Tough on Russia

Aug 28, 2019 21:58

Trump slow-walks Ukraine military aid meant to contain Russia The Trump administration is slow-walking $250 million in military assistance to Ukraine, annoying lawmakers and advocates who argue the funding is critical to keeping Russia at bay.

President Donald Trump asked his national security team to review the funding program, known as the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative, in order to ensure the money is being used in the best interest of the United States, a senior administration official told POLITICO on Wednesday.
Комментарий Шиффа: Trump is withholding vital military aid to Ukraine, while his personal lawyer seeks help from the Ukraine government to investigate his political opponent.

It doesn’t take a stable genius to see the magnitude of this conflict.

Or how destructive it is to our national security.
Очередной привет украинским трампистам. Впрочем, думаю даже украинские трамписты одобрят это дело. Потому как правильно ведь, нужно ведь ensure, что the money is being used in the best interest of the United States.

И вот еще что. Я практически уверен, что, реши Трамп to slow-walk помощь Израилю, это не нашло бы понимания у русскоязычных трампистов. А вот у трампистов at large решение "хватит кормить Израиль" вызвало бы ликование.
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