(no subject)

Jun 29, 2024 12:56

Все, наверное, видели эту или подобную (существует множество вариантов) картинку. Это реакция трампистов и уже давно правых вообще, на любой скандал и, в последнее время, на любое решение суда, касающееся Трампа.

И уж кто not fit to be president in every way imaginable...

Это, конечно, опять же, к психологическим отличиям.

То есть я что хочу сказать. Как я уже написал в одном из комментариев, Biden performance at the debate was horrible, but setting your hair on fire is not the way to react. It is a way, but it is extremely counterproductive.

On that note, я хочу процитировать сиониста Маршалла, с которым я в очередной раз согласен. A critical thing to keep in mind is that there are, I think, maybe a half dozen people who have real input on this. Joe Biden, Jill Biden, Pelosi, Jeffries, Schumer, Obama. I’ve seen a few commentators say they owe us a conversation about whether Biden’s up to the rigors of a campaign. I disagree. They owe us a decision. We’re in the landing craft going in for D-Day. Only this time we don’t know how D-Day ends up. If there’s a problem with the strategy or the general, we need those folks to make a decision. They have more information and the simple fact is that you and I can’t make the decision. Whatever psychic relief one gets from saying, “He should step aside!” doesn’t actually change anything. That doesn’t mean, “Oh they’re our betters; they’re the establishment. I guess we’ll just have to do what they say” or any other pseudo-populist bullshit. It’s simply a recognition of the reality of the situation. They’re at the controls. We’re not. We need a decision and then we plow onto the beaches.
И также: I don’t want to run around like a chicken with his head cut off. It’s not a good way to be. It’s not a dignified way to be in the world.

Эта запись в DW: https://yakov-a-jerkov.dreamwidth.org/2203447.html
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