
3/10 JAL
3/14 Morinaga Mary Chocolate Biscuit Satoshi Ohno x Yukie Nakama  
3/16 Kirin Tanrei Green Label
3/25 Oronamin C Wedding version Sho Sakurai
4/5 Nisshin Oillio Kazunari Ninomiya
4/10 Pocky trip & Po Kazunari Ninomiya

3/2 Orisa, serial Secret of Arashi,Masaki Aiba start shooting of Looked room Satoshi Ohno, Jun Matsumoto
3/7 Duet Arashi zoom, 
3/7 Wink up, 
3/7 Potato, serial Around Arashi 
3/7 an an, serial Lucky Seven Express Jun Matsumoto
3/7 Weekly TV guide, cover and front pages: Kazunari Ninomiya serial Arashi bin Kazunari Ninomiya, Kazunari Ninomiya book
3/7 Weekly The Television, cover and front pages pin up special : Kazunari NinomiyaJun Matsumoto serial 7 colors investigation file, Arashi relay on page, “dearest a word letter” Kazunari Ninomiya to Satoshi Ohno 
3/8 Hanako, serial Himitsu no Arashi-chan 
3/9 Orisa, serial Secret of Arashi
3/9 Engeki Book cover, pin-up and interview: Jun Matsumoto talks about Ah Wild Field and Lucky Seven. 
3/10 Casa Brutus, Sho Sakurai serial trip to learn architecture 
3/12 Baila, Masaki Aiba
3/14 an an, serial Lucky Seven Express Jun Matsumoto
3/14 Weekly TV guide, serial Arashi bin, 
3/14 Weekly The Television, Jun Matsumoto serial 7 colors investigation file 
3/14 TV Life, serial Arashi ni Shiyagare, Arashi special message, big poster, special pin up Sho Sakurai
3/14 TV Pia,. 
3/14 TV Station, serial Catch the Arashi.
3/16 Orisa, serial Secret of Arsashi, Sho Sakurai Problem-solving is after the dinner special in Okinawa close up report.
3/19 Non no serial 2/ Arashi, Bowling’s Arashi Sho Sakurai x Masaki Aiba
3/19 CUT Sho Sakurai
2/21 TV Life Premiu, cover and interview Saotshi Ohno, sp bonus double spring face pin up Satoshi Ohno Masaki Aiba, interview with Sho Sakurai, Masaki Aiba, Arahsi cross talk 
3/21 The Television Zoom! Cover and front pages: Masaki Aiba Satoshi Ohno in Locked room, Sho Sakurai in Problem-soving is after the dinner.
3/21 an an, cover: Aiba
3/21 Weekly TV guide, serial Arashi bin Sho Sakurai Spring Arashi TV.   
3/21 Weekly The Television, Room 3104 Satoshi Ohno, Arashi relay on page from Sho Sakurai to masaki Aiba,
3/22 Hanako,
3/23 Myojo,  work site of Sakurai
3/23 popolo, 
3/23 Soda, Sho Sakruai Black Board   
3/23 Orisa, serial Secret of Arashi Masaki AIba Vs Arahsi shooting report  
3/24 GQ, serial the road to gentleman 
3/24 Monthly The Television, cover: Satoshi Ohno, monthly Arashi 
3/24 Monthly TV guide, cocver: Maski Aiba
3/24 Monthly TV navi, cover: Masaki Aiba Himitsu no Arashi-chan, this month's Aras-shot: Masaki Aiba front page interview: Saotshi Ohno and Sho Sakurai
3/24 Monthly TV fan. cover: Masaki Aiba
3/24 Monthly High Vision, Satoshi Ohno starring drama and other. 
3/28 More, serial It Kazunari Ninomiya, Masaki Aiba
3/28 Miss, still crazy with Arashi Masaki Aiba
3/28 COmo, LOVE♥LOVE♥♥FILE. Masaki Aiba3/28 Weekly TV guide, serial Arashi bin,
3/28 Weekly TV guide, serial Arashi bin, 
3/28 Weekly The Television,
3/28 TV Life, serial Arashi ni Shiyagare, Sho Sakurai starring special drama, Arashi-chan special
3/28 TV Pia, cover: Satsohi Ohno .pin up: Masaki Aiba, Sho Sakurai starring Black Board.
3/28 TV Station, serial Catch the Arashi.
3/28 Como LOVE♥LOVE♥♥FILE Masaki Aiba
3/28 Miss still crazy about Arashi: Masaki Aiba
3/30 Orisa, serial Secret of Arsashi,
3/31 H, cover: Arashi
4/2 Cinema Squre Kazunari Ninomiya x Eiji Toyoetsu Platinum data
4/4 Weekly TV guide, serial Arashi bin Jun Matsumoto, serial of Mystery of Holmes, a calico cat Masaki Aiba
4/4 Weekly The Television, covedr Masaki Aiba, Room 3104, Arashi pin-up if, if Masaki Aiba were a calico cat…? if spend with Satoshi Ohno whole day at sofa.  
4/5 Hanako, serial Himitsu no Arashi-chan
4/6 Orisa, serial Secret of Arashi Kazunari Ninomiya, Satoshi Ohno,  Masaki Aiba
4/7 Duet Arashi zoom,  
4/7 Wink up,  
4/7 Potato, serial Around Arashi  
4/7 Grazia special interview Mazaki Aiba
4/8 Yomiuri newspaper, Yomihot Masaki Aiba
4/10 Casa Brutus, Sho Sakurai serial trip to learn architecture 
4/10 Men's non-no cover: Masaki Aiba
4/11 Weekly TV guide, serial Arashi bin, 
4/11 Weekly The Television,
4/11 Weekly TV guide, serial Arashi bin 
4/11 TV Life, serial Arashi ni Shiyagare, Arashi x TV life history, special cross talks Satoshi Ohno x Erika Todax Koichi Sato
4/11 TV Pia,
4/11TV Station, serial Catch the Arashi. 
4/12 Baila, special interview Satoshi Ohno
4/12 Hanako, serial Himitsu no Arashi-chan 
4/12 Baila, special interview: Saotshi Ohno
4/13 Orita, serial se,cret of Arashi 
4/20 Non no, Satoshi Ohno X Erika Toda serial 2/ Arashi, Curry’s Arashi  Masaki Aiba x Jun Matsumoto
4/20 M girl, cover: Masaki Aiba,   
4/23 Myojo, Arashi variety show site happenings 
4/23 popolo, popopolo 20th anniversary Arashi big pin-up. 
4/23 Soda, cover and pin up: Satoshi Ohno 3/24 GQ, serial the road to gentleman
4/24 Monthly The Television, cover: Masaki Aiba, monthly Arashi
4/24 Monthly TV guide, 
4/24 Monthly TV navi, 
4/24 Monthly TV fan. cover:

4/4 Permanent Part timer buys a house special, DVD and BD 
4/27 Problem Solving after the dinner DVD BD 
5/9 Face Down, Limited edition with DVD and general edition
5/23 Beautiful World tour, special edition with extra DVD and general edition
5/30 Locked room original sound track. 
8/1 Problem-solving is after the dinner BD and DVD

This week word by Nino 
Satoshi no Hitotoki vol 141 19 Jun 
Enjoy vol.82 updated 30 Dec (every 30th ) 
Otonoha vol. 97 updated 20 Jan (update every 15th from April) 
Ura Arashi 2011: 7/24 Aiba-chan 7/30 Nino 7/31 O-chan 9/3 Sho-kun 9/4 Jun-kun, 1/3 O-chan, 1/4 Sho-kun,1/7 Aiba-chan, 1/8 Nino, 1/14 Jun-kun 1/15 all

Serials on Magazines & magazines to be checked
every Wed: TV Guide, The Television (weekly), Nikkan Monday Johnny's 
every other Wed: TV LIFE, TV station , Josei Jisin, TV Pia 
every other Thu: Hanako
every Friday Orista 
7th: Duet, Wink up, POTATO
20th: Non-no 2/ Arashi 
23rd: Myojo, Serial" Arashi ato" , Popolo, 
24th: The Television (monthly) "Monthly Arashi" 
28th: More "It" Kazunari Ninomiya

Arashi Anniversary
25 Jan Sho Sakurai BD, year 1982 
17 May Jun Matsumoto agency entry, year 1996 
17 Jun Kazunari Ninomiya BD, year 1983 
19 Jun Kazunari Ninomiya agency entry, year ; 
15 Aug Masaki Aiba agency entry, year 1996 
30 Aug Jun Matsumoto BD, year 1983 
16 Sep Arashi united in Hawaii, year 1999 
16 Oct Satoshi Ohno agency entry, year 1994 
22 Oct Sho Sakurai agency entry, year 1995 
3 Nov Arashi debut, year 1999 
26 Nov Satoshi Ohno BD, year 1980 
24 Dec Masaki Aiba BD, year 1982


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