Часть о том, что Трамп убедил своих сторонников в нечестности американских выборов (что уже нанесло непоправимый ущерб стране, добавлю я от себя), безусловно, верна. А часть про то, что ничего из попыток Трампа и республиканцев переиграть выборы не получится, верна вероятно.
Mark Joseph Stern: Republicans are helping Trump create a harrowing atmosphere of very real, deep fear that he might stage a coup. I feel it, too. But there is no substance behind his theatrics. There are no remotely plausible scenarios in which he will prevail. He will leave office on Jan. 20.
I am intensely pessimistic about everything related to Trump. But none of his lawsuits stand a chance of overturning the outcome of this election. Yes, even with THIS Supreme Court. Trump’s delegitimization of the election may have horrific consequences. But he will leave office.
And to be clear, I absolutely believe there were scenarios in which Trump could steal the election. I wrote about them! But we are not in one. We aren’t even close. The recent actions of Trump and the GOP are truly odious-banana republic stuff. But they won’t work. He will leave.
I am very worried about the consequences of Trump and Republicans convincing their voters that Democrats rig elections through mass voters fraud! I’m worried about future elections that are within stealing distance for the GOP. But I am not worried that Trump will steal this one.