9/15 19:00-19:57
VS Arashi FTV artistic gymnasts team 内村航平率いる体操日本代表VS嵐!超人技連発でエース櫻井メッタ打ち!?田中理恵も緊急参戦で田中3兄弟の(秘)私生活暴露!相葉&ロバート今夜限りのコント披露
9/15 22:00-22:54
Himitsu no Arashi-chan TBS Nana Eikura Sho Sakurai and Jun Matsumoto host her with the date of "official manner and unofficial manner of adult woman" and junior of Arashi, Shigeaki Kato of NEWS appears to Mannequin must item. 4 sisters of Arisa Mizuki, Michiko Kichise and others from drama "4 sisters of Hanawa family" participate urgently! "VIP Limousine! to realize Eikurai's dream "I want to become adult woman going to niftily to the restaurant that has dress code." they go to rentral shop you can rent high class cloth with cheep price. dress recommended by Arashi "as you are beginner, the cute one." but they picked a dress. when they changed, they go to a hotel in Tokyo. and learn international manner in order to learn adult party manner. Matumoto and Eikura learns basic manner such as how to receive welcome drink and serve buffet and other. in the end they go to a place to learn unofficial manner of adult woman, person who waited for them was Aya Sugimoto, special teacher, what is "condition to be adult woman"!? introduce it with quote of Sugimoto. "Mannequin Must item" coordination with checked shirts. material color and shape is not asked. they compete with checked shirts that they think "this is it" this time the one who becomes mannequin is Sakurai, Matsumoto, Shigeaki Kato, Ogi and Yahagi. the ones who rate these mannequins are Arisa Mizuki Shihori Kanjiya, Umika Kawashima, Michiko Kichise of drama "4 sisters of Hanawa family." Arashi and Kato who co-satr at drama got totteringly as fancy-free 4 just like drama. which mannequin does evil tongue 4 sisters buy?「VIPリムジン」ゲストに榮倉奈々が登場。櫻井翔と松本潤が「オトナの女性の表マナー!裏マナー!」デートでおもてなしをする。また「マネキンマストアイテム」には嵐の後輩、NEWSの加藤成亮が初登場。ドラマ「華和家の四姉妹」で加藤と共演中の観月ありさ、吉瀬美智子ら四姉妹が緊急参戦決定! 「VIPリムジン」では、「ドレスコードのあるお店に颯爽と行ける"オトナの女性"になりたい!」という榮倉の願望を叶えるため、ハイブランドな洋服が格安でレンタルできる都内のショップへ向かった一行。嵐からのオススメのドレスに「初心者なんで可愛らしいので」と言いながらあるドレスをセレクト。着替えを終えると都内のホテルへ向かい、オトナのパーティーマナーを学ぶため国際儀礼マナーを教わることに。松本と榮倉は、ウェルカムドリンクの受け取り方や、ビュッフェの取り方など、基本的マナーを学ぶ。そして最後にオトナの女性の"裏マナー"を学ぶため、都内の某所へ。するとそこに待っていたのは、特別講師の杉本彩。杉本が言う"オトナの女性"の条件とはいったい何なのか!?杉本の"オトナの女語録"と共に紹介する。「マネキンマストアイテム」ではチェックシャツをテーマにコーディネート。素材・色・形などは一切問わず、これだと思うチェックシャツで勝負する。今回、マネキンとなるのは櫻井と松本とNEWSの加藤成亮、そして、おぎやはぎの小木博明と矢作兼の5体。これらのマネキンを評価するのは、ドラマ「華和家の四姉妹」に出演中の観月ありさ、貫地谷しほり、川島海荷、吉瀬美智子。ドラマの現場さながらに自由奔放な4人に、ドラマで共演している加藤をはじめ、嵐もタジタジ。辛口の四姉妹は、いったいどのマネキンをお買い上げするのか!?
9/16 18:00-18:45
The Shonen Club Premium episode with Arashi exciting school repeat on air ,
9/17 8:45-9:30
The Shonen Club Premium episode with Arashi exciting school repeat on air
9/17 14:35-17:30
Permanent part timer buys a house FTV Kazunari Ninomiya ep.3-5.
9/17 19:00-19:56
Tensai! Shimura zoo NTV Masaki Aiba 激カワ子役、鈴木福くんが志村どうぶつ園に初登場!DAIGOと、動物とめっちゃ触れ合えるオープンしたてのサファリ動物園へ▽ハイジは大震災で飼い主をなくした犬の元へ
9/17 22:00-22:54
Arashi ni Shiyagare NTV This tie Anki guest is actor Goro Kishitani, theme is "learn magic formula of warning fiction!" Arashi learn big-boned acting from Kishitani who is known best warning fiction actor in entertainment industry. Can they expand their acting skill. at Opening "freshwater clam soup from Amashio and mozuku from Amami Island as souvenir. all taste it. and rumor section, rumors about Kishitani come out "his wife home cooking seems good like diamond level." "it seems he is popular by gays in Shinjuku 2 chime. ▽ As it so Shinjuku Golden city. this is firs step for warning fiction type of actor to get to know Shinjuku Golden City (actually AH! Wild Field stage) one the set spins, the class room set appears. Arashi becomes as student, learn cham of Shinjuku Goden City from Kishitani in quiz style. "Golden city is used in that xx's PV." "at bar counter that Kishitani frequent, there's statue of xx" what is right questions? ▽"get slapped in back alley." practice lesson of warning fiction actor, learn to get punch. again the set spins, back alley set appears.! here Arashi learns "getting punch action" by patterns. in the situation of "save girl friend from the other party who give a punch."get a punch and give a dirty look." "however get a punch pretend it was not so painful." "faint as soon as getting a punch." practice various patters. somehow Ohno as girl friend role got attract…..▽"have meal in Shinjuku Golden City" again set spins. the set restaged 3 restaurants that Kishitani wanted to eat in Shinjuku Golden CIty. Kishitani and Arashi eat each restaurant's Golden meal such as muscle beef friend noodle, dash over rice bowl and other今回のアニキゲストは、俳優・岸谷五朗。 テーマは「武闘派の極意学びやがれ」!嵐は芸能界きっての武闘派俳優として知られる岸谷から、その骨太の演技を学び、演技の幅を広げることができるのか?セットゲストは、次長課長・河本準一。オープニングではお土産として、「天塩産のしじみ汁と奄美大島産のもずく」が登場、全員で試食をする.また、噂話のコーナーでは、「奥さんの手料理が“DIAMOND”級に美味しいらしい」「新宿2丁目ではモテモテらしい」など、岸谷に関するウワサが飛び出す。▽そうだったのか?新宿ゴールデン街しやがれ新宿ゴールデン街を知ることが武闘派役者への第一歩、ということで、セットが回転すると教室セットが登場! 嵐が生徒となり、岸谷から新宿ゴールデン街の魅力を穴埋めクイズ形式で学ぶ。「ゴールデン街は、あの◎◎のプロモーションビデオに使われている」「岸谷行きつけのバーカウンターには◎◎の像がある」などの問題、果たして正解は?▽路地裏で殴られやがれ 武闘派演技の実践編として、“殴られ方”を習うことに。再びセットが回転すると、路地裏セットが登場! ここで嵐は岸谷から、パターン別に“殴られる演技”を学ぶ。「殴られる相手から彼女を守る」というシチュエーションのもと、「殴られてにらみ返す」「殴られても効いていない風にふるまう」「殴られてすぐに気絶する」などのパターン別に実践するが、なぜか彼女役の大野の演技に注目が集まり…。▽新宿ゴールデンメシ食いやがれまたもセットが回転すると、岸谷がゴールデン街で一度食べてみたかったという3軒の店を再現したセットが登場。岸谷と嵐は、“牛スジ焼きそば”“ぶっかけ丼”など、それぞれの店の“ゴールデンメシ”を試食する。
9/19 22:54-23:58
News Zero NTV Sho Sakurai
9/22 no
VS Arashi FTV
9/22 no
Himitsu no Arashi-chan TBS
9/24 14:00-17:00
Permanent part timer buys a house FTV Kazunari Ninomiyaep 6-8
9/24 19:00-19:56
Tensai! Shimura zoo NTV Masaki Aiba
9/24 22:00-22:54
Arashi ni Shiyagare NTV
9/26 22:54-23:58
News Zero NTV Sho Sakurai
9/29 no
VS Arashi FTV
9/29 no
Himitsu no Arashi-chan TBS
10/1 13:00-15:00
Permanent part timer buys a house FTV Kazunari Ninomiya ep 9&10
10/01 16:00-16:30
Circle of friends Episode 5 Masaki Aiba
10/1 19:00-19:56
Tensai! Shimura zoo NTV Masaki Aiba
10/1 22:00-22:54
Arashi ni Shiyagare NTV
10/4 21:00-22:54
Permanent part timer buys a house special drama FTV Kazunari Ninomiya, Seiji and Manami, story of 2 families. secret of Seiji’s parents marriage. and future of 2…? [story] it’s been a year since he became a permanent employee of Ohetsu construction. and Take family has peaceful life at new house. but one day, when Sumiko was not at home, brother of Sumiko visited. Seiji and Ayako got know they got married going against the opposition of Sumiko’s parents. Manami who has training in Wakayama visits Tokyo for a week. Seiji and Manami met after long time. Manami lost her father in her early time. laser her mother got remarried. She has mixed feeling about her mother by her family environment. and she had cold feeling about marriage. Seiji has not thought about marriage as his new life has just started. but by some freak coincidence he met Manami’s mother, he got to know Manami’s mixed feeling toward her mother and cold feeling about marriage and he got shocked. One day on the way back home after having drink with Ohetsu construction staffs, Manami found a discarded kitten. under the condition that Manami takes care of it until it gets have a owner, she take in the kitten at her parent place where her mother lives. when she was out for work, mother of Manami gets all shook up as the kitten is bloodless, so with short notice, Seiji took the kitten. and and the existence of kitten , Take family and relationships of Manami and her father start to move…. please look forward to heart-warming family story. and romance development of Seiji and Manami . 武誠治(二宮)は大悦土木の正社員となって一年が経ち、武家は新しい家での生活を穏やかに過ごしていたが、ある日、母・寿美子(浅野温子)の不在時、武家に寿美子の兄(国広富之)が訪ねてきて、誠治と亜矢子(井川遥)は、両親が寿美子の家族の反対を押し切って結婚したことを知る。また、和歌山で研修中の真奈美(香里奈)が東京に1週間滞在することになり、誠治と真奈美は久しぶりの再会を果たす。真奈美は父を早くに亡くし、その後、母・小百合(吹雪ジュン)は再婚。そんな家庭環境から真奈美は母に対して複雑な感情を抱いており、結婚に対しても冷めた感情を持っていた。誠治もまだ、新生活が始まったばかりで結婚を具体的に考えたことはなかったが、ひょんなことから真奈美の母に対面し、真奈美の母親に対する複雑な思いや結婚に対しての冷めた考えを知ってショックを受ける。そんなある日、誠治と真奈美が大悦土木のメンバーと飲んだ帰り道、真奈美は捨てられた子猫を見つける。飼い主が見つかるまで真奈美が面倒をみるという約束のもと、真奈美は母のいる実家で子猫をひきとることに。しかし真奈美が仕事で不在時、子猫に元気がないと真奈美の母が動揺して、急きょ誠治が家に子猫を連れて行くことに。そして子猫の存在がきっかけとなって、武家、そして真奈美と母親の関係が動き出して…。
10/15 21:00-22:54
Kaibutsu-kun special drama NTV Satoshi Ohno how is current Kaibutsu-kun who has finished his training in Human World and must be grown up? Already several months since he separated his human friend Utako and Hitoshi and back to Monster land. he has been at final stage of preparation for big king inauguration, but… “big kind is busy,” “It's too much of a bother, “ “I don’t want to be big king.” he is still selfish as ever and he has 0 conscious as next king. his companies Dracula, Wolf Man and Franken are beleaguered, they are so pressed. as people around them blame them “all is your fault, the reason why the prince never become new big king.” totally outcast companies as now they are called “half-rotten trio.” “it might possible to be fired. actually not only his companies get pressed. Kaiko-chan, a bride elect of Kaibutsu-kun, however she approaches Kaibutsu-kun, he never feel like that, she gets nervous. and Monster big king is at a complete loss. and Monster big king who drains his patience to the limit at last “I can’t leave to you any more!” he makes an decision. what is his decision? farewell forever of Kaibutsu-kun and his companies!? and Kaibutsu-kun and Kaiko-chan unexpected…! Can Kaibutsu-kun become new big king? surprising story is developed at stage of Monster land!! [Satoshi Ohno comment] Kaibutsu-kun is back as special drama before movie. this is after a year and half to TV. I’m so pleased to see you after long time! this special drama is the content all can enjoy for the people who have watched drama and have not. Kaiko-chan also appears! I think this could be like content after you watch it. “Kaibutsu-kun is super!!” please wait drama also movie!人間界での修行を終え、ひとまわり成長した(はずの)怪物くんは、今・・・?人間界で出来たトモダチ、ウタコ・ヒロシとの別れを惜しみつつも怪物界へと帰還して早幾月―――。怪物くんは、新大王に就任するべく最終準備段階に入っていた。のかと思いきや・・・「大王は忙しい」「面倒くさい」「大王になんかなりたくない!」と、相変わらずのわがままぶりで、次期大王としての自覚ゼロ!!そんな怪物くんのお供であるドラキュラ・オオカミ男・フランケンの3人は窮地に立たされ、ものすご~く焦っていた。何故なら、王子がいつまでたっても新大王になれないのは、全てお前たちの責任だ!と周りからさんざん責められていたからだ。すっかり落ちこぼれ扱いのお供は今や、「腐りかけトリオ」と呼ばれる始末。「このままでは、クビも有り得る!?」しかし焦りの気持ちを抱いているのはお供たちばかりではない。怪物くんの許嫁である怪子ちゃんも、いくらアプローチをかけてもその気になってくれない怪物くんにヤキモキし、怪物大王もまた、我が息子のやる気のなさにほとほと困り果てていた。そして、とうとう我慢の限界に達した怪物大王は、「もはやお供たちに任せておくわけにはいかない!」と"ある決断"をするのだった。その決断とは一体・・・?!怪物くんとお供に永遠の別れが訪れる!?その上、怪物くんと怪子ちゃんがまさかの・・・!果たして、怪物くんは新大王になれるのか?
October every Tuesday 21:00-21:54
Problem-solving is after the dinner Big best selling record novel” Problem-solving is after the dinner that got prize of book shop award of 2011 and sold 1.4 million copies is determinate as serial drama. this shows at Tuesday 21:00 frame of Fuji TV from October. the role of bad language butler is Sho Sakurai who is first leading role on Fuji TV and role of lady detective, Reiko is Keiko Kitagawa have been determinate. Leading role Kageyama is butler and chauffeur of Reiko who is single daughter of Hougyoku group, a organization that is know in the world. Lady Reiko who works as newly hired detective at Kunitachi police hiding her true identity, each time she face difficult case, she talks details to Kageyama who serve dinner while she is relaxing at home… he pointed with evil tongue. “Lady, your eyes are bling?” and he smoothly solve the mystery, and gets to the bottom of the matter…. conversation play with pop and rich humorous with tempo according to unique character such as evil tongue butler Kageyama, Lady detective Reiko. audacious interesting problem-solving called “comfort chair detective” solve the case without facing criminal, and original novel records huge sales. to keep that charm, add original trick, aim for new mystery ever, we are preparing shooting now.
10/7 - 10/16
World autistic gymnastic FTV Masaki Aiba
World Artistic gymnastics 10/7 25:30-26:30
World Artistic gymnastics FTV Masaki Aiba female elimination day 1,
10/08 25:35-26:35
World Artistic gymnastics FTV Masaki Aiba female elimination day 2,
10/09 24:35-25:35
World Artistic gymnastics FTV Masaki Aiba male elimination day 1,
10/10 25:15-26:15
World Artistic gymnastics FTV Masaki Aiba male elimination day 2,
10/11 23:15-24:30
World Artistic gymnastics FTV Masaki Aiba female group final,
10/12 19:00-21:24
World Artistic gymnastics FTV Masaki Aiba male group final,
10/13 19:00-20:24
World Artistic gymnastics FTV Masaki Aiba female individual final
10/14 21:00-23:22
World Artistic gymnastics FTV Masaki Aiba female individual final,
10/15 15:30-17:00
World Artistic gymnastics FTV Masaki Aiba individual event (male/ female),
10/16 16:00-17:25
World Artistic gymnastics FTV Masaki Aiba individual event final (male/ female),
10/8 14-00-15:00
World Artistic gymnastics BSF Masaki Aiba female elimination day 1,
10/08 20:00-21:55
World Artistic gymnastics BSF Masaki Aiba female elimination day 2,
10/09 11:00-13:25
World Artistic gymnastics BSF Masaki Aiba male elimination day 1,
10/10 23:00-25:15
World Artistic gymnastics BSF Masaki Aiba male elimination day 2,
World Artistic gymnastics BSF Masaki Aiba female group final,
10/13 12:00-14:25
World Artistic gymnastics BSF Masaki Aiba male group final,
10/14 12:00-13:25
World Artistic gymnastics BSF Masaki Aiba female individual final,
10/15 13:00-15:25
World Artistic gymnastics BSF Masaki Aiba male individual final,
10/15 17:25-18:55
World Artistic gymnastics BSF Masaki Aiba individual event (male/ female),
10/16 21:00-22:30
World Artistic gymnastics BSF Masaki Aiba individual event final (male/ female),
10/29 14:00-15:55
World Artistic gymnastics BSF Masaki Aiba group digest
10/30 17:00-18:55
World Artistic gymnastics BSF Masaki Aiba individual digest
10/11 14:10-16:35
World Artistic gymnastics CS Fuji TV next Masaki Aiba female elimination day 2 ,
10/11 28:30-31:00
World Artistic gymnastics CS Fuji TV next Masaki Aiba female group final,
10/12 14:10-17:05
World Artistic gymnastics CS Fuji TV next Masaki Aiba male elimination day 1, 1
10/12 24:30-27:20
World Artistic gymnastics CS Fuji TV next Masaki Aiba male group final,
10/13 22:00-24:00
World Artistic gymnastics CS Fuji TV next Masaki Aiba female individual final,
10/14 24:30-27:20
World Artistic gymnastics CS Fuji TV next Masaki Aiba male individual final,
10/15 19:00-22:05
World Artistic gymnastics CS Fuji TV next Masaki Aiba individual event (male/ female),
10/16 17:50-21:00
World Artistic gymnastics CS Fuji TV next Masaki Aiba individual event final (male/ female)
every other Tuesday Arashi ni shiyagare
every other Tuesday VS Arashi
every other Wednesday Himitsu no Arashi-chan
9/6 Arashi ni Shiyagare
9/20 Arashi ni Shiyagare
9/27 Vs Arashi
Kaibutsu-kun 3D Satoshi Ohno Time past since the day he farewell Human world, it was time to have king coronation . Kaibutsu-kun appeared struts into his nation, this is not applause nor roar, unexpectedly booing. Voice against coronation, “Shut up!!!” he leave Monster land, he drag his companies who tried to stop him in their desperation. He escape to Human world again. He head to Japan where Hiroshi and Utako lives and full of good memories. but… the place where they arrived as Curry Kingdom. there, he is mistaken as legend brave. he head to save Pirai princess of Currently Kingdom caught by rebel troops impersonating to legend brave… but Can Kaibutsu-kun other save princess and back to Monster land safely!?
new year 2011
Japanese Islands, stories about animals main narration by Masaki Aiba
Ah! Wild Filed!, Jun Matsumoto x Keisuke Koide
[ticket sales by lot] 9/11-9/14 only seat S. [ticket sale by phone] from 9/23
10/29 18:00
Seino kuni Saitama Fine arts theater 10/30 18:00
Seino kuni Saitama Fine arts theater 10/31 13:00 &18:00
Seino kuni Saitama Fine arts theater 11/4 11:30
Seino kuni Saitama Fine arts theater 11/5 13:00 &18:00
Seino kuni Saitama Fine arts theater 11/6 13:00 &18:00
Seino kuni Saitama Fine arts theater 11/13 18:30
Aoyama theater 11/14 13:30 & 18:30
Aoyama theater 11/17 13:30 & 18:30
Aoyama theater 11/18 12:00
Aoyama theater 11/19 12:00 & 17:00
Aoyama theater 11/20 12:00 & 17:00
Aoyama theater 11/21 13:30 & 18:30
Aoyama theater 11/24 13:30 & 18:30
Aoyama theater 11/25 12:00
Aoyama theater 11/26 12:00 & 17:00
Aoyama theater 11/27 12:00 & 17:00
Aoyama theater 12/1 13:30 & 18:30
Aoyama theater 12/2 12:00
Aoyama theater story: high-rise buildings…billboards… neon…. light of city of bars. the stage is fictitious Showa ear’s city that was long time ago, Shinjuku. who doesn’t know what to do with his wild spirits and tough body, at boxing gym where he was invited by former boxer and joined, he met a stammer young guy Shinji, who believe his possibility and blow people around him mind with gigantism of his desire and Barikan, who can talks his sentiment only monologue. 2 young guys who has polar opposites way of life, they identify with each other, and forester strangely swirly friendship…. , dreaming free-wheeling girl who has ordinary desire, success of management, loser of life, president of Supermarket Tanpopo, prostitutes who live vigorously, and interact members of < suicide association> who is idyllic and crazy. story got heaver progressing and speeds. Barikan who felt to be free only fighting against Shinji, he yearn fighting against him, and change gym. it was Shinji who understands Barikan’s lonely passion, and game is realized at Korakuen hall, while gong was beating, who will fall over in the ring that came to seas of blood?
Kids' event calendar 9/27-11/30
9/13 13:15 stage Greeting at Toho cinema Nichigeki Sho Sakurai
Goods sales]
9/1 10:00-20:00 at national stadium
9/2 9:00- at national stadium
9/3 09:00- at national stadium
9/4 10:00- at national stadium
[Arashi live tour 11-12 “Beautiful World”]
9/2 Fri 17:30 National Stadium
9/3 Sat 17:30 National Stadium
9/4 Sun 17:30 National Stadium
1/3 Tue 18:00 Kyosera Dome Osaka
1/4 Wed 16:00 Kyosera Dome Osaka
1/7 Sat 18:00 Nagoya Dome
1/8 Sun 16:00 Nagoya Dome
1/14 Sat 18:00 Fukuoka Yahoo! Japan Dome
1/15 Sun 16:00 Fukuoka Yahoo! Japan Dome
concert Goods pamphlet: ¥2,000(tax in), poster (6 types: group and individual) each ¥800(tax in), clear file (6 types: group and individual) each ¥500(tax in), extra original photo set (that shot by members, group by Arashi, Masaki AIba by Matsumoto, Jun Matsumoto by Ninomiya, Kazunari Ninomiya by Sakurai, Satoshi Ohno by Aiba, SHo Sakurai by Ohno. (6 types: group and individual) each ¥600(tax in), Jumbo fan (6 types: group and individual) each ¥500(tax in) Original pen light ¥1,500(tax in), T-shirts ¥2,800(tax in) Shopping bag ¥1,200(tax in), Bath towel (exclusive for dome concert) ¥3,000(tax in), mobile phone strap¥1,300(tax in)hair elastic ¥500(tax in) Arashi charity charm ¥500(tax in) [Kids line up]Mini fan (6 types: group and individual) drawing pen set ¥500(tax in)
1/6 Able Sho Sakurai
Nintendo 3DS, all
Fasio Jun Matsumoto
Kirin Tanrei Green Label Jun Matsumoto Masaki Aiba Satoshi Ohno Kazunari Ninomiya
Oronamin C Sho Sakurai
Nintendo 3DS, Jun Matsumoto Masaki Aiba Satoshi Ohno
Nintendogs and Cats Sho Sakurai Kazunari Ninomiya
Oronamin C “Tokyo Sky Tree”Sho Sakurai
Chocola BB office version Kazunari Ninomiya
Nintendo 3DS, Masaki Aiba
Nintendogs and Cats Sho Sakurai Kazunari Ninomiya
Nintendo 3DS, Masaki Aiba
Nintendogs and Cats Sho Sakurai Kazunari Ninomiya
3/10 Naive Satoshi Ohno
3/13 AFLAC, “appearance of Blue Duck”version Sho Sakurai
3/20 AFLAC, “Blue Duck’s thought” version Sho Sakurai
4/1 Sumitomo Life Insurance Masaki Aiba
3/26 Aijinomoto Frozen food Sho Sakurai
3/27 AC “what we can do , calling version” by all
4/1 Vermont Curry Masaki Aiba
Au by all
AFLAC Sho Sakurai
Muhi, Masaki Aiba
pino Sho Sakurai
Aijinomoto Frozen food, shrimp fry version Sho Sakurai
The legend of Zelda Ocarina of time Kazunari Ninomiya and Jun Matstumoto
The legend of Zelda Ocarina of time Kazunari Ninomiya and Jun Matstumoto
Nissin Oillio Kazunari Ninomiya
JAL 6/16
Hitachi healthy chef, Satoshi Ohno, Kazunari Ninomiya, Jun Matsumoto
Nissin Oillio Kazunari Ninomiya
The legend of Zelda Ocarina of time Kazunari Ninomiya and Jun Matstumoto
Hitachi healthy chef, Satoshi Ohno, Masaki Aiba
AU 6/30-7/27
KFC Satoshi Ohno
Vermont Curry Masaki Aiba
Oronomin C Sho Sakurai
AU 7/4 Tongari Corn Curry Flavor,
AU 7/15
AFLAC Sho Sakurai x Aoi Miyazaki
Fasio mascara make up artist goes on trip version Jun Matsumoto
Tanrei Green Label Jun Matsumoto Satoshi Ohno Kazunari Ninomiya
Hitachi vacuum Sho Sakurai x Kazunari Ninomiya
JCB Kazunari Ninomiya
8/20 non-no. serial, 2/ Arashi “Karaoke no Arashi” Kazunari Ninomiya x Satoshi Ohno, Sho Sakurai x Aoi Miyazaki
8/20 Kinemashunpo, interview with Marik Kaga
8/20 Tsutaya Club Magazine, interview with Fukagawa director
8/20 Coupon land, God’s medical note movie introduction Sho Sakurai
8/20 Flying Postman press , God’s medical note movie introduction Sho Sakurai
8/20 Linel, God’s medical note movie introduction Sho Sakurai
8/20 Financial Japan, God’s medical note movie introduction Sho Sakurai
8/20 Ikebukuro 15’, God’s medical note movie introduction Sho Sakurai
8/20 mina, God’s medical note movie introduction Sho Sakurai
8/20 DVD BD data, God’s medical note movie introduction Sho Sakurai
8/20 DVD & BD vision, God’s medical note movie introduction Sho Sakurai
8/20 Oona fami, God’s medical note movie introduction Sho Sakurai
8/21 Asahi Junior high school weekly, God’s medical note movie introduction Sho Sakurai
8/21 Screen, interview :Sho Sakurai
8/22 Fujin Koro, talk Sho Sakurai x Mariko Kaga
8/22 Niko Petit, God’s medical note movie introduction Sho Sakurai
8/23 Weekly Asahi, cover & interview: Sho Sakurai
8/23 Tokyo Walker, , cover & interview: Sho Sakurai
8/23 Ray, cover & interview: Sho Sakurai
8/23 Lips, interview: Sho Sakurai
8/23 VOCE, , interview: Sho Sakurai
8/23 Yomiuri Newspaper, interview: Aoi Miyazaki
8/23 Xexy, God’s medical note movie introduction Sho Sakurai
8/23 Biteki, God’s medical note movie introduction Sho Sakurai
8/23 Vivi, God’s medical note movie introduction Sho Sakurai
8/23 Soda, pre-release stage greeting God’s medical note Sho Sakurai
8/23 Kyodo Tsushin, God’s medical note movie introduction Sho Sakurai
8/23 Myojo, interview: Sho Sakurai
8/23 Popolo, interview: Sho Sakurai
8/23 Soda
8/23 Ray, cover: Sho Sakurai Beautiful Song♥Beautiful World
8/24 GQ Japan, serial GQ x Arashi ni Shiyagare road for gentleman
8/24 Monthly The Television, serial “monthly Arashi”
8/24 Monthly TV Navi, serial “Himitsu no Arashi -chan prep & revision”, monthly Ara-shot,
8/24 Monthly TV guide, interview: Sho Sakurai
8/24 Weekly TV guide,
8/24 Weekly The Television
8/24 TV fan, talk Sho Sakurai x Aoi Miyazaki
8/24 TV Taro, talk Sho Sakurai x Aoi Miyazaki, & pre-release stage greeting
8/24 Street Jack cover & interview: Aoi Miyazaki
8/25 Hanako, serial Himitsu no Arashi-chan
8/25 Bic Comic, God’s medical note movie introduction Sho Sakurai
8/25 weekly Shincho, God’s medical note movie introduction Sho Sakurai
8/26 Tokyo Newspaper evening paper, God’s medical note movie introduction Sho Sakurai
8/26 City Living, interview: Sho Sakurai
8/27 Living newspaper, interview: Sho Sakurai
8/27 Asashi Newpaper, interview : Mariko Kaga
8/27 Miss, God’s medical note movie introduction Sho Sakurai
8/27 Classy, interview: Sho Sakurai
8/27 More, srial It Kazunari Ninomiya, cover & interview: Sho Sakurai & Aoi Miyazaki
8/28 with, , God’s medical note movie introduction Sho Sakurai
8/28 Como, LOVE♥LOVE♥♥FILE Sho Sakurai
8/29 Mac fan, cover & interview Aoi Miyzazaki
8/29 Weekly Toho Economy , God’s medical note movie introduction Sho Sakurai
8/31 TV Pia, Japanese Island Masaki Aiba
9/1 Pichi Lemon, talk Sho Sakurai & Aoi Miyazaki
9/1 Rurubu Free Romance car autumn issue, God’s medical note movie introduction Sho Sakurai
9/2 Asahi Johobin, God’s medical note movie introduction Sho Sakurai
9/4 Akahata, God’s medical note movie introduction Sho Sakurai
9/7 duet, serial ARASHI ZOOM,
9/7 POTATO, serial around Arashi
9/7 Wink up,
9/7 Weekly TV Guide, serial “Arashi-bin”
9/7 Weekly The Television,
9/8 Weekly TV Guide, serial “Arashi-bin”
9/8 Weekly The Television,
9/8 TV life, serial “Arashi ni Shiyagareni Shiyagare”
9/8 TV Pia
9/8 TV station, serial “Catch the Arashi” ,
9/10 Casa BRUTUS
Sho Sakurai serial travel to learn the architecture,
9/14 KINEJUN next, Kaibutsu-kun movie introduction Satoshi Ohno
9/18 monthly Chopin interview
10/11 Kaibutsu-kun official book complete Box
10/11 Let’s play! Kaibutsu-kun
10/14 Ganz Perfect Answer DVD and Blu-Ray Kazunari Ninomiya
11/30 Problem-Solving after the dinner, original sound track
This week word by Jun
Satoshi no Hitotoki vol 145 25 Jun
Enjoy vol.76 updated 30 Jun (every 30th )
Otonoha vol. 86 updated 29 Jun (update every 10th and 20th)
Aibartender 1 Apr
Prince Satoshi no Hitotoki 24 June
serial Tokujo 21 March
No. 1 (Aiba~ one) 14 Sep (last)
My girl mail: 12/11
Annoying mail from all 6 Oct.
Annoying mail from Aiba-chan 17 May,
Annoying mail from O-chan 16 Mar 3 Sep
Annoying mail from Sho-chan 17 Jan
Annoying mail from Jun-kun 9/3
Tenkimi mail from Nino: 9/24
Ura Arashi 2010: 8/21: Aiba-chan, 8/22 Nino, 9/3: Sho-kun, 9/4: O-chan 10/29 Jun-kun 10/30 O-chan 10/31 Nino,11/13 Sho-kun, 11/14 Aiba-chan,11/19 Jun-kun,11/20 Aiba-chan,11/21 Sho-kun, 12/4: O-chan, 12/5: Jun-kun, 1/15:Nino 1/16 by all
Regular TV programs & TV program to be checked
Serials on Magazines & magazines to be checked
every Wed:
TV Guide,
The Television (weekly), Nikkan Monday Johnny's
every other Wed:
TV station , Josei Jisin, TV Pia
every other Thu:
Hanako every Friday Orista
Wink up,
POTATO 20th:
Non-no 2/ Arashi
Myojo, Serial" Arashi ato" , Popolo,
The Television (monthly) "Monthly Arashi"
More "It" Kazunari Ninomiya
Arashi Anniversary
25 Jan Sho Sakurai BD, year 1982
17 May Jun Matsumoto agency entry, year 1996
17 Jun Kazunari Ninomiya BD, year 1983
19 Jun Kazunari Ninomiya agency entry, year ;
15 Aug Masaki Aiba agency entry, year 1996
30 Aug Jun Matsumoto BD, year 1983
16 Sep Arashi united in Hawaii, year 1999
16 Oct Satoshi Ohno agency entry, year 1994
22 Oct Sho Sakurai agency entry, year 1995
3 Nov Arashi debut, year 1999
26 Nov Satoshi Ohno BD, year 1980
24 Dec Masaki AibaBD, year 1982