3/7 15:55-16:53 The Quiz Show (repeat) NTV Sho Sakurai ep.8
3/7 22:54-23:58
News Zero NTV Sho Sakurai
3/8 15:55-16:53 The Quiz Show (repeat) NTV Sho Sakurai ep.9
3/9 15:55-16:53 The Quiz Show (repeat) NTV Sho Sakurai ep.10
3/9 14:00-16:10 movie Kisarazu Cat’s eye Japan series, Japan movie channel, Sho Sakurai
3/9 16:30-19:00 movie Kisarazu Cat’s eye World series, Japan movie channel, Sho Sakurai
3/10 19:00-19:57
VS Arashi FTV fight against “Manzai gang” Hiroshi Shinagawa, Ryuta Sato, Yusuke Kamiji, Satomi Ishihara, Yuji Ayabe 品川ヒロシ,佐藤隆太,上地雄輔,石原さとみら映画“漫才ギャング”チーム!fight against “Manzai gang” team, Atusya Furuta appeared, realized catcher battle against Yusuke Kamiji. Guest team is movie Manzai Gang team with Ryuta Sato and other. helper of Arashi Atsuya Furuta appear. Jun Matsumoto who was his fan got pleased. and Fututa is squishy with Satomi Ishihara and declare “I won’t be beaten by chatcher (yusuke Kamji) “ Kamiji feels sad. "I’m also fan of you.”“漫才ギャング”チームと対決▽古田敦也登場で上地雄輔とキャッチャー対決実現 ゲストは佐藤隆太ら映画「漫才ギャング」(3/19[土]公開)チーム。嵐の助っ人に古田敦也が登場すると、ファンだった松本潤は大喜び。また、古田が石原さとみにデレデレし、「キャッチャーの上地(雄輔)くんには負けない」と宣言。上地は「おれもファンなのに…」と悲しむ
3/10 22:00-22:54
Himitsu no Arashi-chan TBS VIP room: Chiharu Kuriyama, ranking derby. whois no.1? Chiaki Kuriyama appears! she likes to spend by herself, she disclose to go to Japanese bar by her self. Sho Sakurai presents menu of Rui Yoshida recommend “bar poet”. Ranking Derby with Nanami Sakuraba and Imalu▽VIP・ROOMに栗山千明が登場(予)▽ランキングダービー開催1位は!?屈辱のビリは(予)「V.I.P ROOM」に栗山千明が登場! 一人で過ごすのが好きだという栗山は、居酒屋にも一人で行くほどだと告白。櫻井翔は、“酒場詩人”の吉田類が薦める居酒屋メニューを栗山にプレゼンする。ほか、桜庭ななみやIMALUと「ランキングダービー嵐」を。
3/10 25:55-25:59 Bartender Promotional show TVA, Masaki Aiba
3/11 4:25-4:30 Bartender Promotional show TVA, Masaki Aiba
3/11 18:00-19:00 The Shone club premium 10th anniversary special, BS2
The Shonen Club that keeps attract young girl generation since “Idol on sage” started 1993 marked 10 the anniversary. Arashi, Takky & Tsubasa, Kanjani, News, Kat-tun, many idol graduated. the very Shone Club video that you can only at The Shonen Club on air at one stroke cerebrating 10th anniversary. the video of currently glittering top star before debut, collaboration beyond group that you can’t watch at other show.full of various segment that make the most of what they have.1993年に始まった「アイドルオンステージ」の時代から、若年層の女性達を魅了し続けている「ザ少年倶楽部」が10周年を迎えた。番組から、嵐・タッキー&翼・関ジャニ∞・NEWS・KAT-TUNといった数多くのアイドル達が羽ばたいていった。 そんな「ザ少年倶楽部」ならではの、「ザ少年倶楽部」でしか見られない映像を10周年を記念して一挙公開する。今を輝くトップスター達のデビュー前の映像はもちろん、グループの垣根を越えたコラボレーションの数々は決して他では見ることが出来ない!さらに彼らの持ち味が生かされた様々なコーナーも盛りだくさん!滝沢秀明の「オープニングタイトル作成」やKAT-TUNによるコント等々、今となっては見る事の出来ない貴重映像満載だ。
3/11 18:00-20:10 movie Kisarazu Cat’s eye Japan series, Japan movie channel, Sho Sakurai
3/11 20:30-22:45 movie Kisarazu Cat’s eye World series, Japan movie channel, Sho Sakurai
3/11 23:15-24:15
Bartender Masaki Aiba ep.6 Kase who is chief bartender of first class in Paris where Ryu used to work return to Japan for party held by Japanese embassy. Miwa who knows the sprit of Ryu and Kase got mixed emotions. Meanwhile Miwa who visited to bar Lapin got news that Miwa’s grand father came down. When Miwa dashed off to the hospital with Ryu, Taizo was eating fruit. That time Kase appears. Taizo requested to Kase special advisor of French fair that will be held at his hotel. few days later, Taizo comes to say Miwa, he will pick who for chief bartender of his hotel within 3 weeks.◇バーテンダー◇フランス大使館主催のパーティーのため、かつて溜(相葉雅紀)が働いていたパリの一流ホテルのチーフバーテンダー、加瀬(竹中直人)が帰国することになった。溜と加瀬の確執を知る美和(貫地谷しほり)は、それを聞いて複雑な思いを抱く。そんな中、ラパンを訪れた美和のもとに、祖父の泰三(津川雅彦)が倒れたとの連絡が入る。美和は溜と共に急いで病院に駆け付けるが、泰三はテレビを見ながら果物を食べているところだった。そこへ加瀬が現れる。泰三は自分のホテルで開催されるフランスフェアの特別顧問を加瀬に頼んだという。数日後、泰三は美和に、ホテルのチーフバーテンダーを誰にするか3週間以内に決めると言いだす。Kase who fired Ryu, former his master, a bartender of 1st class hotel in Paris comes back Japan for French Embassy job. Miwa who come to interview with Kase, she feel uneasy relationships Kase and Ryu.溜(相葉雅紀)を解雇した元師匠でパリの一流ホテルのチームバーテンダーを務める加瀬(竹中直人)が、フランス大使館の仕事で帰国した。加瀬を取材することになった美和(貫地谷しほり)は、加瀬と溜の関係が気になる。Goro Kase who fired Ryu, a chilf bartender of Raz Hotel visits Japan with Seiji Yamanouchi for holding party held by French Embassy. Ryu who visited Taizo with Miwa reunites Kase there by one of time's revenges. Kase accept to do France fair held at Hotel Cardinal as Taizo requests thim. Ryu tries to give his recent news being uncomfortable. But Kase tells him “we are not your master and disciple any more.” and interrupt the conversation. Meantime, Taizo was pressed about 2 project by Cardinal hotel manager. One is to pick chief bartender of main bar urgently. another one is matter of Yamanouchi who serve food at French fair. Yamanouchi seems Gaullist, France supremacist, he force to get all food integrant same as Paris and ask too much of it, never give any inch. Miwa who can't stand watching Taizo who is in trouble requests to Ryu to host Yamanouchi at Bar Lapin and to convince him. He refuse this request as Ryu thought Kase also along. Meantime Miwa who had interview with Kase, tells him Ryu has still struggled to be fired. And Kase suddenly vocalized a word “Vodka iceberg and Gin tonic” “This is cocktail he made when he was with me.” and smile. Miwa felt uneasy with this word. かつて溜(相葉雅紀)をクビにした「ラッツホテル」のチーフバーテンダー・加瀬五朗(竹中直人)が、フランス大使館が主催するパーティーのため、フレンチシェフの山之内清治(大友康平)を伴って凱旋来日した。美和(貫地谷しほり)とともに泰三(津川雅彦)のもとを訪れた溜は、奇しくもそこで加瀬と再会する。加瀬は泰三に頼まれ、「ホテルカーディナル」で行われるフランスフェアの特別顧問を引き受けていたのだ。気まずさを感じながらも、加瀬に近況を報告しようとする溜。ところが、加瀬は優しい口調で「君と僕は、もう師匠でも弟子でもないんだから」と告げ、話を遮る。 一方、泰三は「カーディナル」の支配人から2つの案件で詰め寄られていた。ひとつはメインバーのチーフバーテンダー早急に決定すること。もうひとつは、フランスフェアで料理を振舞うことになった山之内に関する問題だ。山之内はフランス至上主義の“ゴーリスト”で、すべての食材をパリと同じもので揃えるよう、無理難題を押し付けて一歩も引かないらしい。泰三が困っている様子を見かねた美和は、溜に山之内をBAR「ラパン」でもてなして説得するよう依頼。ところが、加瀬も一緒に来ることを見越した溜は、その依頼を断固拒否する。 そんな折、加瀬を取材した美和は、溜がクビになったことで今も苦しんでいることを伝える。すると、加瀬が突然「ウォッカ・アイスバーグとジン・トニック」という言葉を口にした。「彼が僕の下で最後に作ったカクテルです」とだけ加えて、微笑む加瀬。その言葉は美和の心に引っかかり…
3/12 19:00-19:54
Tensai! Shimura zoo NTV Masaki Aiba, Kaori Mochida crows like a rooster with huge clavier toy!? “マサキ.com”巨大な鍵盤のおもちゃで持田香織が大はしゃぎ!?ほか
3/12 22:15-22:54
Arashi ni Shiyagare NTV Ryuta Sato, what is secret formula to live passionate 24 hours 365 days? Get rat race cooking battle against Sho Sakurai!? Learn “secret formula to live passionate 24 hours 365 days” 6 walks Futako Tamagawa, Tokyo using virtual video. and talk their adolescence lying about at bank of river. Sato is not good at cooking but introduce food to cook with heart. and Sato and and Sho Sakurai fightg about fry cooking.▽佐藤隆太から“24時間365日熱く生きる極意”を学ぶ▽櫻井翔との料理対決で大混乱”!?
3/1318:00-20:20 movie Kisarazu Cat’s eye World series, Japan movie channel, Sho Sakurai
3/14 19:00-20:54 Ganbatta award, FTV
3/14 22:00-23:58
News Zero x East Japan Earthquake special NTV Sho Sakurai
3/14 11:30-13:40 I fall in love my sister, NTV plus Jun Matsumoto
3/15 17:00-18:00 The Shone club premium 10th anniversary special, BShi
The Shonen Club that keeps attract young girl generation since “Idol on sage” started 1993 marked 10 the anniversary. Arashi, Takky & Tsubasa, Kanjani, News, Kat-tun, many idol graduated. the very Shone Club video that you can only at The Shonen Club on air at one stroke cerebrating 10th anniversary. the video of currently glittering top star before debut, collaboration beyond group that you can’t watch at other show.full of various segment that make the most of what they have.1993年に始まった「アイドルオンステージ」の時代から、若年層の女性達を魅了し続けている「ザ少年倶楽部」が10周年を迎えた。番組から、嵐・タッキー&翼・関ジャニ∞・NEWS・KAT-TUNといった数多くのアイドル達が羽ばたいていった。 そんな「ザ少年倶楽部」ならではの、「ザ少年倶楽部」でしか見られない映像を10周年を記念して一挙公開する。今を輝くトップスター達のデビュー前の映像はもちろん、グループの垣根を越えたコラボレーションの数々は決して他では見ることが出来ない!さらに彼らの持ち味が生かされた様々なコーナーも盛りだくさん!滝沢秀明の「オープニングタイトル作成」やKAT-TUNによるコント等々、今となっては見る事の出来ない貴重映像満載だ。
3/15 21:00-23:10 movie Kisarazu Cat’s eye Japan series, Japan movie channel, Sho Sakurai
3/16 21:00-23:30 movie Kisarazu Cat’s eye World series, Japan movie channel, Sho Sakurai
3/17 19:00-19:57
VS Arashi FTV fight against “Fukuoka team” Hanamaru & Daikichi Hakata, Takeyama of Cunning, Kaba-chan, Robert. ゲストは福岡出身のつるの剛士、博多華丸・大吉、ロバート・馬場裕之、秋山竜次ら「チーム福岡」。群馬出身のロバート・山本博は一人客席か...
3/17 22:00-22:54
Himitsu no Arashi-chan TBS VIP room never seen videos. ▽VIP・ROOM未公開集SP!▽お気に入り嵐に1番多く選ばれたのは一体誰だ!?ほか(変更有)
3/18 18:00-18:50
The Shone Club Premium BS 2 Jun Matsumoto appease as comment gust.; Matsumoto who is close with Shikao Suga-san exchanging mail on regular basis. Suga-san who created masterpiece that is very Arashi, Aozora Pedal. Private interaction with Suga-san and message to Kat-tun who marks 5th anniversary.コメントゲストには嵐の松本潤が登場。スガさんとは日頃からメールを送り合うほどの中だという松本。嵐らしい爽やかさが光る名曲「アオゾラペダル」も手がけた、スガさんとのプライベートでの交流やデビュー5周年を迎えたKAT-TUNに向けてメッセージを寄せてくれましたのでお楽しみに。
3/18 23:15-24:15
Bartender Masaki Aiba ep.7 自分の夢であるホテルのメーンバーオープンに向けて忙しかった泰三(津川雅彦)が心臓発作で倒れる。動揺する美和(貫地谷しほり)を溜(相葉雅紀)は心配する。
3/19 15:25 -16:25 Tonight is
Tensai! Shimura zoo NTV Masaki Aiba
3/19 19:00-20:54
Tensai! Shimura zoo NTV Masaki Aiba 2 hours special ▽動物と人間の絆から生まれた感動の実話を紹介▽捨てられた動物たちを救った男性の再現ドラマに芦田愛菜が出演▽孤独な少年とネコの脱出劇▽柴田理恵の愛犬が起こした奇跡
3/19 22:15-22:54
Arashi ni Shiyagare NTV Eiichiro Murakoshi ▽船越英一郎から“2時間ドラマの帝王学”を学ぶ▽嵐が“サスペンス劇場”に挑戦!?ほか
3/21 23:24-24:28
News Zero NTV Sho Sakurai
3/22 17:00-17:50
The Shone Club Premium BS 2 Jun Matsumoto appease as comment gust.; Matsumoto who is close with Shikao Suga-san exchanging mail on regular basis. Suga-san who created masterpiece that is very Arashi, Aozora Pedal. Private interaction with Suga-san and message to Kat-tun who marks 5th anniversary.コメントゲストには嵐の松本潤が登場。スガさんとは日頃からメールを送り合うほどの中だという松本。嵐らしい爽やかさが光る名曲「アオゾラペダル」も手がけた、スガさんとのプライベートでの交流やデビュー5周年を迎えたKAT-TUNに向けてメッセージを寄せてくれましたのでお楽しみに。
3/22 22:14-22:20 promotional show of History of our Family, FTV
3/23 19:00-21:54 historical top artist all gathered, concert of that song that got no.1 Strongest 88 tunes. Strongest 88 tunes. courage by music.最強の88曲!サザンミスチル・福山・聖子・明菜・嵐・安室・モ娘▽音楽の力で勇気を!
3/24 no
VS Arashi 3/24 19:00-21:54 History of our Family, FTV Jun Matsumoto
3/24 23:24:23:30 promotional show of History of our Family, FTV
3/24 no
Himitsu no Arashi-chan TBS
3/25 1:55 - 1:59 Bartender promotional show, TVA
3/25 4:25 - 4:30 Bartender promotional show, TVA
3/25 17:00-17:50
The Shone Club Premium BS 2 Jun Matsumoto appease as comment gust.; Matsumoto who is close with Shikao Suga-san exchanging mail on regular basis. Suga-san who created masterpiece that is very Arashi, Aozora Pedal. Private interaction with Suga-san and message to Kat-tun who marks 5th anniversary.コメントゲストには嵐の松本潤が登場。スガさんとは日頃からメールを送り合うほどの中だという松本。嵐らしい爽やかさが光る名曲「アオゾラペダル」も手がけた、スガさんとのプライベートでの交流やデビュー5周年を迎えたKAT-TUNに向けてメッセージを寄せてくれましたのでお楽しみに。
3/25 18:00-18:50
Shonen Club Premium BS 2 song request special
3/25 19:00-19:54 Pekepon Band of Japan Pekepon special x History of our family, FYV
3/25 19:57-22:54 History of our Family, FTV Jun Matsumoto
3/25 23:15-24:15
Bartender Masaki Aiba ep.7. Taiso fold up, and in coma. Miwa dash off with Ryu to hospital. Doctor tells “if he has another attack again I can’t guarantee his life.” she got stunned. Ryu sees Miwa’s aspect with his own eyes, however he feels sad, he stands at Bar Lapin counter. A trading Hayashi and female doctor who came several times before and Terumi Kimijima open Lapin’s door. Hayase who tries to stop smoking sees Terumi who sits first left lit cigar, and says bluntly to light off in bad mood. But Terumi didn’t light off, they get have argument. Hayase’s anger hit boiling point break her cigar, and left the bar. Next day Hayase shows up to Lapin. and apologize his childish attitude. Ryu tells him the sad reason why Terumi left light the cigar. Mean while Miwa at opening party of France fair held at Hotel Cardinal. she gets to know Kuzuhara supports Kase. Maybe there must have movement Kuzuhara for chief bartender of hotel. Miwa tries to induce Ryu to come to face Kase properly again. Dut He refuses to meet Kase as he feels he miss something to be real bartender…!?泰三(津川雅彦)が倒れ、意識不明となった。溜(相葉雅紀)とともに病院へ駆けつけた美和(貫地谷しほり)は、医師から今度発作が起きれば命の保障はないと宣告され、愕然となる。そんな美和の姿を目の当たりにした溜は悲しみを覚えながらも、明るい笑顔を搾り出してBAR「ラパン」のカウンターに立つ。 そんななか、過去に数回来店したことのある商社マン・早瀬宏昭(別所哲也)、女医・君島瑠美(佐藤江梨子)が「ラパン」の扉を開けた。ところが先に席についていた瑠美が、吸いもしないのに火をつけた葉巻を置いたままにしているのを見て、禁煙中の早瀬は露骨に不機嫌な表情で葉巻を消すよう言う。一方の瑠美もおとなしく消そうとはせず、2人は口論に。怒りが沸点に達した早瀬は、瑠美の葉巻をへし折り、足早に店を出て行く。その早瀬が翌日、再び開店前の「ラパン」に顔を見せた。昨夜の子どもじみた振る舞いを詫びる早瀬に、溜は瑠美が葉巻を吸わずに置いていた“悲しい理由”をさりげなく告げる。 一方、美和は「ホテルカーディナル」で行われるフランスフェアのオープニングパーティーで、葛原(金子ノブアキ)が加瀬(竹中直人)のサポートをすることを知る。葛原を「カーディナル」メインバーのチーフにしようとする動きがあるのかもしれない――。美和は、フランスフェアに来てもう一度加瀬とちゃんと向き合うよう、溜を説得しようとする。ところが、自分には“本物のバーテンダー”に必要な何かが足りていないと感じる溜は、加瀬に会うことを拒否し…!?
3/26 19:57-22:54 History of our Family, FTV Jun Matsumoto
3/26 no
Tensai! Shimura zoo due to baseball game
3/26 no
Arashi ni Shiyagare due to special show.
3/28 22:54-23:58
News Zero NTV Sho Sakurai
3/29 17:00-17:50
Shonen Club Premium BShi song request special
3/30 (19:00-19:57
VS Arashi FTV) TBD according to TV chart
3/30 21:00-23:03
Himitsu no Arashi-chan TBS 2 hours special. Mannequin 5 special version. Arashi book whole popular shop in Shinjuku and serious coordination, Mickey Mouse at VIP room. collaboration performance with Mickey and his friends.
4/1 Music Statin 3 hours special, TVA Arahsi
4/1 23:15-24:15
Bartender Masaki Aiba final.
4/7 19:00-20:54
VS Arashi Tunnels VS Arashi serious Thursday battle
4/16 18:00-18:45 Jakuchu Miracle World, PR campaign, Ohno of Arashi meets Jakuchu BS premium Satoshi Ohno
4/18 19:30-20:15 Jakuchu Miracle World, PR campaign, Ohno of Arashi meets Jakuchu (repeat) BS premium Satoshi Ohno
4/23 13:30-14:15 Jakuchu Miracle World, PR campaign, Ohno of Arashi meets Jakuchu (repeat) BS premium Satoshi Ohno
4/25 21:00-22:30 Jakuchu Miracle World BS Premium, Satoshi Ohno mid Edo Era, painter that left unpredictable masterpieces with gorgeous color and detail drawing, Jakucho Ito. At show high technology machine close up his master piece "Dousyoku Saie” (picture of animals and plants), analyse amazing his technique, what is new discovery at searching color by Jakuchu? Indian ink painting black “Rokuonji temple Writing institute wall printing.” is shown on TV for the first time. Professionals, artist of representative of Japan gathered and research secret of its beauty, aspect of Japanese at Erdo era in various angles.江戸時代中期、華麗な色彩と綿密描写で前代未聞の名作を残した画家・伊藤若冲。番組では、代表作『動植綵絵(どうしょくさいえ)』を、ハイテク機器が迫り、驚異のテクニックを詳細に分析。若冲の色彩を追う中で遭遇した新発見とは?さらに、水墨画「鹿苑寺大書院障壁画」をテレビで初公開します。専門家、現代の日本を代表するアーティストが集合し、その美の秘密と、江戸時代の日本人の姿をあらゆる角度から探っていきます。magician of color and light, close up secret of miracle gold 色と光の魔術師~“奇跡の黄金”の秘密に迫る~
4/26 21:00-22:30 Jakuchu Miracle World BS Premium, Satoshi Ohno mid Edo Era, painter that left unpredictable masterpieces with gorgeous color and detail drawing, Jakucho Ito. At show high technology machine close up his master piece "Dousyoku Saie” (picture of animals and plants), analyse amazing his technique, what is new discovery at searching color by Jakuchu? Indian ink painting black “Rokuonji temple Writing institute wall printing.” is shown on TV for the first time. Professionals, artist of representative of Japan gathered and research secret of its beauty, aspect of Japanese at Erdo era in various angles.江戸時代中期、華麗な色彩と綿密描写で前代未聞の名作を残した画家・伊藤若冲。番組では、代表作『動植綵絵(どうしょくさいえ)』を、ハイテク機器が迫り、驚異のテクニックを詳細に分析。若冲の色彩を追う中で遭遇した新発見とは?さらに、水墨画「鹿苑寺大書院障壁画」をテレビで初公開します。専門家、現代の日本を代表するアーティストが集合し、その美の秘密と、江戸時代の日本人の姿をあらゆる角度から探っていきます。breathe life to form, expression of detail and eyesight trick カタチに命を吹き込む ~細密表現と視覚のトリック~
4/27 21:00-22:30 Jakuchu Miracle World BS Premium, Satoshi Ohno mid Edo Era, painter that left unpredictable masterpieces with gorgeous color and detail drawing, Jakucho Ito. At show high technology machine close up his master piece "Dousyoku Saie” (picture of animals and plants), analyse amazing his technique, what is new discovery at searching color by Jakuchu? Indian ink painting black “Rokuonji temple Writing institute wall printing.” is shown on TV for the first time. Professionals, artist of representative of Japan gathered and research secret of its beauty, aspect of Japanese at Erdo era in various angles.江戸時代中期、華麗な色彩と綿密描写で前代未聞の名作を残した画家・伊藤若冲。番組では、代表作『動植綵絵(どうしょくさいえ)』を、ハイテク機器が迫り、驚異のテクニックを詳細に分析。若冲の色彩を追う中で遭遇した新発見とは?さらに、水墨画「鹿苑寺大書院障壁画」をテレビで初公開します。専門家、現代の日本を代表するアーティストが集合し、その美の秘密と、江戸時代の日本人の姿をあらゆる角度から探っていきます。 International person Jakuchu, painter who looked in 1000 years.“国際人”JAKUCHU~千年先を見つめた絵師~
4/28 20:00-21:30 Jakuchu Miracle World BS Premium, Satoshi Ohno mid Edo Era, painter that left unpredictable masterpieces with gorgeous color and detail drawing, Jakucho Ito. At show high technology machine close up his master piece "Dousyoku Saie” (picture of animals and plants), analyse amazing his technique, what is new discovery at searching color by Jakuchu? Indian ink painting black “Rokuonji temple Writing institute wall printing.” is shown on TV for the first time. Professionals, artist of representative of Japan gathered and research secret of its beauty, aspect of Japanese at Erdo era in various angles.江戸時代中期、華麗な色彩と綿密描写で前代未聞の名作を残した画家・伊藤若冲。番組では、代表作『動植綵絵(どうしょくさいえ)』を、ハイテク機器が迫り、驚異のテクニックを詳細に分析。若冲の色彩を追う中で遭遇した新発見とは?さらに、水墨画「鹿苑寺大書院障壁画」をテレビで初公開します。専門家、現代の日本を代表するアーティストが集合し、その美の秘密と、江戸時代の日本人の姿をあらゆる角度から探っていきます。 revolution of black, challenger of Indian ink painting black 黒の革命~水墨画の挑戦者~
every other Tuesday Arashi ni shiyagare
every other Tuesday VS Arashi
every other Wednesday Himitsu no Arashi-chan
3/8 Arashi ni Shiyagare
3/15 VS Arashi
3/16 Himitsu no Arashi-chan
3/22 Arashi ni Shiyagare
3/29 VS Arashi
3/30 Himitsu no Arashi-chan
23 April 2011
Gantz Perfect Answer Part II Kazunari Ninomiya
God's medical report Sho Sakurai Ichito Kurihara works at small hospital in Shinsyu area, an internal medicine specialist who is not good at being sad. Here, doctors are always badly off. To remedy not his specialty area is his daily happening, also can’t have sleep for 3 days also his daily happening. He handle daily medical care cooperating with richly-experienced nurse and a friend who has character but a brilliant doctor. One day he has offer from his college, If he would back to college he can get more days off and increase time to spend with his sweet wife. But why not to have a doctor who faces to patients who are considered too late by college university or big hospital. It was -unexpected gift by Azumi-san who is old age cancer patient gives someone a supportive push to Ichito who struggles.
coming winter 2011
Kaibutsu-kun 3D Satoshi Ohno Time past since the day he farewell Human world, it was time to have king coronation . Kaibutsu-kun appeared struts into his nation, this is not applause nor roar, unexpectedly booing. Voice against coronation, “Shut up!!!” he leave Monster land, he drag his companies who tried to stop him in their desperation. He escape to Human world again. He head to Japan where Hiroshi and Utako lives and full of good memories. but… the place where they arrived as Currey Kingdom. there, he is mistaken as legend brave. he head to save Pirai princess of Currently Kingdom caught by rebel troops impersonating to legend brave… but Can Kaibutsu-kun other save princess and back to Monster land safely!?
Mitsuya Cider Sho Sakurai
Super Mario Brothers, Kazunari Ninomiya & Satoshi Ohno
3/22 House Foods,
Vermont Curry Masaki Aiba
3/27 Eizai,
Chocolat BB Royal T Kazunari Ninomiya
4/2 Eizai,
Chocolat BB Royal 2 Kazunari Ninomiya
4/19 House Foods, Tongari Corn, all
Mario Kart Wii, Kazunari Ninomiya & Jun Matsumoto
Muhi, Masaki Aiba
Mario Galaxy 2 Kazunari Ninomiya & Masaki Aiba
Pino Sho Sakurai
JC- Kazunari Ninomiya
KFC havanero boneless, Satoshi Ohno
au bathroom Kazunari Ninomiya & Satoshi Ohno Masaki Aiba
Tanrei Green Label, Jun Matsumoto Masaki Aiba Satoshi Ohno
au bathroom Sho Sakurai & Jun Matsumoto
Wii party, all
Mitsuya Cider ”want to drink" version Sho Sakurai
7/15 Kose,
Fasio Jun Matsumoto
Hitachi appliance Sho Sakurai Masaki Aiba
JAL, movin'on
Hitachi appliance All,
Soup de Okoge Kazunari Ninomiya
Hitachi appliance Kazunari Ninomiya
Super Mario Brother's wii Kazunari Ninomiya & Satoshi Ohno
+ Water Jun Matsumoto
+ Water on sale version Jun Matsumoto
9/25 Kirin,
Tanrei Green Label Jun Matsumoto Masaki Aiba Satoshi Ohno
Hitachi appliance Satoshi Ohno
10/18 House Foods, Tongari Corn, all.
10/28 KFC
Chicken pot pie Jun Matsumoto
Wii sports resort Masaki Aiba x Satoshi Ohno
Fasio Jun Matsumoto
Hitachi appliance Jun Matsumoto
JCB frog version Kazunari Ninomiya
Chocola BB Kazunari Ninomiya
+ Water new version Jun Matsumoto
Wii Donky Kong Returns Sho Sakurai x Jun Matsumoto
1/1 Vermont Curry Masaki Aiba
1/6 Able Sho Sakurai
Nintendo 3DS, all
JCB 50th anniversary version Kazunari Ninomiya
Fasio Jun Matsumoto
Kirin Tanrei Green Label Jun Matsumoto Masaki Aiba Satoshi Ohno Kazunari Ninomiya
Oronamin C Sho Sakurai
Nintendo 3DS, Jun Matsumoto Masaki Aiba Satoshi Ohno
Nintendogs and Cats Sho Sakurai Kazunari Ninomiya
Oronamin C “Tokyo Sky Tree”Sho Sakurai
Chocola BB office version Kazunari Ninomiya
2/18 Aijinomoto Frozen food Sho Sakurai
Nintendo 3DS, Masaki Aiba
Nintendogs and Cats Sho Sakurai Kazunari Ninomiya
Nintendo 3DS, Masaki Aiba
Nintendogs and Cats Sho Sakurai Kazunari Ninomiya
3/10 Naive Satoshi Ohno
3/13 AFLAC, “appearance of Blue Duck”version Sho Sakurai
3/20 AFLAC, “Blue Duck’s thought” version Sho Sakurai
2/16 TV Station, catch the Arashi
2/18, Orista, serial “secret of Arashi”Jun Matsumoto, Kazunari Ninomiya, Sho Sakurai
2/19 non-no serial “Arashi/2” “Kotatsu no Arashi” Sho Sakurai x Satoshi Ohno
2/20 Switch Masaki Aiba
2/23 Myojo, digest of concert 2010-2011, never seen picture of Arashi.
2/23 Popolo
2/23 weekly TV guide, serial “secret of Arashi”
2/23 weekly The Television
2/23 Soda, Masaki Aiba Bartender site report
2/23 Dramatic TV Life, Masaki Aiba Bartender
2/24 Hanako, serial “secret Arashi-san of Himitsu no Arashi-chan.”
2/24 GQ Japan, serial GQ x Arashi ni Shiyagare Kazunrai Ninomiya
2/24 Monthly The Television, serial “monthly Arashi”
2/24 Monthly TV Navi
2/24 Monthly TV Guide
2/24 TV fun
2/25 Orista, serial '”secret of Arashi”
2/26 More, serial It Kazunair Ninomiya
3/1 Club iT, Gantz perfect Answer Kazunari Ninomiya
3/1 Toho Cinemas Magazine, God’s medical note Sho Sakurai
3/1 Cinema Square, Gantz Kazunari Ninomiya x Kenichi Matsuyama, Satoshi Ohno movie Kaibutsu-kun
3/2 Weekly TV Guide, serial Arashi-bin Kazunari Ninomiya x Satoshi Ohno
3/2 Weekly The Television,
3/2 TV life, serial “Arashi ni Shiyagareni Shiyagare” serial Masaki Aiba “cocktail talk”
3/2 TV Pia, interview with Masaki Aiba, shooting site report of movie Kaibutsu-kun Satoshi Ohno
3/2 TV Station, catch the Arashi
3/4 Gyao Magazine, Gantz perfect answer Kazunari Ninomiya , God’s medical note Sho Sakurai
3/4 Nikkei Entertainment, cover Kazunari Ninomiya
3/4 Cinema Cinema Kaibutsu-kun Satoshi Ohno
3/4 Orista, serial '”secret of Arashi” Kazunari Ninomiya, Arashi, Satoshi Ohno
3/7 Duet, serial “Arashi Zoom”
3/7 Potato serial “Around Arashi”
3/7 Wink up
3/9 Weekly TV Guide, serial “Arashi-bin”
3/9 Weekly The Television, Kaibutsu-kun returned on and off shot.
3/10 Popeye, Jun Matsumoto
3/10 Hanako, serial “secret Arashi-san of Himitsu no Arashi-chan.”
3/10 Casa Brutus, serial Sho Sakurai and architecture.
3/10 Fab, Gatnz perfect Answer Kazunari Ninomiya
3/11 Orista, serial '”secret of Arashi”
3/16 Weekly TV Guide, serial Arashi-bin
3/16 Weekly The Television,
3/16 TV life, serial “Arashi ni Shiyagareni Shiyagare” serial Masaki Aiba “cocktail talk”
3/16 TV Pia, Himitsu no Arashi-chan special
3/16 TV Station, catch the Arashi
3/18 Orista, serial '”secret of Arashi” Masaki Aiba
3/20 non-no serial “Arashi/2” “ Radio no Arashi” Satoshi Ohno x Masaki Aiba
3/23 Myojo, never seen picture of Arashi.
3/23 Popolo
3/23 weekly TV guide, serial “secret of Arashi”
3/23 weekly The Television
3/23 Soda, Satoshi Ohno Kaibutsu-kun
3/24Hanako, serial “secret Arashi-san of Himitsu no Arashi-chan.”
3/24 GQ Japan, serial GQ x Arashi ni Shiyagare Kazunrai Ninomiya
3/24 Monthly The Television, serial “monthly Arashi”
3/24 Monthly TV Navi, serial “Himitsu no Arashi -chan prep & revision”
3/24 Monthly TV Guide
3/24 TV fun
3/25 Orista, serial “secret of Arashi”
3/28 More, serial It Kazunair Ninomiya, Arashi photo and interview 13 pages
3/30 Weekly TV Guide, serial “Arashi-bin”
3/30 Weekly The Television,
3/30 TV life, serial “Arashi ni Shiyagareni Shiyagare” serial Masaki Aiba “cocktail talk”
3/30 TV Pia,
3/30 TV Station, catch the Arashi
4/1 Orista, serial “secret of Arashi”
4/6 Weekly TV Guide, serial “Arashi-bin”
4/6 Weekly The Television,
4/8 Orista, serial “secret of Arashi”
3/10 18:30- pre-release part 2 at Tokyo International Forum A due date 28 Feb
4/13 18:30 pre-release part 2 at Nisho hall
[venue] Akasaka Sacas [Period to vote] 7-13 March from 11:00-21:00 (only 9 opens from 14:00) [distribution of numbering ticket] from 10:00 am every day (3000piece) except 9 from 13:00 (2100 piece). [note] this is only for girl. The result on air 31 March from 9pm Himitsu no Arashi-chan spring special
3/16 Permanent part timer buys a house
DVD Kazunari Ninomiya
suspended 1000 dreams I have with you”
DVD Masaki Aiba
4/20 Into the G ll
DVD, Kazunrai Ninomiya
changed to4/15 Ohoku
DVD and Blu-ray, limited edition and general edition. Kazunrai Ninomiya
This week word by Sho-kun
Satoshi no Hitotoki vol 137 3 Jan
Enjoy vol.72 updated 28 Feb (every 30th )
Otonoha vol. 75 updated 20 Feb (update every 10th and 20th)
Aibartender 4 Mar
Prince Satoshi no Hitotoki 24 June
serial Tokujo 21 March
No. 1 (Aiba~ one) 14 Sep (last)
My girl mail: 12/11
Annoying mail from all 6 Oct.
Annoying mail from Aiba-chan 17 May,
Annoying mail from O-chan 16 Mar 3 Sep
Annoying mail from Sho-chan 17 Jan
Annoying mail from Jun-kun 9/3
Tenkimi mail from Nino: 9/24
Ura Arashi 2010: 8/21: Aiba-chan, 8/22 Nino, 9/3: Sho-kun, 9/4: O-chan 10/29 Jun-kun 10/30 O-chan 10/31 Nino,11/13 Sho-kun, 11/14 Aiba-chan,11/19 Jun-kun,11/20 Aiba-chan,11/21 Sho-kun, 12/4: O-chan, 12/5: Jun-kun, 1/15:Nino 1/16 by all
Regular TV programs & TV program to be checked
Serials on Magazines & magazines to be checked
every Wed:
TV Guide,
The Television (weekly), Nikkan Monday Johnny's
every other Wed:
TV station , Josei Jisin, TV Pia
every other Thu:
Hanako every Friday Orista
Wink up,
POTATO 20th:
Non-no 2/ Arashi
Myojo, Serial" Arashi ato" , Popolo,
The Television (monthly) "Monthly Arashi"
More "It" Kazunari Ninomiya
Arashi Anniversary
25 Jan Sho Sakurai BD, year 1982
17 May Jun Matsumoto agency entry, year 1996
17 Jun Kazunari Ninomiya BD, year 1983
19 Jun Kazunari Ninomiya agency entry, year 1996
15 Aug Masaki Aiba agency entry, year 1996
30 Aug Jun Matsumoto BD, year 1983
16 Sep Arashi united in Hawaii, year 1999
16 Oct Satoshi Ohno agency entry, year 1994
22 Oct Sho Sakurai agency entry, year 1995
3 Nov Arashi debut, year 1999
26 Nov Satoshi Ohno BD, year 1980
24 Dec Masaki AibaBD, year 1982
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